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God is a Geek

3696 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
56.5% of games recommended

God is a Geek's Reviews

9 / 10.0 - Child of Light
Apr 28, 2014

Although it's a bit too easy, and doesn't offer very much post-game content, this is a surprisingly brilliant game that tries something new and succeeds way more often than it fails. Child of Light is full of character and personality, and is probably one of the best looking games you'll play this year, relying on design instead of power. Give it a go, you'll find it very hard not to fall in love with Aurora's tale, and the land of Lemuria.

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Apr 28, 2014

Triple Deluxe is a solid platformer bookended by some great extras, even if it is pretty easy, give or take a couple of tricky boss encounters. It lacks the sense of wonderment that Epic Yarn generated with its incredible use of texture, humour and verve, yet is still well worth a look -and is perhaps the finest handheld outing for the cerise sucker. Another understated triumph for Nintendo, then.

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10 / 10.0 - Dark Souls II
Apr 25, 2014

If you had issues with Dark Souls II on console then Dark Souls II PC will not fix them. If you were hoping that this would be the gorgeous next-gen Souls experience we were shown in that first video then, well, it isn't. But if you were holding out to find out just how the PC version of Dark Souls II performs then know, with full confidence, that it is far and away the superior version, and that's without the need to download any sort of fan-made patch. The cycle of death and success has never felt this good.

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Apr 24, 2014

Mario Golf World Tour offers a methodical 3DS sports title that fills a niche on the console more than adequately, and it would have been a compelling and satisfying golf game regardless of whether it built courses in the Mushroom Kingdom or not. One of the best plates of chips I've had in a while, regardless of the ketchup.

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8 / 10.0 - NES Remix 2
Apr 21, 2014

A love letter to the Nintendo Entertainment System and a wonderful introduction or reintroduction for gamers of all ages, NES Remix 2 expands on the entertaining original by providing challenges based on some of the best first-party games ever released on the system, making it a more complete package than its predecessor. It's the kind of game that no-one else but Nintendo could create, and I only hope a Game Boy or SNES Remix is next on the agenda.

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8 / 10.0 - Trials Fusion
Apr 16, 2014

Regardless of negatives, Trials Fusion is still a fun, yet hard-core twitch-based experience that will give you hours of pleasure (depending on your definition of the word), but the best part of it is still the competition it creates with your friends list, and with that in mind, I'll see you on the leaderboards, folks.

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7 / 10.0 - LEGO The Hobbit
Apr 15, 2014

Although a decent jaunt for fans of either franchise, this is an example of a game created purely because the developers had the means to create it. This franchise is no longer essential, and there is serious work to be done if TT want their over-fed baby to remain fresh and current, and not merely soullessly lucrative. An enjoyable romp in of itself then, but by this point no one but kids and fans need really apply.

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7 / 10.0 - Goat Simulator
Apr 11, 2014

Providing that you are in on the joke, you are almost guaranteed to have a good time – albeit only for a few hours a best. Running around as a goat is something I never imagined I wanted to do, but it turns out it's incredibly fun. The bugs and general lack of polish do have a negative effect on the game and the short playtime will have some questioning whether it's worth the asking price. But if you are looking for a couple of hours of fun with a lot of laughs, you cant go wrong with Goat Simulator.

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Apr 11, 2014

Reaper of Souls turns Diablo III into the game that it should have been at launch. The Auction House is gone, the loot system is fixed and we finally have a proper end-game that will keep both new and experienced players fighting for many hours to come. Unless you play as a Crusader there is almost no change to the core gameplay, so if you didn't like it first time round you wont like it now. But for those of us who loved the original game, Reaper of Souls is the perfect excuse to jump back in and indulge in hours of loot-collecting, monster-destroying, good old-fashioned fun.

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6 / 10.0 - Betrayer
Apr 10, 2014

Still, there are some decent features in Betrayer. It's gorgeous to look at and your experience may be different from mine, depending on your luck. If nothing else, it has made me very excited to see what Blackpowder have learned from creating Betrayer, and I hope they can improve on the problems I encountered in the future.

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There's still plenty to uncover, with two episodes to go, and things are setting up quite nicely for an explosive finale, but don't enter A Crooked Mile expecting to get much in the way of answers. The conclusion will come soon enough but until then, enjoy the bloody, twisted ride.

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Apr 7, 2014

Strike Suit Zero is a solid space shooter that offers a well-crafted balance between arcade blasting and tactical challenge. Unless you're a fan of dog-fights and sci-fi, you're unlikely to give Born Ready's console port a second glance, but if you're after a user-friendly blaster with a decent lifespan and enough variety to stave off the tedium often inherent in the genre, then this comes heartily recommended.

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8 / 10.0 - Mercenary Kings
Apr 7, 2014

Like any good game in the Metal Slug-style, Mercenary Kings is by turns maddeningly frustrating and wonderfully cathartic. A special brand of distilled mayhem keeps the pace fast and the payback high as Kings rewards you for every foray into its deadly world. But its unwillingness to fully explain its crafting element, the inconsistent mission design and the odd teeny-tiny bug hold it back from perfection. Still, the leaderboard system and simple, gung-ho mechanics ensure that it remains good fun until the over-long campaign eventually out-stays its welcome.

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Apr 7, 2014

The controls and detection afforded by the new hardware undoubtedly makes Kinect Sports Rivals a much more technically-accomplished title, with fewer of the niggly irritations gamers almost expect from a motion control game. The events generally work (tennis aside) but, sadly, functionality isn't the basis for an enjoyable game. The emphasis on the story mode and online sharing loses the simple magic of local multiplayer and the silliness of party play. Yes, party games can be a bit grating, but Kinect Sports always managed a good mix where you could play seriously or play for laughs. Rivals does not have this same variety and, while it controls well, there is a definite loss of personality.

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Mar 28, 2014

Towerfall knows exactly what it is, and though some may bemoan the lack of online play, it just wouldn't be the same with it. If you're buying it to play alone, you're not going to get the benefit of the full experience, but if you have friends and a few controllers, you'll be hard pushed to find a better multiplayer experience around at the moment.

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7 / 10.0 - ETHER One
Mar 27, 2014

In many ways, seeing a developer give the player such a large degree of responsibility is forward thinking. It's certainly rare, these days. Unearthing the story at your own pace is wonderful. However, Ether One goes too far in that direction and puzzles become tedious exercises in trying combinations of different items you acquired in a completely different area. There is no shortage of interesting ideas present, but it's hard to look at Ether One and not think it could have been more.

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Part Two of Burial at Sea delivers on the promise set out in Part One, and is a fitting close to BioShock Infinite in general. It's become cool to hate on Infinite in recent times, but bandwagons be damned, this is a fantastic piece of content, if a little pricey. You already know you're going to play this if you grabbed Part One, but I'm here to tell you that you won't be disappointed with Part Two.

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Mar 20, 2014

Infamous proves that if you look good, sometimes you can get away with things other's cannot. It's not the best game in the world, and it'll frustrate you at times, but the visual splendour is such that you need to see it for yourself to believe it.

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Mar 20, 2014

Those of you who were hoping for a blockbuster end to the series of downloadable episodes will likely be disappointed. The Last Agent sets itself up well with a stronger premise, which actually expands upon the campaign plot, but falters in its execution. It suffers all of the same pitfalls that affected episodes one, two and three, whilst offering perhaps even less actual new content than each of those. A grand finale this definitely is not, and whilst The Untold Stories of Los Perdidos gave players a welcome reason to re-enter the city, they have short-changed loyal fans at almost every turn.

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Mar 18, 2014

Ground Zeroes is excellent, it really is. Not only is it one of the best-looking games ever made, there is simply nothing I would change about the gameplay at all. It's an appetiser that has me drooling for the main course, and that means it has done its job. If you can overlook the price tag and the fact that there's DLC out there for other games that provides more bang for your buck, then this is absolutely worth picking up.

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