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Pure Xbox

458 games reviewed
70.9 average score
70 median score
54.0% of games recommended

Pure Xbox's Reviews

Mar 22, 2015

It's a half-hearted attempt at bringing the series into the current generation, and is only barely recommended for the absolute die-hard fans of the original. This is a real shame and even if you can get past the bare-bones approach to remastering that Omega Force have taken, you probably won't get past all the bugs.

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8 / 10 - Ziggurat
Mar 19, 2015

For the past week we've been delving through the dungeon on a nightly basis, and we anticipate our interest in monster slaying won't cease upon completion of this review. That may be a bigger compliment than you realize.

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As penultimate episodes go, Episode 3: Judgment does a rock solid job of keeping players engaged in its story as it leads into the game's final chapter. We're now eagerly anticipating the finale, but we're also a little bit apprehensive about where things will go next. Like all good serialized story-telling, that means the creators are at least doing a great job keeping us invested.

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7 / 10 - Shiftlings
Mar 11, 2015

Shiftlings is a game that will frustrate many people, but ultimately it's one that's worth playing through. Due to the focus being on just a few simple mechanics, puzzles that at first seem impossible can often have a simple solution. These moments of brilliance are what keep Shiftlings a compelling experience and one that continues to test your wit until the very end.

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5 / 10 - White Night
Mar 11, 2015

White Night is a great concept with a really nice art style. The atmosphere it provides is incredibly convincing and genuinely unsettling, right up until the time that the perceived threat becomes a reality and things take a nosedive. A tad more polish would have seen this become a real benchmark for the genre, but a number of missed steps mean that it will likely just fade into the darkness.

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Episode Two: Contemplation is hands down, a better, stronger, and more satisfying entry than the Revelations 2 premiere episode was.

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7 / 10 - OlliOlli
Mar 10, 2015

OlliOlli is a fine indie game that will most likely get its hooks into you and not let go. It isn't a perfect port, and it's a little galling to be paying for the original game when the sequel is currently free on PlayStation 4 as a part of PlayStation Plus. But, if you haven't been exposed to the game before now, there are definitely worse ways to spend £8.

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DmC: Devil May Cry is one of the best hack-and-slash games out there, and now it's even better thanks to a higher frame-rate, fresh difficulty settings, and a slight speed boost. If you didn't get around to slaying demons with Dante back in 2013, now's your chance to do so.

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Mar 9, 2015

This is a powerful experience that we expect will be remembered for a long time to come, and it's, without question, one of the best games available for the Xbox One. That's a big statement, we know, but Ori's got more than enough spirit to back it up.

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Mar 6, 2015

There's no doubt that some will be hooked and will love it – it's certainly therapeutic fare – but with the issues it contains, there's a much greater chance that you'll feel the opposite way.

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9 / 10 - ScreamRide
Mar 2, 2015

ScreamRide is thrilling, addictive, fun, enjoyable, well-crafted, rewarding, challenging, and has the potential to go on to be a long and successful franchise. It isn't just about holding on to your hat as you fly down a vertical drop, building the biggest coaster you can, or trying to hold on to your lunch as you hit an inversion at 120mph. There's thought, the tools for a community to spring up around it, and lots of longevity here, and at really is only some very minor niggles that stops ScreamRide from picking up perfect marks.

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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is off to a pretty good start. It's fun, campy, and even manages to throw in a few good scares. Once you get past the somewhat predictable first half, the game really comes together in the second with a blend of solid action, horror, and stealth. Dividing the game into episodic chunks is already shaping up to a successful experiment for Capcom, and we can't wait to see where it all leads to in the coming weeks.

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Feb 26, 2015

Pneuma: Breath of Life didn't completely rock our world, but it did make for a captivating and satisfying afternoon in front of the television. If puzzle adventures are your thing and you don't mind linear progression, there's a lot to like here.

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8 / 10 - Roundabout
Feb 19, 2015

If you're a fan of absurd humor, fast-paced challenging gameplay and seeing Eric Pope in a farmer outfit, then Roundabout should be the next game you purchase. It may aim to feel like a B-movie, but Roundabout is a blockbuster in terms of fun.

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Feb 17, 2015

But is it the best cricket game ever made? The way in which it simulates the battle between bowler and batsman as well as all of the other nice little touches it provides, means that it knocks the opposition for six.

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8 / 10 - Evolve
Feb 15, 2015

When Evolve is at its best, it is one of the greatest co-op experiences ever crafted. Few games require so much teamwork and are as satisfying when everything falls into place. Conversely, it can be a complete mess when played with hunters that are incompetent or not playing their position. If you have a group of friends that are willing to put in both the financial and time commitment for Evolve then there is no reason not to buy it. Otherwise your mileage will vary.

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8 / 10 - The Escapists
Feb 12, 2015

[A failed attempt] will either steel you for the next attempt, or cause you to put the controller down in anger. If you're in the former group, the sheer wealth of options available to you, combined with the art style and the occasional laugh-out-loud moment, mean that The Escapists is definitely recommended.

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2 / 10 - Rugby 15
Feb 12, 2015

Rugby 15 is an absolute shambles of a game. . . . If you're a rugby fan and you see this in the store, kick it into touch and run the other way. Or just teleport. Like rugby players apparently can.

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6 / 10 - Dying Light
Feb 2, 2015

Some will love it, others will hate it, but Dying Light is an interesting experiment at least.

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Jan 29, 2015

If you're on the market for an afternoon's worth of casually-paced entertainment and want to put your problem-solving skills to the test, then you should gear up for a bit of Unmechanical. It respects both the genre and your time, and for that — along with plenty of other reasons — there's quite a satisfying experience to be had.

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