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638 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
57.3% of games recommended

GameZone's Reviews

9 / 10.0 - Luftrausers
Mar 30, 2014

I could talk more and more about how enjoyable Luftrausers is, how exciting the gameplay is, how easy re-starting the game after death can be, how addicting and exhilarating the experience is, but at the end of the day, you can kill a battleship by flying your plane through it.

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Mar 29, 2014

With a really good Act V, an awesome new area, new skills for every class, the addition of the Crusader, the Mystic, and entirely new modes to play that changes the way to get loot, Diablo 3 is finally the game we all hoped it would be.

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9 / 10.0 - Dark Souls II
Mar 25, 2014

Dark Souls 2 isn't a beat it and leave it sort of game. There's so much you can do, and I love that. . . . The game is still budding, and I'm really looking forward to the crazy crap people come up with.

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Mar 24, 2014

inFamous: Second Son might not be leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessors in gameplay, as it never really strays from the core inFAMOUS mechanics, and doesn't take any heavy risks with storytelling. However, it's undeniable that beating up bad guys with various super-powers in a seemingly living and breathing city is a perfect combination for a hell of a good time.

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It certainly is a tough pill to swallow, knowing that Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is quite possibly the last time we’ll experience an adventure with the top-hatted scholar. Nevertheless, Level 5 sends him off on a worthy adventure, fitting for his farewell.

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8 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Dig
Mar 20, 2014

While I absolutely adored most of SteamWorld Dig, it is quite short.

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Mar 18, 2014

At full disclosure, my score fully reflects my willingness to dive deeper into the game, and also the fact that I'm genuinely into the Metal Gear franchise. For me, the short mission time wasn't completely awful. If anything, Ground Zeroes helped me build excitement for what's to come.

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Unscored - Titanfall
Mar 18, 2014

Titanfall isn't the most amazing shooter I've ever played. It doesn't live up to the unreasonable amount of hype it has received, but it is a fun game, and a good one at that. What it lacks in depth and variety, it makes up for in map design, maneuverability, action and balance. Titanfall is probably the most balanced and versatile shooter that equips players with multiple tools to get the job done.

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Mar 16, 2014

As a zombie twin-stick shooter it gets the job done, but it's qualities are lessened by its lost potential. It's lost in the shadows of better games.

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Mar 16, 2014

When the decks are all shuffled and the cards are dealt, Hearthstone shines as a fantastic casual free-to-play digital card game. If you're looking for a bit more substance, though, you might want to go elsewhere.

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Whether it's through conversation or through action, A House Divided will make you feel.

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Mar 5, 2014

Don't let the thought of a Plants vs. Zombies shooter scare you off; it actually is a really fun game. Yes it needs more game modes and split-screen play options, but everything else about the game shines.

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Mar 4, 2014

South Park: The Stick of Truth perfectly encompasses what the show is all about. My only wish is that more of my favorite characters could've been given the spotlight, but I guess when you've got 17 seasons worth of content, that's easier said than done.

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9 / 10.0 - Risk of Rain
Feb 26, 2014

While frustrations will arise, they're quickly subsided by accomplishment, joy, and amazement that you were really able to live for that long against seemingly insurmountable odds.

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Feb 25, 2014

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 doesn't do everything right, but the solid combat, breathtaking environment, and wonderfully orchestrated soundtrack more than make up for its annoyances. If this truly is Mercury Steam's last go with the series, it's a good exit.

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6 / 10.0 - Thief
Feb 24, 2014

Some might be able to look past Thief's shortcomings and instead only focus on the moments of brilliance. However, I imagine long-time Thief fans hoping for Garrett's grand return might be somewhat disappointed.

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8 / 10.0 - Strider
Feb 20, 2014

All in all, if you're a fan of the Strider franchise or just are looking for a fun to play action-platformer, I strongly suggest picking up the new Strider.

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Unscored - Rayman Legends
Feb 18, 2014

Really though, only one question needs to be answered: is Rayman Legends worth getting on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One? Honestly, that depends. If you haven't played the game at all then yes, absolutely get it.

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Feb 17, 2014

The LEGO Movie Videogame isn't bad by any means. Chances are, if you love the movie, you won't mind experiencing it all over again. It's just a little ironic that for a movie that touts the importance of imagination, and not just sticking to the script, that the LEGO Movie Videogame does the exact opposite.

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Admittedly, I still don't know where I stand on the series as a whole, but that's probably because we're only in Episode Two. With three more still planned, I'm anxious to see where Telltale takes the series. I just hope we don't have to wait another four months to find out.

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