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638 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
57.3% of games recommended

GameZone's Reviews

6 / 10.0 - Outlast
Feb 5, 2014

The bigger issue is that Outlast accomplishes far more as an experience than it does as a game. That would be fine, but it tries to be a game more often than its stealth mechanics and AI could bear. Is it scary? For sure. But it's also capable of falling apart completely, deflating its own scare tactics, and leaving you wondering why Miles Upsher can't throw a single punch.

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Feb 2, 2014

Tomb Raider was already a gorgeous game, but seeing it on one of these newer consoles is breathtaking.

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8 / 10.0 - Loadout
Jan 31, 2014

Although hindered by its lacking game type and map selection, as well as a handful of missing features (to be expected of an early access game) and balance issues, Loadout is an enjoyably hectic shooting experience with an unexpected dose of platforming that shines among today's run-of-the-mill cover-based shooters.

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Jan 25, 2014

My best advice is to just try it for yourself, because Don't Starve is such a polarizing game. What I can say with certainty, however, is that you should at least give it a chance.

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7 / 10.0 - The Banner Saga
Jan 25, 2014

The Banner Saga is not without flaws, but it is a fun playthrough that will definitely challenge you -- if only with the decisions you are forced to make.

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Jan 22, 2014

It's got gorgeous visuals, and it's some fun, occasionally, and it's also got some great level design.

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Jan 19, 2014

Doki-Doki Universe isn't a game for everyone. As much as I enjoyed playing through it, I highly recommend checking out some gameplay videos of the game before committing. For those that want to take a cute journey of self-discovery, I can't think of a game that does it better.

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8 / 10.0 - Super Motherload
Jan 19, 2014

Out of all the digital launch games, Super Motherload is one to give you hours of enjoyment, simply based on its high replaybility. Not only are the level layouts different each time, skills and upgrades shift around as well, which will usually drastically change up the way you play.

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Jan 17, 2014

Broken Age can't quite overcome the problem that's plagued the adventure genre for decades: obscure puzzle solutions that force players to use every item in their inventory in as many ways as they can think of.

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Jan 4, 2014

Some of these issues could be excused with enticing gameplay and exciting action, but things never come full circle. Halo: Spartan Assault is a soulless, boring, chore of a game. The small glimpses of fun arcade like gameplay are drowned away by frustration and money grabbing.

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Dec 28, 2013

I can't speak for veteran Killzone players, but as a series newcomer I expected more from Shadow Fall. The PlayStation 4 represents the new generation of gaming, but it seems Guerilla Games may have been stuck in the past with Shadow Fall. There just aren't enough "next-gen" moments worthy of being the poster child for the PS4.

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Dec 28, 2013

TT Games' LEGO Marvel Super Heroes presents a nice break from the complex sports titles and intense shooters that overrun the console. That's not to say the game doesn't offer it's own action, but it's much less in your face. Plus, it's LEGO.

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In the end, Episode One: All That Remains does a decent job of setting up the season. . . . The future remains unwritten for Clementine in Season Two, but it's certainly off to a strong start.

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6 / 10.0 - Tiny Brains
Dec 9, 2013

If a price tag doesn't bother you, and you have four controllers and friends, AND you don't mind a game that you'll never want to touch after a solid evening of fun, then Tiny Brains is still a worthy recommendation. That's a lot of caveats, though, and when there are games like Super Mario 3D World offering similar chaotic fun with hours of additional gameplay and challenge, Tiny Brains doesn't make the grade.

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8 / 10.0 - Warframe
Dec 5, 2013

If you're willing to put in the time, Warframe is an extremely enjoyable, albeit somewhat repetitive game that's way better when playing it with friends. If you just picked up a PS4, Warframe needs to be one of the first things you download.

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7 / 10.0 - LocoCycle
Dec 5, 2013

While LocoCycle is the worst looking game of the Xbox One launch, it's saved thanks to its over the top and fun gameplay. It can get repetitive at times, but the game does mix up what you're doing relatively often, which keeps things from becoming overly monotonous.

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2 / 10.0 - Fighter Within
Dec 4, 2013

Fighter Within really showcases the larger problem with Kinect only games: they just don't work.

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Dec 2, 2013

Forza Motorsport 5 isn't the next big full-featured game in the franchise. Instead, think of it as both a prologue and an enjoyable launch game that's gorgeous to look at and incredibly fun to play. We can only hope that Forza Motorsport 6 is just as fun. Only, you know, with more tracks and cars. And fewer micro transactions.

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7 / 10.0 - Knack
Dec 1, 2013

While I wish the player had more of a decision on when to grow and shrink in size or when to absorb other types of items, there's a simplicity to Knack that just works.

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6 / 10.0 - Zoo Tycoon
Dec 1, 2013

Keep in mind that Zoo Tycoon will most likely keep your kid's attention way longer than it will keep yours, and that's fine, it's that type of game. But where Zoo Tycoon cuts corners to appeal to a wider audience, it also alienates it with overly cumbersome menus.

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