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Digital Spy

384 games reviewed
75.7 average score
80 median score
66.0% of games recommended

Digital Spy's Reviews

May 10, 2023

Redfall isn't as unplayable as some of the most intense reaction might lead you to believe. That said, we found it to be a rather mindless experience, often finding ourselves going through the motions. And when considering how it falls short in ways we wouldn't have expected from an Arkane title, the game is sadly a disappointment.

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Aside from the audiovisual presentation, the Advance Wars remake plays it considerably safe. That isn't a bad thing in itself, particularly since the foundations of the game mostly hold up. There is still plenty of fun to be had here. But it also means that this package is less interesting than it could have been.

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Apr 28, 2023

Strayed Lights is both a cosy, relaxing experience and an extremely well-crafted Souls-lite adventure game – and honestly, it’s a combination we didn’t even know we wanted. With a lavish world, beautiful soundtrack and addictive combat loop, this is a unique title that's easy to recommend.

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It manages to avoid open-world fatigue and separates itself from other titles in the genre by just being so fun to control, with intuitive movement combos that evolve as you play to keep the gameplay fresh. If you're a Star Wars fan, this might be the closest you come to feeling like a Jedi, and even if you're not, you might just be playing one of the best action-adventure games in recent years.

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Apr 18, 2023

It's not perfect and won't change the gaming landscape, but you'll certainly have a blast ripping and tearing your way through sun-drenched Hell-A with more than a few surprises along the way.

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While the gameplay develops at a satisfying pace, some fans of the mainline series might find it lacking in some complexity. But with a chance to delve deeper into the Bayonetta world and follow along this coming-of-age tale, it’s hard not to recommend this game to fans of the series and newcomers alike.

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Disturbing, thrilling, and absorbing at the same time, Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo is much more than your average horror game. Square Enix has delivered a fantastic tale that deserves to be getting more attention than it currently has.

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But Growing Together addresses some of the past criticisms of the game. The Sims 4 has worked hard over the last few years to give players more options than ever to customise their Sims, and this pack is a continuation of that direction — with its focus on evolving large parts of the gameplay a refreshing attempt at making a Sim's lifetime more colourful and rounded.

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What Capcom has done is less of a re-imagining and more a celebratory culmination of all the series' ideas. Resident Evil 4 is an absolute blast, retaining all its bombastic and over-the-top ideas while injecting some more modern horror and quality-of-life changes. It's a must for any Resident Evil fan, and if you’re new to the series, what a great place to start!

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Feb 27, 2023

It's just a shame really that, in its efforts to be a solid action-adventure, none of its ideas were explored any deeper as we'd have loved to have seen the team swing for the fences in one area or another to produce something truly standout.

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Feb 13, 2023

It's a solid Fire Emblem, but lacks the lasting impact to rank as a classic.

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Feb 2, 2023

If you're new to the series, it's an absolute must to experience this wholly unique game, and thankfully there's more than enough excuse for older fans to step foot once more onto the USG Ishimura.

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Dec 20, 2022

All sorts of fun tensions arise from these groups interacting, all supported by some really strong writing. The only thing that lets it down is the sometimes janky production values, and we often felt like particular lines or moments would have been better delivered in a single comic panel with a distinct facial expression, rather than Midnight Suns’ middling character models. If you can look past this, though, then you get some really funny moments with a cast of characters that genuinely feels like it’s been assembled with care – a feeling which extends throughout the entire game and which is a welcome surprise for this big-budget IP-driven title.

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are big and ambitious and bold, but it's hard not to imagine what they could have been if they’d just been given a little more time to cook.

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Dec 2, 2022

It's a shame that, despite looking great and having a good concept at its core, some poorly-executed ideas lead to a frustrating experience overall. For a new studio to produce a brand new IP is obviously a mammoth task and commendable, so here’s hoping the team get another chance to get a grip on this universe and tighten up the experience.

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Nov 8, 2022

Balancing a heartfelt story with over-the-top excessive video game action, Ragnarök is completely self-aware. It improves upon the previous title in all the ways we could have hoped for and delivers a huge experience with stunning visuals, beautiful storytelling and buckets of fun

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Aug 30, 2022

Saints Row is ultimately an underwhelming missed opportunity. It's a shame, as this was a chance to do something big, bold and different – showing us where the franchise could be heading in the years to come. But instead, the end product is a basic and fairly tedious experience that is stuck in an era of gaming long past. There are a handful of fun moments, but these are fleeting and it's difficult to suggest anyone picking the game up.

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Teen Sims have become a whole lot more engaging and satisfying to control here, in large part thanks to a variety of features and moving parts that help to capture the teen experience. With an impressive range of clothing and furniture targeted towards teens included as well, the expansion succeeds in turning this previously-overlooked life stage into one that feels unique and worthwhile to play.

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The overall game may fail to hit the same (perhaps unrealistically) lofty highs of one of the best titles on the Switch, but it's impressive how much it manages to feel like a Fire Emblem game and not just a Warriors title with familiar characters thrown in. That is its greatest strength, and the result is an experience where it's easy to warm to and invest in your favourite Fódlan characters all over again.

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Flush with a gorgeous and uplifting soundtrack, Forgotten Land is a heart-warming and no-stress experience while providing some fun challenges and deeper upgrades should you want them. Either way, this is a must-have game and yet another instant Nintendo classic that's not only warmly familiar, but also subtly inventive in a way that'll keep you hooked until the end.

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