Jess Lee
Expelled! follows a similar blueprint to Overboard!, but ambition in its narrative design helps the game to feel rewarding in a different way. There's more to the story than trying to clear Verity's name. How Verity develops as a character across several playthroughs is the reason why Inkle's latest is able to stand out on its own.
Businesses & Hobbies' disjointed nature ultimately means it doesn't realise its full potential – though this can be somewhat mitigated if you have invested a fair bit into The Sims 4. Having a decent range of packs helps to take full advantage of the customisable side of business gameplay and make up for some of the expansion's flaws.
While Split Fiction doesn't necessarily break new ground, it's an entertaining ride and delivers a polished co-operative experience with an infectious level of enthusiasm.
Keep Driving brings together all of its systems to create narratives that unfold organically and that are easy to get lost in. You may encounter the same hitchhikers or the same quests across two different runs, but the stories won't be the same. It's about the journey, not the destination.
Rift is another great entry in the NecroDancer series. It may be a more 'traditional' lane-scrolling rhythm title, but how the game incorporates Crypt's elements to create its own spin on the formula is noteworthy.
UFO 50 may be inspired by an era that's several generations ago, but an incredible amount of imagination and work went into making this collection of games more than just about evoking nostalgia. The collection also manages to feel fresh and innovative, delivering thrills and the feeling of discovery at nearly every turn. It's unlike anything I've played, and represents a passion and love for the medium in such a special way.
There are things I could nitpick, but they're easy to forgive as this is the most engaged I've been playing the game in a long time.
Double Exposure may fall a little short when compared to some of the previous games in the series, but Max Caulfield's return is still a riveting (and wild) ride. Max is as caring and likeable as ever. We loved spending time with her again – from her adorably awkward attempts at flirting at the start through to the dramatic if slightly uneven climax – and would more than welcome further stories with her.
If you've never played Until Dawn, the remake is a good time to experience this cult classic. It's as fun and thrilling as it was in 2015. However, while the remake improves upon the original in some ways, the overall improvement isn't vast enough to the point where this version is a must for those who've played through the game once before.
It's an evocative story that is beautifully told and has plenty of heart, and one that feels increasingly relevant in the context of the world that we live in.
Metaphor borrows defining features of Persona yet executes these ideas in a less meaningful way, and in taking much from the beloved series, it takes a long time for Atlus' latest to carve out its own identity.
While I would argue that Lovestruck is guilty of some missed opportunities, it is an expansion that both deepens and freshens up romance-based gameplay and I did find plenty of enjoyment playing out my Sims' romantic (mis)adventures. It's a cohesive (and pretty saucy by the game's standards) expansion that doesn't quite nail all of its ideas.
It isn't perfect and whether or not it surpasses its predecessor is up for debate – this is a story that is different in scope – but Hellblade 2 is one of the standout experiences of the year so far and has been worth the wait.
The struggle to portray a vivid world and a sense of place results in the game failing to make much of an emotive impact. Once the credits rolled, there was very little about the experience that stuck with us.
It's easy to get a kick out of seeing how high the scores can get, but the game is as much about the gambles you take and the planning along the way. There's a deceptive simplicity to Balatro due to its roots in poker, and it uses that to its advantage to reel you in while regularly finding new ways to surprise you.
Lil' Guardsman is charming and novel enough that it's worth playing, but a flawed approach that skirts around aspects of the core idea holds the overall experience back.
No matter how you play it, Persona 3 is more than a worthwhile experience. Reload can be accused of being a little too faithful for its own good, with some of the inherited flaws slightly holding it back, but it is still an excellent way to enjoy this classic.
There are glimpses in here where some of the potential shines through, but not enough. Held back by a lack of depth and polish, the big selling points of the expansion struggle to flourish, resulting in a pack that's underwhelming despite its initial promise.
Fortuna's journey undoubtedly ranks as one of my highlights of the year, and shouldn't be overlooked.
It is a game that tries to evoke a feeling of discovery at every possible turn, but in doing so loses the element of wonder fairly quickly.