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Still, the game is a fun romp for kids as well as adults looking for a different kind of shooter. It's especially enjoyable when you have a full map of zombies and plants jockeying for field supremacy. If you enjoy multiplayer shooting and don't care for a solid campaign mode, then you might find yourself pleasantly surprised with how entertaining Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare can be.
Ultimately, "Romance Dawn" provides a quick pirate RPG fix for One Piece fans but doesn't come close to dethroning Skies of Arcadia.
Overall, Elder Scrolls Online does not revolutionize MMOs but is a solid entry in the genre. If you don't like MMOs or are getting burned out from them this probably won't change your mind, especially given its slow start. If you like the genre and also enjoy Elder Scrolls-style combat, however, then this game will likely be more your cup of tea.
Overall, though, it's a solid rendition of the Lego formula. If you're a fan of the series or are looking for a family-friendly game to play with your kids, then Lego The Hobbit will likely be a precious experience for you.
If you're a fan of Mario Kart, getting this game is a no-brainer. And if you're someone who took a break from the series, I still recommend trying Mario Kart 8 out. It just might rekindle your love for Mario-style racing.
Ultimately, whether or not Wolfenstein works for you depends on your shooter preferences. If you're all about multiplayer, then this game is not for you. If you're like me and love a meaty campaign with a good story, however, The New Order delivers the goods. Add extras like the Wolfenstein 3D easter egg and the encouragement of a second playthrough and there's a lot to like here for lovers of pure shooters.
The game won't be for folks who prefer a more straightforward action game or shooter. But if you're a fan of open world games and would like to try one with a more cerebral approach, then you'll want to hack into Watch Dogs and give the title a spin.
Overall, the gameplay isn't quite revolutionary but is a very solid representation of the genre. Add charming touches, likeable characters and lots of bonus content and you've got another Disgaea title that should satisfy fans of the series and Japanese strategy RPGs in general.
Overall, though, I quite like the Ultimate Evil Edition on next-gen consoles. So much so that they are now my platform of choice to play the game, even though I'm much farther on the PC. Heck, I even started a new character — again — in order to play with a cousin who's just starting as can be seen in the footage in this video. Ultimately, that's good thing.
Even with the new mechanics, gameplay isn't radically changed, which will likely disappoint players who crave for more major additions. For folks who like Madden's basic gameplay, however, the new additions add some polish to the product. And while the lack of a major gameplay overhaul can be debated, graphics definitely take a big leap forward.
Ultimately, the Ultra Street Fighter IV's appeal largely depends on your view of the genre. If you're not a fan and doing a simple fireball feels like advanced calculus to you, then this game won't be your cup of tea. If you love fighting games, however, Ultra Street Fighter IV is arguably the technical pinnacle of the genre that you wouldn't want to miss.
Overall, the game doesn't quite break the kind of new ground some fans might desire for a crossover between two iconic characters. It feels like it tried to take things safe so it doesn't alienate fans of the two franchises who may have differing expectations. At the same time, it does a great job of polishing and melding the strengths of two series while breathing new life to old mechanics such as court cases. If you're a fan of either series or like playing games that give your twitch reflexes a break while exercising your noggin, then this title is something you won't have any objection to.
Destiny . . . can hopefully do what other successful MMOs have done before and build on its foundation by adding new content. It doesn't have the drilled-down focus of a shooter nor the grand sense of exploration or community of a good MMO so it might be a hard sell for purists of both genres. If it manages to bring together the best elements of those two game types together, however, then it still has a chance of realizing its destiny as a game changer in the gaming space.
Like deep-fried caviar and the Warriors games that preceded it, Hyrule Warriors is an acquired taste that won't be for everybody. Gamers who primarily like first-person shooters or epics such as the Last of Us likely won't appreciate the mechanics of this game. If you're a fan of Dynasty Warriors-style games or grew up on old-school beat-em ups and adore the repetitive yet addicting mastery they require, then you will love this new link to the past.
Still, those are minor gripes for a game that honestly turned out a lot better than I expected. It's nice to play a fighting game on the 3DS where I'm actually concentrating on my strategy instead of ways to make up for non-optimized controls. If you're looking for portable fighting game fix that's highly replayable and enjoyable for young and old alike, I highly recommended Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS. It's arguably the best fighting game on Nintendo's portable console to date and one of the best on any console for that matter.
Admittedly, traversing the map and knocking out events can get repetitive after a while, even with fast traveling unlocked. By making you care about even lesser enemies, however, Shadow of Mordor turns what's normally mindless filler into a worthwhile encounter. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got another Uruk to hunt down.
Overall, Skylanders Trap Team is a solid addition to the Skylanders series. Although the Trap Masters themselves aren't as big a gameplay addition as say, the Swap Force crew, the trappable villains are what really raise the enjoyment for this game. The New Kaos Doom Challenge is fun as well for folks looking for new diversions in Skylanders. If you have kids who enjoyed the previous Swap Force games, they're going to love Trap Team as well.
Overall, though, solid action and likeable characters make Bayonetta 2 a great followup to the original, which, by the way, is included for free with the game. It's definitely a title that harkens back to a time when lightning-quick Japanese action games such as Devil May Cry ruled the roost. If you prefer more deliberately paced action such as the 3D Super Mario Bros. platformers or even Tomb Raider, then the kinetic action of Bayonetta may be too fast and complicated for you. If you love more technical action that relies heavily on countering foes and view nonstop boss and mini-boss fights as mana from the heavens, however, well, Bayonetta 2 was definitely made with you in mind.
Overall, though, The Evil Within is a solid survival thriller game that will likely satisfy fans who lament the more action-oriented direction that titles such as Resident Evil or Dead Space ended up taking as of late. If the idea of of gameplay in the vein of Resident Evil meets Silent Hill is something you find appealing, then you'll want to give The Evil Within a shot.
As far as basketball games go, however, NBA 2K15 easily remains the best option out there.