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Looking back at the games I loved most since the NES era, every single one had their imperfections. If I were to rate those few select titles just based on the pure joy I felt while playing them, however, I'd give those games a 10. Just like those beloved titles, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is not a perfect game. Ask me just how much I enjoyed playing it, though, and I would say it deserves the highest rating I could give it. In the end, that's all that truly matters.
The game could have easily done what’s safe and made minor improvements to a tried-and-true formula. Instead of going for the easy cash grab, however, Monster Hunter World takes a big risk creatively and financially by going for broke and making the most ambitious entry in the series to date. Is it perfect? No, it’s not. Is it a 10? In the eyes of this Monster Hunter veteran, absolutely. This is the best mainline Monster Hunter game I’ve played. Ever. It’s also one of the best games I’ve ever played, period.
After a long absence, Kratos manages to beat his toughest opponent yet: loss of relevance. Kratos' latest adventure takes risks by re-imagining what a God of War game is supposed to be, ultimately rewarding players with a wonderfully, refreshing take on the longstanding franchise. The changes in combat and perspective will admittedly be polarizing to series purists. If you get beyond that, though, God of War is not just the best game in the series, it's one of the best games ever made, period.
Overall, though, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is an excellent addition to the series. It's solid when played by your lonesome but really shines when played against other people whether it be online or on your couch. Personally, I recommend gathering up as many people as you can and squeezing them in your living room for the best Smash experience. Just be warned that they might not want to leave so get ready to kick them out.
Wait, isn't turn-based role-playing game combat supposed to be obsolete? Persona 5 proves that the classic JRPG formula can still work in today's world given the right amount of love and attention. Add a compelling story, stylish production and a healthy dose of modern cool and you've got today's standard-bearer for the traditional JRPG formula.
Monster Hunter Generations does an excellent job in honoring the past while welcoming the new, thanks to a slew of new hunting styles and mechanics as well as a wealth of content that will keep players occupied for hours and hours upon hours. Folks who don’t get the hang of its technical combat will likely continue to wonder what the fuss is all about. For those who give its monsters the attention and respect they demand in order to do well, however, Monster Hunter Generations’ newly polished gameplay hits it out of the ballpark once more.
There's no sophomore slump here. Playdead delivers an excellent followup to Limbo with INSIDE, a puzzle platformer that turns up its predecessor’s concepts to 11 thanks to well-designed mechanics and a compelling setting that elegantly drifts between light and shadow. Add an engaging “show, don’t tell” story that is seamlessly integrated into the gameplay and you’ve got one of the best titles of the year.
After its recent underwhelming expansion, Blizzard finally manages to get back on the right track with “World of Warcraft: Legion.” If you have never played WoW before or if you feel that you have been burned in the past, I suggest giving the game another shot as the game adds many new mechanics and features that make it feel fresh and compelling. Add a big content patch that’s incoming plus Blizzard being more in tune with what the game’s fan base wants and you have an expansion that’s as close to perfect as WoW has been in a long time.
Overall, Superhot VR is a game that every VR system owner should have. This is the definitive VR game out there right now and an easy one to load up and show your friends. With a huge library of potential VR games, Superhot VR should make the top of the list even if you have no interest in a shooting game. It's just that solid overall.
Mario is back with a bigger sandbox and a new mechanic for bringing familiar foes to the mustachioed side. The addition of open world-style elements adds freshness to the classic formula while charming touches make Super Mario Odyssey ooze with fun. You do get a bit more dead space and traditional controls feel gimped compared to the extra options you have from separated Joycons. If you love Mario and platformers in general, however, it would practically be criminal to not have this game in your library.
Given the Dragon Quest series’ long and storied history, it almost feels sacrilegious to say that the latest entry is the best of that whole lot. But that’s exactly what Dragon Quest XI feels to me. As a fan of classic turn-based JRPGs, DQXI is a full-throated, unapologetic rendition of the genre I know and love so well. Yes, it’s not perfect, but it’s about as close to perfection that a Dragon Quest game can get.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne builds on its excellent predecessor with a plethora of new and returning monsters as well as some fun new mechanics to boot. The Clutch Claw is an especially fun addition to the game while Guiding Lands helps flesh out the endgame for folks who felt World didn't do quite as good a job in that department. Admittedly, certain endgame aspects can be a bit too grindy and some of the side stuff like Lynian picture taking can be wonky at times. Overall, however, Iceborne proves to be a better Monster Hunter World for fans of the series.
Final Fantasy VII Remake does the impossible by not only building on the original but surpassing it in some aspects. Admittedly, it has its fair share of stumbles due to uneven side quests, some shaky dialogue as well as pacing issues. Its excellent presentation and combat, however, combined with a more fleshed-out narrative that shows the developing bonds between its characters, make this a wonderful take on a timeless classic. I can’t wait to see what the series comes up with next.
Once in a while, you come across a game that surprises you in the most pleasant ways. Monster Hunter Stories 2 went above and beyond my expectations for the sequel with its wonderful visuals as well as a story with plenty of heart, poignancy as well as some good old fun thrown in between. It’s obvious that a great amount of effort was put in this game and it shows. Given how the first game underperformed, Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a game that shouldn’t have been made. Thank goodness that it was.
Shin Megami Tensei V marks another excellent addition to the franchise thanks to an addictive demon collecting mechanic, a plethora of subquests and collectibles to find, and challenging battles that keep you on your toes. It can be overly grindy and the visuals can look dated at times. Its streamlined mechanics and a new character progression and skill system, however, helps keep things fresh while also keeping the core mechanics that SMTV fans have come to love. It's not Persona 5. And that's a good thing.
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom takes the incredible blueprint of Breath of the Wild and further hones it to craft a better, more polished rendition. The crafting and building can honestly be its own game and its open world continues to be a treat that encourages exploration. The action also remains top notch and the game overall is a testament to what can still be possible on the Nintendo Switch. Granted, it has its share of issues and won’t feel as new or groundbreaking for folks who already played BOTW. That being said, other games coming out this year definitely have their work cut out for them to supplant Tears of the Kingdom as the best game of 2023.
Overall, Scholar of First Sin can be a hard sell for folks who played the original Dark Souls 2 to death already (pun so totally intended). If you've never played its predecessor before, however, or are a rabid fan who wants to re-experience everything again on the newer consoles, this is one game you'll want to prepare to take a stab at.
Ultimately, the Ultra Street Fighter IV's appeal largely depends on your view of the genre. If you're not a fan and doing a simple fireball feels like advanced calculus to you, then this game won't be your cup of tea. If you love fighting games, however, Ultra Street Fighter IV is arguably the technical pinnacle of the genre that you wouldn't want to miss.
Overall, however, Inquisition marks a return to form for Bioware. If the idea of a game that combines Mass Effect and Skyrim sounds good to you, Dragon Age: Inquisition is a game you wouldn't want to miss.
Admittedly, traversing the map and knocking out events can get repetitive after a while, even with fast traveling unlocked. By making you care about even lesser enemies, however, Shadow of Mordor turns what's normally mindless filler into a worthwhile encounter. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got another Uruk to hunt down.