HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
The Surge 2 hosts some of the best combat and customization seen in the genre it inhabits. That alone makes it worth the admission price, even for those less inclined to more challenging video games. Slick, vicious, fun. Much like wrestling a greasy bear.
Do you enjoy slower-paced, puzzle-driven horror games? Does the phrase “Lovecraftian horror on Mars” get your attention? If either or both of these is true, Moons of Madness is a horror game you shouldn’t miss.
Deliver Us The Moon is a beautiful, haunting game perfect for anyone who enjoys games featuring exploration and light puzzle-solving, wants to piece together a tragic story by finding clues and logs from the past, or just dreams of visiting the moon.
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is a fun, if not a bit basic, return to the glorious beat-em-ups of the ’90s.
We’re through the initial burst of Blood/Souls enthusiasm and into the second era, when “It’s like Bloodborne/Dark Souls, but…” is the pitch on the lips of every would-be cash-in. Code Vein is one of those.
The Outer Worlds isn’t reinventing the RPG wheel here, but it is an incredibly fun world to explore and sink countless hours into.
Doraemon: Story of Seasons is a relaxing and charming farm-life game that suffers from a painfully slow start. Once you get through the early content though, it’s a fun and easy-going game that’s perfect for unwinding.
Untitled Goose Game is one of those quiet little games that come along and shake everything up, the kind of hit a major publisher would kill for.
Greedfall could be the game that 2019 forgets, but cult status could quite easily be on the cards.
What the Golf is easily the dumbest game you’re going to play all year, and I say that with all the love in the world.
Burgertime Party is a pretty basic but fun title for individuals and groups alike, though its somewhat lifeless animation and lack of variety make it hard to recommend for its current price-point.
The long-awaited remaster of Ghostbusters: The Video Game continues to prove that licensed games can be absolutely fantastic, even with some aged visuals and difficulty. From the hilarious writing and performances to the viscerally true-to-form ghost-busting gameplay, Ghostbusters Remastered is a brilliant and genuinely great love-letter to franchise fans and gamers alike.
Despite some technical issues and repetitive gameplay, the unique exploration-based platforming and fantastic art style that Indivisible boasts make it an overall fun ride.
AI: The Somnium Files is an extraordinary adventure game that has easily cemented its place as one of the year’s best games.
Lego Jurassic World is a completely alright Lego game that is hindered by its thin source material.
Contra: Rogue Corps is a fun but flawed twin-stick shooter that feels more than a bit rushed. Its visuals are mixed and it reuses its levels in a frustrating manner, but the core gameplay and customization can be quite fun from time to time.
Iceborne is an excellent and robust expansion that adds further depth to Monster Hunter World.
This one’s pretty niche. If you need action and accomplishment, give it a pass. If you like atmosphere, dialogue trees, and sometimes running into cats that tip well, you will enjoy.
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is the best version of one of the most divisive entries in the series. Though the base game has its flaws, the world of Final Fantasy VIII is as intriguing as ever, and the Junction system is still one of the most unique mechanics in the series’s history. The ability to fast-forward makes slow animations a non-problem, while the other mods make it easier than ever for newcomers to try out the maverick Final Fantasy installment.
Blair Witch has a good atmosphere and lots of interesting concepts, its multiple endings provide replayability, and Bullet is a wonderful companion