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1003 games reviewed
76.9 average score
80 median score
60.3% of games recommended

MonsterVine's Reviews

Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution is a robust Yu-Gi-Oh game that’s filled to the brim with multiple different ways to play the titular card game. There are a couple minor gripes, but almost every card currently in the TCG is in the game, there’s plenty of single and multiplayer content, and the tutorials are fantastic, making Link Evolution the perfect game for lapsed duelists to use as a re-entry point to the game.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Heave Ho
Aug 29, 2019

Heave Ho is a game that both destroys and strengthens friendships and you’d be remiss to not include it in your game night line-up.

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Aug 28, 2019

Despite some technical hiccups, Man of Medan succeeds as an engrossing interactive thriller that will keep you on your toes for the duration of a couple of playthroughs. With so many different ways to play the game, alone or with friends online or locally, Man of Medan is an overall great horror experience.

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5 / 5 - Control
Aug 26, 2019

Control is easily one of the best games of the year and has one of the most fascinating worlds I've experienced in a game in years.

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Flashes of greatness, but too often a slave to a repeating process, Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is an interesting title, but ultimately fails to truly capitalize on its concept.

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Aug 22, 2019

With space combat that feels just like the 90s and some nice, new quality of life features, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is the game your 14 your old self would’ve killed for.

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Aug 21, 2019

Oninaki is a game that excels at exploring the hefty themes of life and death without compromising its status as a fun and simple action RPG.

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Aug 19, 2019

A game as lifeless as the ghosts within it, Silver Chains will appease those hooked on the genre but will scare away everyone else.

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Aug 14, 2019

Though it may be short, offering five levels (each with sub-levels, mini-bosses and end bosses) Blazing Chrome is quite easily one of the best run-and-gun games on the market. Period.

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Aug 2, 2019

Wolfenstein: Youngblood succeeded in doing something I didn’t think possible: killing all enthusiasm I had for the series. Sure, the gunplay still feels great but that doesn’t matter when the entire product is hampered by tone-deaf mechanics that are trying to fix a game that wasn’t broken.

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Aug 2, 2019

Blending the storytelling of film noir with the premise of a child playing with toys, Bear With Me: The Lost Robots is a point-and-click adventure game that manages to be a lighthearted romp and a gritty crime story at the same time.

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is an incredible game that should be considered a Switch essential.

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4 / 5.0 - God Eater 3
Jul 30, 2019

Even if it can get a bit repetitive, God Eater 3 is creative action RPG that is perfectly at home on the Nintendo Switch. The premise is an interesting evolution for the series, the downtrodden characters are easy to sympathize with, and the combat is both fun and rewarding in short bursts.

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The story is a bore, but Red Faction Guerilla: Re-Mars-tered makes up for this with its incredibly fun gameplay and wide variety of weapons.

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It’s essentially more Attack on Titan 2 with some neat upgrades, so fans of the game and anime will want to check the expansion out.

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Jul 11, 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is aptly named, as it builds upon the strong foundation of the first game, improving it in every single way. I think a couple of sections could stand to be a bit quicker, but the breadth of content and genuinely intriguing story make Builders 2 a must-play.

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4 / 5.0 - Judgment
Jul 3, 2019

It’s a bit rough around the edges, but Judgment is an overall worthy successor to the Yakuza game franchise. Yagami and Kaito are fantastic and entertaining main characters, and the detective-oriented story gives a unique new perspective to the usual Yakuza narrative. Some parts get old quick, but I’m hoping Yagami and co. will stick around for future Judgment games, as there’s plenty of potential.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Samurai Shodown
Jun 28, 2019

Samurai Shodown is nothing short of an incredible return for one of the fighting game genre’s most revered franchises. It’s technical, deep, and challenging to fully grasp– and it’s fantastic. Those who aren’t experienced in the genre may find Samurai Shodown difficult to get into at first, but the payoff is more than worth it.

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Jun 25, 2019

The Sinking City has its rough spots, but a good Lovecraft inspired game is hard to come by and Frogwares managed to craft a story that’s interesting enough to scratch that itch.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Vectronom
Jun 25, 2019

Vectronom is a compact rhythm game that uses simplicity to its advantage. The music fits the platforming perfectly, and trying to match the beat of a track is as enjoyable as it is challenging.

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