HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Trover Saves the Universe is a creative and hilarious ride through the wonderfully insane mind of Justin Roiland. Boasting memorable characters, an incredibly funny script, and unique but thoroughly enjoyable gameplay, Trover is one of the most fun games currently available for VR.
In short bursts, Void Bastards can be a lot of fun, and even when its repetitive nature starts to kick in, something silly happens that makes you laugh and pulls you back into it.
While holding true to the same basic gameplay formula, Layers of Fear 2 takes great steps toward distinguishing itself from the first game. Unfortunately, while this pays off in some respects, Layers of Fear 2 struggles to be as cohesive as a psychological horror game should be.
Team Sonic Racing is yet another fantastic kart-racer from Sumo Digital and SEGA.
Rage 2 offers another typical “open world shooter with activities” for those who need another fix since Far Cry 5 last.
Dangerous Driving definitely has the spirit of Burnout, but it doesn’t exactly execute it in the way you’d want.
Observation’s tedious gameplay and intriguing story kept me asking myself if it would have been better as a film than a game.
Episode 3 has some questionable turns, but reignited my love for the series.
Close to the Sun wants to be Big Important Art, but it tries so hard to be Big Important Art that it undercuts itself.
The Castlevania Anniversary Collection is a fantastic way to experience some of the most revered (and obscure) titles from the beginning of Castlevania’s long-standing legacy.
As insane as it sounds, Bubsy: Paws on Fire! is a competent, if repetitive, running platformer that manages to correct quite a few of the issues that plagued The Woolies Strike Back.
A lot people are going to have a wonderful experience because Masquerada looks good and plays well and they’ll be skipping through most of the dialogue scenes.
Duck Game is many things, but I think it’s best described as weird, simple, and anarchic fun. I’m hoping that Adult Swim Games finds a way to deal with ragequitters online, but other than that, I had nonstop fun with Duck Game.
Sekiro is an immensely satisfying game that sees a studio people started to think as a one-trick pony, flex their muscles by taking what they’re good at and doing something wildly different and engaging.
Mortal Kombat 11 isn’t perfect, but it’s close enough for me to easily recommend it to anyone who wants to have a bloody good time with friends or on their own. I hope the progression system gets some major work done, but the story is great and the kombat itself has never been better.
This one’s a very niche game, but if a puzzle game that could turn into a six figure salary sounds intriguing–or if you just like dressing up cats–it beats another run through CodeAcademy.
The tongue is in cheek but not far enough.
As fun as it can be on occasion, Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain is too flawed for me to fully enjoy. The heaps of technical issues and unbalanced and repetitive missions, combined with a fairly dysfunctional online mode, make Iron Rain an unfortunately bland mess.
While it won’t take you more than a few hours and falters a little with its supporting cast, the unusual approach to puzzle-solving in Whispers of a Machine ensure there’s enough replay value to make a return worthwhile.
Fueled by an absolutely killer soundtrack, Hell is Other Demons is a frenetic action-packed game that’ll have you telling yourself “just one more run” as you chase that high-score.