HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a solid ending to Lara Croft’s origin story.
The entire tone and aesthetic of the game is something that’s so far up my alley, but at the end of the day Donut County is a charming game that maybe promises more quirky thrills than it delivers.
If you like your dungeon crawls with a ladle of gothic atmosphere, you haven’t seen anything like this in an eternity.
Marvel's Spider-Man completely understands both the character of Peter Parker, and what it is that makes a Spider-Man game fun. Though it has more than a few technical hiccups, Spider-Man is a fantastic action game that can only improve with future installments.
At the end of the day, We Happy Few neither succeeds as a survival game nor as a plot driven adventure game.
As antiquated as they may be by today’s standards, Shenmue 1 and 2 are classic and impressively forward-thinking games that overcome their technical issues with their epic stories and charming characters. They certainly aren’t perfect, but this well-made collection proves that they’re definitely worth revisiting.
The King’s Bird is a beautiful, daring platformer that lacks a strong narrative.
Dragon Quest XI is one of the best games ever made. From its deep gameplay and charming characters to its gorgeous visuals and stunning music, Echoes of an Elusive Age is a game that no one should miss out on.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 takes everything that was great about its predecessors and, somehow, upgrades them in almost every way.
This Is The Police 2 is shooting for something morally grey and messy but never quite has the narrative heft to carry it.
MXGP Pro looks nice and has better tutorials and handling than its predecessors, but its consistent glitches and slow load times keep it from being anything more than “alright”.
Airheart is worth checking out for twin-stick shooter fans that need a new fix, but otherwise, skip this flight.
Though Volume Two doesn't have as many quality titles as its predecessors, the two stronger installments that it contains, alongside the impressive amount of side-content, make it a decent package for fans and gamers interested in Mega Man.
Whether you’re a series veteran or a complete newbie, you won’t regret picking up Volume One of the Mega Man X Legacy Collection. Some of the best platformers of all time are collected and presented in their best form, and they’re complimented nicely by a hefty amount of bonus content.
If you passed up on Sonic Mania last year, this is your chance to play one of the generation’s best platformers in its best form.
We’re in an era of good shooters right now. There’s no reason to buy a mediocre one.
Jurassic World Evolution is a serviceable game in the genre and the dinosaurs look absolutely stunning, but some highly questionable design decisions really hold back what could have been the next greatest park simulator.
While it’s smaller than other similar games, the minor upgrades and simple fun of Lego The Incredibles make it a basic but fun Lego game.
New Gundam Breaker could be great, but its numerous technical issues and boring, cliché story make it a difficult game to recommend to any but the most devout Gundam fans.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit efficiently sets the stage for Life is Strange 2 with more player choices, more object interactions, and more secrets to uncover than ever before despite its short length.