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Congratulations Shaq Fu apologists, your sequel game delivered. We’re working on monkey paw rules however, so that means Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn only delivered on being a competent game instead of a good one.
Very rarely do you get a game whose title accurately describes how it feels to play it.
Moonlighter is a different kind of RPG that boasts a great deal of depth while serving as an interesting subversion of the genre it’s a part of.
Though it’s not a good game, One Piece: Grand Cruise is a fantastic VR experience for fans of the franchise. Despite its minimal gameplay and short runtime, One Piece: Grand Cruise succeeds in making you feel like a member of the Strawhat pirates for a solid couple of hours.
There’s a little jank here and there, but if you like action-RPGs and want something a little different–and not nearly as grimdark as those have been–I’m sending you a vision.
There’s a lot of potential in Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time, the vast majority of which goes tragically unused. Though Chamber of Time looks and sounds gorgeous, the shallow gameplay, repetitive and needlessly complex missions, and framerate drops make it difficult to recommend to anyone who isn’t a diehard fan of the anime.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is an intense, weird, and incredibly enjoyable dungeon crawler. Though newcomers may be understandably intimidated at its lack of hand-holding, Strange Journey’s intense world and deep fusion system make it one of the most unique RPGs on the 3DS.
If you want some amazing, bleak, and depressing world-building, Frostpunk is definitely your jam.
God of War manages to keep the soul of the franchise intact while drastically changing its tone to a grounded story about father and son, making God of War one of the greatest achievements of this console generation.
Dead in Vinland is only going to appeal to the more hardcore life simulation fan.
Killing giant monsters in games is always fun, and Extinction has created a solid foundation for a great game. It’s just that what’s here isn’t much to justify its high price tag considering how much of an afterthought the campaign is and how all the other game-modes are practically identical.
The Adventure Pals is a fun, if somewhat average, cartoon platformer that boasts decent gameplay and a healthy amount of collectibles for completionists. The gameplay can become repetitive, and the “random” humor is a bit much for my tastes, but overall Adventure Pals is a perfectly alright platformer.
The Legendary Edition of Injustice 2 is worth the buy for anyone who missed out on last year’s best fighting game. The inclusion of every DLC character, every Premiere skin, exclusive gear items, and a new level cap make this a must-buy for fans of fighting games and/or comic books.
Overall, Ash of Gods is not a bad game.
Sea of Thieves can be a complete blast to play with your friends but a lack of content, an almost disastrous launch laden with server issues and some highly questionable design decisions makes what should have been the ultimate pirate game into a complete and utter disappointment.
Moss is a mature PSVR title that strives to bring you into a miniaturized world and largely succeeds.
Yakuza 6: Song of Life is a great game that provides a fitting end for one of gaming’s most complex protagonists, Kazuma Kiryu.
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is a fresh revamp of the iconic Namco series.
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a masterpiece, and one of the best games of this generation. Revenant Kingdom improves on every aspect of its fantastic predecessor while crafting a touching and memorable experience that will be considered a classic RPG in years to come.
Way of the Passive Fist is one of the most refreshingly original games I’ve played in years. Though it has its hiccups when it comes to level design, the intense timing-based combat more than makes up for them.