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The Outerhaven Productions

812 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
64.9% of games recommended

The Outerhaven Productions's Reviews

Feb 11, 2018

All in all, Monster Hunter: World is a fantastic journey into, well, the world of Monster Hunter. It hits all the checkboxes, provides a huge amount of replay value and it's a huge win for the franchise. And since I started on this review, Capcom has gone on record stating that the game has sold over 6 million copies. Which hopefully means that the return of Monster Hunter on consoles (and eventually PC) would be the last. Gone would be the days where the title was limited to mobile platforms, outside of the Japan-exclusive Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game. The game is a great jumping in point for newcomers to the series, while veterans will be right at home.

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Jan 29, 2018

Dragon Ball FighterZ looks pretty as hell, almost as good as the anime these days. However the game has a serious balancing issue, the company has a serious greed issue. Overall the more you play the game, the less you're going to like it unless you enjoy grinding against people who will combo lock you into hell. Single player gets boring quickly, leaving a terrible online experience. Expect this game to disappear into the next dimension when the next flashy anime style fighting game arrives.

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I do look forward to seeing how everything ends this season. They've got a perfect setup, now let's see if they execute it.

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Dead Rising 4 is a great game, and this expanded edition only makes it all the more greater. The addition of Capcom Heroes and Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf are just icing on the cake when it comes to this zombie splat fest. Some audio and graphics issues do hurt the game near the end of it all, but overall Frank does have a great Big Package.

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Dec 20, 2017

AREA 35's first UNITES title is a solid effort. Despite its simplistic looks is a game that demands a good amount of planning and strategy. Tiny Metal will definitely be familiar to Nintendo fans who are still looking for their next Advance Wars fix. While gamers new to the genre will find that Tiny Metal is a nice diversion for all those AAA games that haven't lived up to the hype. To still a phase from the old 16-bit console wars, AREA 35 does what Nintendont.

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Dec 17, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an absolute gem that every Switch owner should have. Prepare to get lost in the amazing world, characters, plot, and battle system as you seek to find Elysium.

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Dec 15, 2017

AereA takes the original concept of a musically themed RPG but doesn't do much with it. The combat is too easy, and exploring different regions is unexciting. While there are a few pieces that stand out, none of them make up for an overall dull experience. What could have been a unique game is, unfortunately, a boring one.

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The Surge: A Walk in the Park is an enjoyable venture off the beaten path. While it takes place during the main storyline, it has just enough plot and substance to be enjoyable. With new weapons and armor to be had, there's something here for everyone. However, for those who are heavily invested in the game, there might not be enough to warrant the adventure.

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Little Busters offers a great story with well-fleshed out characters. Their backstories make you feel an intangible connection to them which makes the big reveal of the story carry that much more weight to it. Whether you're new to visual novels or KEY in general or if you're a fan of KEY, it is highly worth your time picking this one up on Steam!

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DOOM does more than fill a niche currently unoccupied on Switch. It's a standout shooter that blurs the line between fps and action game. With a detailed campaign and plenty of additional modes to keep you coming back, DOOM is more than worthy of a place in your catalog.

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Players new and old took to the spotlight in Batman - The Enemy Within Episode 3, and it was clear just how your decisions would affect those around you. "Fractured Mask" indeed.

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Nov 20, 2017

A great first effort from Deadbeat Productions, and totally worth the very low price point they set for the game. Even though the music and voice acting are quite annoying, it is bearable. Hopefully checkpoints will be added into the future, and hopefully, more content as the game is short.

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Friday The 13th is a game of amazing frame work. For a game that revolves around the slasher killer and victim dynamic, it falls short due to just being about one killer and one movie franchise. If there were more slasher legends and more locations based on other film franchises, then you'd have a truly killer game; but at this time we just have another dud of a reboot.

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Nov 7, 2017

With the right setup and using a gamepad, Nioh is an enjoyable and passable experience on the PC. There's lots of content, the gameplay is fun (if you like this style of gameplay).

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Nov 2, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey had a lot of potential, and it lived up to it in just about every way imaginable. Go get this game, it's one of the best ones out there.

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Nov 1, 2017

Hidden Agenda is worth a purchase if you like Until Dawn, or if you're a fan of insanely fun couch co-op experiences. PlayLink's incorporation of smartphones may or may not catch on for PlayStation, but it works well for Hidden Agenda and becomes one of the game's strengths.

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Oct 27, 2017

Fire Emblem Warriors proves that with the right team, any kind of genre is befitting. With true loyalty to what the franchise is, plenty of characters to be, and lots of enemies to fight, this is one game you shouldn't pass up.

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Oct 25, 2017

The beauty about WWE 2K18 is that it doesn't change much, but the things that they did change matter. Presentation, match flow, as well as keeping MyPLAYER's creation suite and the main game's creative suite separate matters...A LOT. Yeah, there are some flaws in the game, and that comes with the territory of yearly releases, but to indicate that the small changes weren't enough would be giving this game a disservice, and for what we got, it's a decently engaging edition of WWE 2K.

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Oct 24, 2017

When I get a WayForward Technologies game in my hands, I usually know I'm in for a treat. Except this time around I was really disappointed with what they had to offer. A generic Metroidvania-styled game, based on the failed Mummy reboot and completely devoid of any enjoyment. The gameplay is boring, the story is uninspiring and for the first time ever, I had to force myself to complete a WayForward title.

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Despite the odd lull in gameplay, repetitive objective or feeling as though there's too much scale weighing you down – Shadow of War is completely inspirational in the way it's attempting to further narrative storytelling in videogames. The overarching storyline involving Talion is an engrossing one yet that almost becomes a sub-plot in itself – second to the mini meta-narratives you'll create amongst the factions of Orcs and Warchiefs you meet along the way. The voice acting and motion capture performances are really solid and the presentation is glossy and big-budget; it's as close to actually being in Middle-Earth as you're ever going to get. I'm about as swept up in this game as a Drake riding off into a fiery sunset; fantastic.

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