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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe makes the small changes needed to differentiate itself from its inferior Wii U version. It's a worthy purchase regardless of the time you've spent playing the same tracks on the Wii U, as the battle mode will keep you entertained for years to come. For any fan of local Mario Kart multiplayer, this is a no brainer. Still, I can't fully recommend buying it for online play until Nintendo resolves poor connectivity issues.
For those who can't stand the "walking simulator" genre, Edith Finch likely won't change your mind. But Edith Finch does incredibly interesting things for fans of these kinds of experiences. Telling stories from different perspectives throughout time allows it experiment with different types of gameplay in different settings. At two hours it may be a bit short, but ultimately I was satisfied with its conclusion.
Puyo Puyo Tetris has a deep Adventure Mode, plenty of ways to play, and is guaranteed to make you smile. If you're looking to have fun in a puzzle game and just so happen to have a Nintendo Switch? Then Puyo Puyo Tetris is for you!
We are fortunate enough to live in an era with more video games being released than ever before. Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns pays tribute to is spiritual predecessor, Harvest Moon. Unlike Harvest Moon, however, this title isn't breaking new ground (pun definitely intended). Fans of the farming-sim formula will likely be pleased, but not surprised. While it was a fine way to pass the time, I don't think this title has enough gameplay variation to hold my interest until the long winter.
With bright colorful palette, cartoony soundtrack, and goofy cast of characters, Yooka-Laylee is sure to be a hit with younger players, as well as an older crowd eager to relive gaming's past glories in 3D platforming and adventuring in an open world format. It's a visually beautiful game with a brilliant soundtrack, bringing together Rare's technical and creative talents to the table for Playtonic Games' debut. It was a fully des vu experience, reliving waves of warm nostalgia as it was happening in front of me.
In all, Full Throttle Remastered is a great package.
Use Your Words doesn't break a whole lot of new ground, but it is fun to play, and a welcome addition to the growing genre of be-the-funniest-in-the-room games.
Has-Been Heroes isn't a bad game, but I wasn't excited to start over after my first loss. After coming to understand the mechanics and strategy better, I am enjoying it to some degree, but I don't feel any less frustrated every time I lose. The only thing driving me to play more is my inner completionist, but if you're looking for a game with a compelling story and more to it than just unlocking more in-game items and spells, then this might not be the title for you.
There isn't much more to be said. With masterful visuals, combat, and story, Persona 5 is a beautiful foray into the RPG scene. There are some gripes that I have within the game, such as being forced to go to bed after visiting the metaverse or doing anything in the evening. I understand it's to keep stats under control, but perhaps a system where you can start an extra activity each night at the cost of a penalty in XP or social stat gains the next day due to fatigue would have been nice. With that said though, I find it impossible to call Persona 5 anything but a phenomenal experience.
All in all, Mr. Shifty is easily one of the better games I've played in a while. And that's nice to see in a gaming industry that includes AAA, billion dollar to make games. It's simply, it's fast, tight controls and more importantly, it's fun. The very first time I played this game, I clocked in 3 hours, without even knowing it.
All in all, Graceful Explosion Machine does what it advertises, offers a fun arcade shooter experience, with a significant amount of replay value after you finish your first go round with the game. The vibrant colors and the background music, along with the simplistic yet deep controls, make for a fun experience on and off the road. Graceful Explosion Machine is definitely a must have for your Nintendo Switch.
Digimon World: Next Order is a game that fulfills every Digimon fans needs and is also a fun introduction for newcomers in gaining a deeper understanding of different Digimon throughout the Digital World. Though this game is a bit slow-paced, and becoming used to the combat system will take time, witnessing the progress made in both your tamer and partner Digimon before your eyes will make the tedious grind worth it.
Snake Pass is a one of a kind game from Sumo Digital. It's atmosphere, control scheme, and well hidden collectables make it one of my biggest surprise games of 2017. A bad camera is the only significant complaint I have, although that is definitely a problem in a game like this. Still, those brief moments of frustration don't change the fact that this is one heck of a game for just $20. There's a lot of room for this concept to grow, and I look forward to more Noodle and Doodle adventures in the near future.
Tales of Berseria is far from perfect, but the game is interesting and energetic enough that its flaws are easy to overlook. Velvet’s quest for vengeance with the help of her colorful companions is entertaining, even if it tends to drag on a little. But at the end of the day, it’s pretty damn fun, and isn’t that what really matters?
Dark Souls III: The Ringed City is a fitting end for the series that has been my go to for years. A nice selection of enemies, bosses, as well as a nice bit of exploration and items. Definitely an improvement over the previous Ashes of Ariandel, something that should make fans happy.
Perhaps the best compliment I can pay Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is that, when push came to shove, I often found myself choosing to play it instead of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I haven't been this in love with a game since Fire Emblem: Awakening released back in 2013. Do yourself a favor and buy it if you haven't already. You won't find better value anywhere else.
Plenty of action, a nice amount of selectable characters, a kick-ass soundtrack and tight controllers. This is the formula for one fantastic, fun and rage induced gaming session when it comes to bullet hell shooters. The only thing that drags this game down is the fact that it's so short. Just as you're rocking along and taking it in, the game abruptly ends, leaving you wanting more.
Among this year's many exciting triple-A games, Rain World holds its own for being original, exciting, and addictive. This beautifully animated indie title keeps players on their toes by facing them with threatening creatures, each with varied tactics, and imminent storms. Mechanics can be mildly frustrating at times, but there is certainly a learning curve. All in all, Rain World is delightfully weird and should not be overlooked.
Saban's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Mega Battle is a cheap cash in and the price reflects it. However the game is so bad that it's not worth buying. My recommendation is wait for it to hit one of those PS+ or Games with Gold free game deals and then maybe think about it.
It's as you expect it to be. Don't go coming thinking that this is revolutionary like Wii Sports. While it would be preferable to be bundled with the Switch, it's a game that should be given a chance. Some games like Quick Draw and Table Tennis are some of the reasons to play this. While others like Gorilla maybe a bit on the nose and turn people away at the gate. I don't recommend getting it at $50 as that is a steep price for what is essentially demos and possibilities of what's to come for the Nintendo Switch. However, if you can get pass some personal barriers and enjoy the games, you just may find good times awaiting. Perfect for the family and drinking parties.