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Rocket Chainsaw

255 games reviewed
73.3 average score
80 median score
51.4% of games recommended

Rocket Chainsaw's Reviews

Day of the Tentacle Remastered is a great presentation of a solid LucasArts adventure title.

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Hitman succeeds in providing an engaging experience that stays true to the sandbox formula established in previous games in the series. It encourages multiple playthroughs to complete secondary challenges and discover unique kill opportunities, and there's also community made missions to keep you occupied. Just keep in mind the offline experience is bare bones, the frame rate is inconsistent and there are some occasional bugs.

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I honestly enjoyed my time with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. I was able to train a team of my favourite Digimon from my childhood in order to save the world, which is exactly what I want to do in a Digimon game. Hardcore Digimon fans or JRPG fanatics will have a great time with this game and be able to ignore many of the issues I raised. However, if you don't fall in to one of those two niches, I don't think you will be able to look past many of the game's flaws or cumbersome design choices.

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Feb 28, 2016

Overall, my journey in Firewatch was engaging and fun, with wonderful scenery and some of the best written and most believable conversations I've ever heard in a game. It was a special journey, however, the ending felt rushed and the feelings that were invoked during the game were brushed under the carpet. Additionally, the controls were frustrating and the technical issues are inexcusable.

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Despite some shortcomings, Gravity Rush still holds up well and is a great experience overall. The gravity manipulation mechanics are engaging, it's fun to explore every nook and cranny throughout Hekseville and the visuals have been enhanced to take full advantage of the PS4 hardware. If you haven't played Gravity Rush yet, now is the time to do so.

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Feb 19, 2016

Ultimately, Project X Zone 2 boils down to a healthy heaping of fan service for weebs, or anyone who's familiar with the franchises included. While the story can be slow and plodding, it also has some decent gags and a lot of self-awareness that helps drive each crossover encounter.

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Feb 16, 2016

On the surface, Unravel appears to be a simple puzzle-platform game that offers a moderate challenge, but has little in the way of impediments to progression. Scratch a little deeper, however, and it becomes clear that communicating the sense of place and atmosphere, as well as telling what is a very touching story is really the goal here.

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If you bought ETS2 as a bit of a lark, like I did, and were thoroughly sucked in by it, as I was, then you should absolutely get American Truck Simulator.

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I'm no expert on Naruto, but even I became a fan after playing through Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. There's so much effort put into the presentation alone that it's hard not to be engaged, and the gameplay (while simple) allows you to play across a massive roster of characters for some really cool looking and feeling battles.

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Nov 30, 2015

Q) On a scale of 1-10, how good at kissing is Rico? A) He macks on with a cow, which seemed fairly apathetic towards his advances, so we're going with a 5/10. Work needed.

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Nov 20, 2015

As part of a larger whole, the Wild Run content helps to make The Crew into the more complete experience it should have been, but by itself as DLC the price will likely be too high for all but the most devoted Crew fans.

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Nov 16, 2015

I spent a lot of time wondering exactly who Need For Speed was aimed at.

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Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is full of these moments, enough to last a very long time, and if you can ignore the bugs and get into the story, you may find yourself addicted all over again.

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Oct 25, 2015

Halo 5 Guardians is a fantastic game brimming with content, though some parts feel better than others. The story fails to live up to the franchise's standards, due to an underdeveloped narrative, samey level design and an unnecessary focus on Locke.

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Ultimately though, Super Mario Maker will live or die on content sharing and Nintendo's long term support. And that's not a criticism or a compliment, it's just an observation of how this investment will be valued.

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