HomepageKritiqal's Reviews
Stick It To The Man's unabashed insanity is its saving grace.
Having run through the Light in under an hour, I'm rather surprised I've even managed to even write this much about a game that's nothing if not hollow.
Cloudbuilt evolved into one of the most endlessly satisfying and expanding games I've played in a very long time.
OlliOlli is pure, sublime skating perfection.
I appreciate the risks which were taken with Shelter 2 and how much it avoids attempting to repeat the experience of the first game.
Ether One has built a world so close to our own, but given it a purpose and a life that makes every scrap of paper and ordinary item feel meaningful.
Super Toy Cars feels like a game that escaped out of early access with a reassuring smile and a lot of fundamental issues unaddressed.
I'm not sure what Gravity Ghost will be for others who play it, but if it has anywhere near the same effect on them as it did me, that's something worth experiencing however it might manifest.
Child of Light is so staggeringly beautiful that it's not uncommon to find its presentation entirely overpowering the game underneath.
The Marvellous Miss Take is such a phenomenal stealth game that it seems to have snuck by just about everyone.
10 Second Ninja moves so fast that it's over almost before you realize it's begun, but its brief length is used so effectively as a tool to making a blisteringly precise, difficult platformer accessible that it's actually the better for it.
Teslagrad is a gorgeous, clearly guided journey in a genre that's become more and more uninspired and cluttered.
Among the Sleep is a game of perspective and confusion, seen through the eyes of a toddler in a world vastly larger and more terrifying.
Delightful spritework, fun characters, a phenomenal soundtrack, and so many poor design decisions it just makes me sad.
In a lot of ways Escape Goat 2 is just more of the same, albeit with a much nicer art style, but in expanding the original experience it loses a lot of what made the first game so smart.
Shovel Knight is quite possibly the best faux-NES game I've ever played.
The Fall has a lot to say for a game that doesn't want to tell you what it is.
There are so many cool ideas floating around Contrast without a vessel to carry them.
The Banner Saga's awe-inspiring scope is both its biggest strength and weakness.
Alien: Isolation has the makings of the game the franchise deserves and shows us why that would be so amazing, if only we can find a way to blow the troublesome bits out the airlock.