EGM's Reviews
It's a solid third season for The Walking Dead, but we've seen so much better. Cheap plot devices and inconsistent tones in the writing hurt the overall quality of the narrative, and the Telltale Tool continues to show its age in the worst ways. And, for diehard fans, Clementine will still find a way to steal the show from the new cast.
A world where people fight with ramen noodles, DNA, and snakes shouldn't be this much fun. It may take a while to get the hang of the controls in Arms, but the wildly inventive characters, catchy theme music, and unique gameplay style offer enough to capture the attention of casual and competitive gamers alike.
Tekken 7, the latest entry in the long-running franchise, delivers what fighting genre fans love about multiplayer battles, but there isn't enough new material to make it truly stand out from the increasingly competitive options in the fighting genre.
I walked away from Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers surprised at how much fun I could still find in the game, even when playing on the less-than-adequate controls the Switch offers by default. Still, that enjoyment doesn't change the fact that Capcom was off the mark on this release—we either should have received the game as a cheaper digital download, or as a more expansive collection.
That Danger Zone's core design works is unsurprising, given that it's been borrowed wholesale from a different series, but Three Fields has done little to build out the concept into anything worthy of a full game. You'll enjoy what's here well enough, but don't expect it to last very long—or to dazzle much beyond the explosions and sparks.
The Surge's engaging risk/reward combat system and obsession with gear will compel you to want to fight your way through a cataclysmic sci-fi hell. But the repetitive enemy types, uninspired visual design, and unfortunate lack of polish leaves the game feeling soulless.
Injustice 2 is one of the most complete fighting games you'll ever play. From the story to the Multiverse Mode, there is something for everyone here to enjoy. And with how addictive the gear system is, you'll be hard-pressed to put it down.
Rime captures the essence of adventure through its mysterious locale's various paths, inviting visuals, and well-designed puzzles, but it also seeks to use its gameplay mechanics as a storytelling device. While variety isn't strong throughout its run, the world created offers an experience that—at least for one playthrough—is worth taking.
Zombies Chronicles aims for the nostalgia of Zombies fans, and for the most part serves it well. Some of the changes made for the sake of evolution may have been better left undone, but the most important elements of these classic maps are still intact.
Farpoint is another perfect example of a VR game with solid ideas and spotty execution. There is a core of good gunplay and decent story, but the game quickly becomes one-dimensional in its approach, and finds a way to feel like a grind despite its short campaign.
It's funny how a remake of a game that never originally hit the West can feel like such a step forward. There are a couple questionable choices, like the removal of the weapons triangle, and series purists might grumble over some other changes like dungeon exploration, but overall Shadows of Valentia feels like the next great step in Fire Emblem.
Prey is mildly limited in scope and replay value, but everything that is there will hook players almost immediately. In terms of quality over quantity, Prey made the right trade off.
What it lacks in length and complexity, Pinstripe makes up for in narrative. It's a compelling story set in a beautiful world full of interesting characters, and that alone should be worth a look for most—even if there's really not much challenge to this puzzle-adventure game.
With a fresh coat of paint and a couple of tune-ups, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe makes itself a great definitive edition of an already pretty-good game. Smart Steering, though awkwardly on by default, is a godsend for those who play with younger and less-skilled racers, and the revised Battle Mode fills a hole in the game's heart. A lack of additional race courses and content may deter those who already own the original Wii U version of the game, however.
A stellar atmosphere is not enough to save such a puzzle-platformer that completely lacks any sort of challenge. While the story of Six is a sad one, it's not for the fact that her adventure begins in a cage—but that the developer failed to find a way to make me care about it at all.
What Remains of Edith Finch masterfully shows that narrative-driven games can tell stories in creative ways without sacrificing gameplay. Ultimately, though, the experience is let down by the story itself, which doesn't do much of anything interesting with its characters or subject matter.
Puyo Puyo Tetris seemed like an unexpected crossover when it first hit Japan in 2014, and it still does now that it's come to the West. And yet, the idea has come together wonderfully, providing a release that has a lot to offer for fans of either game or simply the puzzle genre in general.
It's pure nostalgia, but if you loved these games as a kid, there's just enough new features to bring you back to it again—and they hold up well enough if you have someone you'd like to introduce these games to for the first time
1989's Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap could have felt way out of its league here in 2017, but the impressive job that LizardCube has done updating it for our modern era has really given it a second life. It's a great retro-meets-future gaming experience marred occasionally by elements that just don't work as well all these years later.
Some long-forgotten issues from way back in the day crop up again in this throwback action-plaformer, but even if you aren't playing it through the nostaliga of someone who grew up with Banjo-Kazooie or other adventures like it, you'll still find a solid game to play in Yooka-Laylee.