EGM's Reviews
Big Boss' supposedly final outing puts players in the middle of the most ambitious entry in the series yet, and it delivers on almost everything it promises. If this is Hideo Kojima's final game, then he is stepping out at the top floor of the industry.
Like The Chinese Room's previous work, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture will no doubt prove an acquired taste, but the game is bolstered by strong, character-driven writing and a desire to experiment with boundaries no other developer, indie or established, is willing to engage.
A great collection of classic games. Whether you've been a fan of Rare for three years or for thirty, there's something here for everyone, with plenty of gems waiting to be discovered for the first time.
Lost Dimension is an engaging action-RPG. I would like to complete it to see what The End and SEALED’s relationship is, and why The End has put the world into such disarray. I see potential in Lost Dimension as a series, but better hands and creative eyes need to work on it going forward. Although I like the concept of exposing a traitor within your ranks, the SEALED characters aren’t great. I don’t really care about them, but I do care about the plot. Lost Dimension is a solid first step towards something much better.
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour plays better in many ways than when Tiger Woods graced the cover, but the removal of so many modes and continuous shortcomings with the short game make this a disappointing debut on new-gen hardware.
Despite a few camera issues and lack of modes, Rocket League is a fun, addicting experience that will keep players engaged for a long time.
Whispering Willows offers up some interesting gameplay ideas behind its tale of a young girl communicating with spirits as she desperately searches for her father. It's unfortunate, then, that Night Light Interactive wasn't able to flesh out most of them, leaving its side-scrolling adventure feeling unfinished for most of the way through.
The main story is a convoluted mess, and the Batmobile gameplay is a serious detractor on the fun factor—especially since the Dark Knight is forced to use this clunky vehicle far too often. The combat outside of the car is better than ever, though, so exploring the game's bountiful side content remains a bright spot in an overall disappointing conclusion to the Arkham franchise.
A retro platformer that sets itself apart with the protagonist's transformation from a single pixel into 8- and 16-bit incarnations. Tic Toc Games' impressive pedigree at WayForward is on full display in Adventures of Pip—one of the only problems is that it's not quite as feature-rich as you'd like.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is far more than a fantasy role-playing game. It's an amazingly fleshed-out world that rewards careful, thoughtful exploration. CD Projekt RED didn't just deliver on their promise to craft an open world worthy of author Andrzej Sapkowski's lore—they greatly exceeded it.
A few interesting puzzles can't save Nero from being an overwritten, mawkish plod that runs so poorly on the Xbox One it's tough to play without feeling sick.
Nintendo's newest cast of characters leaves their mark on the third-person shooter genre in Splatoon, one of the freshest and most exciting competitive multiplayer experiences so far this year. It's just a shame that we'll need to wait a few more months for some of the game's basic functions to be fully implemented.
If Slightly Mad Studios wanted to prove they could build an engine to compete with the likes of Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, Project CARS is a definite success, with driving that feels as realistic as anything else out there. If they wanted to compete with the polish and robustness of those bigger titles, though, they've come up slightly short.
The New Order's returning gameplay carries the day here. The Old Blood's story spends too much time trying to be a tribute to an old game instead of its own adventure—and prevents this standalone expansion from being as deep or enjoyable as the main game.
While Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker isn't the full 3DS remake some might hope, it's still a bigger, better version of what was already a fantastic, engrossing strategy-RPG twist on Atlus' beloved demon-summoning series.
While it never truly feels like it reaches its full potential or the promise Undead Lab's ideas hold for the genre, State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition is still a fun, fascinating take on the tradition of zombie-apocalypse games that's worth playing for hardcore fans.
In its finished form, Broken Age is every bit the modern point-and-click classic its strong first act implied it would be. With an entertaining story and clever puzzles wrapped in a modern sensibility and impressive production values, Tim Schafer's return to the genre that made him lives up to the high standard of his earlier work.
Assassins Creed Chronicles: China offers some solid building blocks for this spin-off series, including beautiful art and decent stealth gameplay. The poor combat and sad attempt at storytelling, however, both leave far too much to be desired.
When it comes to the gameplay, Mortal Kombat X is a solid fighting game, but a small roster and shoddy story hold it back from being a complete experience.
If you're measuring with the typical genre yardstick, Affordable Space Adventures isn't a particularly great or noteworthy puzzle game, but as an exercise in designing to the Wii U's strengths and delivering an entertaining, one-of-a-kind co-op experience, it's a pretty solid success.