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1038 games reviewed
65.5 average score
70 median score
38.7% of games recommended

FNintendo's Reviews

3 / 10 - Football Game
Jan 15, 2020

Those expecting sports action should turn away - this is a 1990s-style adventure game which at no moment engages the player in any kind of football whatsoever. That said, Football Game does not stand out as either a puzzle or an adventure game. With a dull, uninteresting plot and characters and puzzles which are way too simplistic, Football Game quickly loses its purpose and won't do much for those who will feel attracted by its graphics.

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4 / 10 - Desert Child
Jan 13, 2020

Desert Child for the Nintendo Switch intends to be a simple, unpretentious racing game. Unfortunately, other than a pleasant art style and references to Cowboy Bebop, the gameplay on offer doesn't stand out or add anything remarkable compared to the existing catalogue. A rather dull experience, without a significant degree of challenge and very much unexplored by its development, Desert Child does not amount to a recommended racing game for the Nintendo Switch.

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7 / 10 - StarBlox Inc.
Jan 12, 2020

StarBlox Inc. for the Nintendo Switch is what happens when a brawler and a puzzler intersect. Even if it's not the most gorgeous game ever made, this effort can provide some unmistakably fun hours, especially on multiplayer, as the puzzle-based combats advance and the variety of game modes allow for different variations of the experience.

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Jan 10, 2020

Clouds & Sheep 2 is not the most elaborate experience ever made but as far as simple, quick, low risk fun is concerned, it does something right. Poking and throwing sheep around and causing lightning can be strangely satisfying and players with children around might find a winning formula in this game, even if just for a brief time period.

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6 / 10 - Demon Pit
Jan 9, 2020

Demon Pit for the Nintendo Switch does a good job at being a simple, 1990s-based shooter. With its unpretentious but intense action moments, Demon Pit will strike a chord with those looking to relive simpler times. That said and given today's technology, the experience could only improve if this version allowed the use of motion-controls when it comes to aiming, the same goes for its default auto-aiming function, which cannot be switched off.

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Jan 8, 2020

If My Heart Had Wings for the Nintendo Switch knows very well what it's doing. With its emotional, enveloping story and characters, this visual novel excels at transmitting feelings and its art style and soundtrack certainly help with this. It would be even better if the game allowed for touchscreen controls but as it is, If My Heart Had Wings deserves its praise and distinction as one of the best visual novels for Nintendo's console.

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2 / 10 - Beast Quest
Jan 7, 2020

Beast Quest is an adventure game and one that is devoid of any impressive qualities that would justify its purchase. While not all games need to have groundbreaking visuals or tap into a rush of addictive behaviour in our brains, Beast Quest does not present any compelling arguments to give it a chance: it's shallow, repetitive, it has an empty plot, too many performance issues and to top it all off, its price tag is way too exaggerated. A few tweaks here and there could make it into something minimally entertaining but what's on display here should not be recommended to anyone.

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Jan 6, 2020

Spirit Hunter: NG is a horror-themed visual novel and one which gets all its main points right. Played pretty much like an interactive book, this game performs equally well when played on a television screen and on the Nintendo Switch itself, a real demonstration that horror has no format limits. With its well written plot, spine-chilling ambiance and audiovisual environment that fits the game's idea just right, Spirit Hunter: NG is just what any fan of horror in the Nintendo Switch could hope for.

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Jan 5, 2020

Root Letter: Last Answer features an outstanding art style and a good set of additional epilogues for what is a good plot. At the same time, some of its endings seem out of place and the quality of the writing tends to fluctuate a lot. That doesn't mean that Root Letter: Last Answer for the Nintendo Switch is not an enjoyable game, as fans of visual novel-type adventures will find out, but the experience would be more immersive if there was any possible use of the touchscreen.

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Jan 4, 2020

Thea: The Awakening for the Nintendo Switch puts the focus on Slavic myths, rather the by now extremely common settings of Norse mythology or medieval backgrounds. That alone deserves praise, as it brings some much-needed variety to the catalogue. However, Thea starts turning into a disappointing effort when it starts trying to be everything at the same time and with so many things going in every direction, the game loses focus and becomes a cumbersome experience for the player, even if there are still elements worthy of praise.

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Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout brings the Atelier series to a new trilogy and this time, the leap brings us towards a marvelous game that pushes the quality threshold to a higher level, thanks to its fantastic combat system, exquisite art style and soundtrack and an accessible gameplay that improves the experience for everyone.

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Dec 29, 2019

Guess the Word on the Nintendo Switch has been adapted from the mobile market and even though it presents itself as an educational game, its value as such a work is very limited. Short in content, with only one gaming mode and lacking in the very element it bases itself on, Guess the Word does not fulfill any of its objectives and will feel too limited and too short for everyone, including its target audience.

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6 / 10 - SIMULACRA
Dec 28, 2019

SIMULACRA on the Nintendo Switch is an FMV adenture based on a story of mystery and horror and if the gameplay experience is not among the most outstanding ever designed, there is definitely something engaging about finding hints and advancing along the plot. The game's different endings add an additional incentive to explore and even though SIMULACRA is no masterpiece, its players will feel involved enough to take the experience to the end.

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5 / 10 - FoxyLand
Dec 27, 2019

FoxyLand is not the most elaborate and complex game ever made. "Not that there's anything wrong with that", this simple and accessible experience will be enough for those looking for something quick which does not require too much investment from the player but those looking for something more engaging and motivating should skip FoxyLand's short lifespan and simplistic nature.

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Dec 26, 2019

Distraint: Deluxe Edition is a short but marvelous experience. A disturbing plot, a nerve-wrecking environment, an enveloping soundtrack and a simple but straight-to-the-point gameplay, they all contribute to make Distraint on the Nintendo Switch a game that often feels more like a playable literary experience. No recommendation is emphatic enough for this gem, which unreservedly earned the right to be in the collection of every Switch player.

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7 / 10 - Bee Simulator
Dec 25, 2019

Bee Simulator bears the markings of a fun action game, as well as of an educational experience. With its myriad of information about bees and an enjoyable, relaxing gameplay that will be welcomed by both children and adults, Bee Simulator would benefit from more precise controls, as well as from a more polished visual environment but nothing that precludes it from being a fun experience.

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Where the Water Tastes Like Wine takes a bold step in trying to make a game based on a concept that is very unusual in this medium. That's something to praise but even though the game features an interesting plot and the stories are certainly worth reading, the gameplay experience does not feel adequate to what is on offer and way too often the game feels like it should have been done differently and with other mechanics.

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Override Mecha City Brawl, a long name for a simple game. Featuring combats with colossal machines in urban areas, the game is easy to get into thanks to its accessible controls and features plenty of customization options. Unfortunately it does a less stellar work on the quality of the experience, which often feels too limited and repetitive. The game also feels out of place as a handheld experience and its online space is nearly deserted, consequences of a price tag that is too high for what's on offer.

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5 / 10 - Dead End Job
Dec 22, 2019

Dead End Job on the Nintendo Switch is a twin-stick shooter that gets part of the combat system right, with its direct and simple action and whose art style will find a place with fans of 1990s animation. That said, the game's areas are way too repetitive and monotonous, and several aspects just don't stand up to what is expected, with the result being a work that is often difficult to enjoy.

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Dec 21, 2019

Sublevel Zero Redux on the Nintendo Switch is a space-based first-person shoot'em-up that features a slick gameplay, a very healthy amount of content and a roguelite approach to its sections. If this will please both fans of the genre and beginners, the game can become repetitive in a rather short time and the use of the map in the exploration will become too frequent.

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