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237 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
63.1% of games recommended

M3's Reviews

Jan 16, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a colorful, cheerful and action packed adventure that does not look nor play like anything else. The camera and controls will take some time to get used to and may annoy at times, but overall Gravity Rush 2 is a very polished and enjoyable experience.

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6 / 10 - Dead Rising 4
Dec 6, 2016

Although the weapons and the exo-suit elevate the core action of Dead Rising 4, the lack of timer takes away the challenge and the replayability. The currrent build also has a lot of bugs, unfortunately.

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Dec 5, 2016

After over seven years it feels surrealistic to finally play The Last Guardian. Has it been worth the wait? No idea – some players will complain about the unpolished controls, the graphics and the bad camera angels. On the other hand the story is beautiful and the world is as stunning as it was in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. For us, this is one of the best adventures in the recent years.

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Dec 2, 2016

Not without it's flaws, but Final Fantasy XV is a fantastic comeback for the series and a beautiful love letter to the fans of the series. With a mix of open world, hectic combat and engaging characters – this is the Final Fantasy we have been waiting for.

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Super Mario Maker For Nintendo 3DS is a good recreation of the Wii U classic, but the lackluster online capabilities makes this conversion severely inferior to its console counterpart.

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Nov 30, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon are the best Pokémon games since Gold and Silver. Game Freak has built a solid ground for the future.

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9 / 10 - Dishonored 2
Nov 15, 2016

Despite the overall feeling of familiarity, Dishonored 2 delivers such an impressive sense of variety and atmosphere that the game sits among the best gaming titles of 2016.

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8 / 10 - Watch Dogs 2
Nov 14, 2016

Watch Dogs 2 is everything that Watch Dogs was supposed to be. San Fransisco is the place to be with stunning environments and self distance that is hard to not love.

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Nov 9, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a somewhat odd addition to the Call of Duty franchise. The online multiplayer does not offer any notable improvements, and the zombie mode is a fun romp but nothing more. On the other hand, the game offers an impressive single player campaign that feels fresh and interesting. If you want a great sci-fi game this is the one to get.

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If you haven't play Skyrim before, Special Edition is the version to get. It's a lazy remake though that still contains minor but frustrating bugs.

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Nov 2, 2016

Dragon Quest Builders is a splendid fusion between Minecraft and Dragon Quest. Instead of just roaming a huge world at your own will, you will always have a (mostly) clear goal to work towards and townspeople to pamper. There is still plenty of room for making your own creations, even though it is not on the same grand scale as Minecraft.

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7 / 10 - Titanfall 2
Oct 31, 2016

The multiplayer is as unique as ever, and the addition of a singleplayer campaign (however brief) helps to pad out the game and give its best ideas more room to breathe. Not everything works—least of all the writing—but if nothing else Respawn proves it’s a studio willing to experiment, to push boundaries in a way Battlefield and Call of Duty largely stopped doing years ago.

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Oct 28, 2016

While the mechanics is pretty much the same as the previous Skylanders games, Imaginators lets you be far more creative. With better gameplay and more colorful graphics, and this is one of the best installments in the series so far.

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Oct 26, 2016

Civilization is still one of the most addicted series in gaming, and the new installment offers some really interesting addition. The sometimes stupid AI is a bit of a letdown, though.

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Oct 25, 2016

Paper Mario: Color Splash is one of those games that works best if you play it a couple of hours each time. The graphical design is as wonderful as ever, and the adventure offers plenty of charming settings. Sadly the gameplay feels a little too monotonous, and the battles aren’t as dynamic as the previous games.

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6 / 10 - Mafia 3
Oct 14, 2016

Mafia 3 is the definition of a mixed bag. At times it is a great experience with a compelling story, interesting characters and an exciting world to discover. But after a few hours the game falls into a repetitive grind with the same type of mission over and over again. It is still an okay game, but it could have been so much more.

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Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 have pretty much the same mechanics that we are used of. It sure is entertaining, but at the same time a little too safe. Overall though, it’s still a great game that every Gears of War fan probably will enjoy.

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Sep 28, 2016

If you haven’t played Bioshock before, this is truly a masterpiece of collection. It includes three great action games, and especially the first two is still outstanding. Howerer, Bioshock: The Collection doesn’t really offer anything new. It would have been more than welcome with more content for those that already have played through the series.

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Sep 26, 2016

PES 2017 is in many way the game that PES 2016 should have been. It shares the same deep mechanics, but the AI – especially the goalies – is so much better. PES 2017 may be a let down for those who want as many licenses as possible, for everyone else this is one of the best soccer games ever.

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Sep 20, 2016

Forza Horizon 3 offers glorious graphics, big variation and cleaver online implementation. It might not be the perfect racing game, but are you a fan of the previous games in the series it’s a no-brainer.

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