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Gamers Heroes

1048 games reviewed
64.8 average score
70 median score
47.9% of games recommended

Gamers Heroes's Reviews

Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Aug 29, 2016

Compared to Human Revolution, the game feels like a shell of its former self. If you are a fan of the series prepare for disappointment.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Aug 26, 2016

If you are a fan of the Attack On Titan series then this should be a no-brainer, get it and enjoy it. If you don’t know the series but enjoy fast paced high intensity action, pick it up and have a good time. Attack On Titan impressed me multiple times and is just plain fun.

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While there were a couple key choices throughout the episode, the game played mostly like an overarching story with different dialogue options. With what appears like 4 more episodes, we have yet to see any real game changing plot options but I still think there is plenty of time and this was an incredible start. What it truly needed was more of that friggin Batmobile. Seriously, How cool was the Batmobile Lambo? The thing friggin went from Red to Black with camouflage tech then Armored up while also opening the back for jets. LAMBO BATMOBILE GG Telltale. Click HERE to see the GIF

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Gundam Extreme Vs. Force takes the series in a new direction, but not exactly the right direction. Those unfamiliar with the series will no doubt dig the “Vs.” and multiplayer fights, but the “Force”-heavy battles may turn people off.

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7 / 10 - INSIDE
Jul 15, 2016

All told if you do everything possible in this game you still fall well short of 10 hours, but at $20 it’s a novel puzzle platformer that definitely scratches the indie itch. Following up Limbo should have been an arduous task but it seems that developer Playdead has the ability of blurring the lines between art and video games inside its DNA. I for one feel like games like this need to exist in an industry bursting with more and more mundane AAA titles. Now if only it can take less than 6 years between games. Inside was definitely a very good game, even at times great but it was by no means a perfect platformer and was at best a pretty good puzzle game. What makes Inside good is the overall experience i.e. the tone, setting, pace and soundtrack. Definitely a must play.

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
Jun 28, 2016

The Technomancer has plenty to offer for fans looking to return to the world of Mars: War Logs but for anyone looking for a AAA experience, The Technomancer isn’t worth a $60 price tag.

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7 / 10 - Mighty No. 9
Jun 25, 2016

Mighty No. 9 suffers from spreading a great idea too thin and thusly not allowing it to thrive in its own right. It was a promising first start but in order for this to be a future franchise I feel like more focus will be needed. At just over 7 hours of a campaign time, Mighty No. 9 is not a bad game by any means, and for $20 it is extremely worthwhile. It just isn't the great game we wanted and instead is a hopeful good game with promise. Here's hoping it gets a sequel.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane

Overall the Atelier Sophie is a good JRPG that is worth checking out if you are a fan of these kinds of games. If you can get over the fact you have to play a cutesy young woman, there is a good story, deep combat system and a great crafting system waiting for anyone who checks it out.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Jun 2, 2016

While the game is coming together quite nicely, I can't quit recommend the full season pass unless you really enjoyed a previous Hitman like Blood Money. Still no sure why they decided to do the episodic release. Anyways we will review the next episode when it comes out so be sure to check back for that!

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
May 25, 2016

Homefront: The Revolution is a collection of good ideas ruined by a rushed release, lack of polish and hugely disappointing technical performance.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
May 19, 2016

Fans of the game should certainly go back to it if they haven’t picked it up off of Steam yet and anyone on the fence should give it a go if they like tactical shooters with small RPG elements.

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
8 / 10 - Doom
May 18, 2016

id Software completely nailed the core experience of the single player campaign and although I did find myself suffering from the occasional craving of more detail and immersion in the story, by the time the credits rolled I had to put my controller down and take a breather. Only for a second before upping the difficulty and diving in again. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
May 6, 2016

Hitman Episode 2 adds a new locale, weapons, outfits and items to the game. It is technically sound with no frame drops or stutters and the online issues seemed to be fixed, no disconnects here. If you enjoyed the first episode you are going to like the second.

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Melty Blood: Current Code – Actress Again is quite possibly one of the deepest fighting games around. It’ll be downright daunting for beginners, but those willing to sink the time into its mechanics will find a lot to like here. Just don’t expect a lot game-mode wise and you’ll be fine.

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The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 3 doesn't quite deliver the punch players are used to. Between the lack of control and uneven plot, this is one adventure that fails to live up to its source material.

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Apr 15, 2016

While the game is unrelenting and punishes you for any little mistake, you cannot compete with the level of gratification that comes with beating this game. Of all the games I've played this year, this is by far the best one and by a wide margin. Go forth, and fear no darkness!

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The second episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne seems like a step back from the original episode, as well as its source material. Its miniseries format is just not proving to be conducive for a fleshed out tale where your choices matter. Hopefully Michonne will pull through and wow gamers and fans alike come Episode 3.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane

The Witch And The Hundred Knight Revival Edition is a good action RPG with solid mechanics and an interesting story. If you like these types of games then you shouldn’t hesitate to pick it up!

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Mar 28, 2016

If you are a fan of the Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors games, I think you should give this one a go. The new strategy sessions in between missions is enjoyable and the easy-to-learn combat is the same as it has always been.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Mar 16, 2016

For $10 Hitman offers you a lot of quality content to go through. On the other hand for 60$ you will be left feeling bitter because of the lack of content currently. I’d say give it a go at the $10 price point and if you like it buy the season pass for the rest of the missions.

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