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Rice Digital

663 games reviewed
78.6 average score
80 median score
67.6% of games recommended

Rice Digital's Reviews

I can’t help but recommend this game. It’s well worth it just for the experience of playing it, and none of its shortcomings are enough to detract from the game’s merit as a whole. Above all things, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs is a unique game with lots of charm.

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Unifying Japan has never felt so personal. Ascension is as much about your own story as it is about Japan's, and what will be best for your clan is not always necessarily what will be best for you.

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Ariandel is a gorgeous land and it’s a shame that there isn’t a whole lot to really explore, but it’s an enjoyable romp that lasts for a few hours and should please those who are itching for more Dark Souls. One of the strongest games of 2016 has just gotten better.

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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 far surpasses its predecessor and does an excellent job in capturing what makes Dragon Ball what it is whilst providing plenty of gameplay options to keep you coming back long after the story. Dimps will have a hard time topping this one with, presumably, Xenoverse 3 but I really like the direction that the Xenoverse series has taken and hope that it continues. If you’re a fan then you won’t want to miss out and even if you aren’t very familiar with the series, Xenoverse 2 makes for a great starting point.

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Princess Maker 2 Refine is very much a product of its time. The game does very little to guide the player, but instead leaves them to uncover all the little intricacies on their own. Its simple premise, but deep nature will keep you coming back for more. If there is one complaint to be had with Princess Maker, it would be the ridiculously long wait for this amazing 1993 game to be finally localised.

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Oct 27, 2016

Root Letter is a game that touched me in a way I didn’t expect and it more or less came out of the blue for me, but I’m sure glad that it did! This might be my favourite game of the year and it’s been a beautiful, captivating experience I urge everyone to try. With a compelling plot and characters, alluring visuals and a catchy soundtrack, it isn’t difficult to not call Root Letter one of the best games released this year. If you like the sound of it then please buy and experience it for yourselves, and I’m excited to see what else is coming in Kadokawa’s Game Mystery series.

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Oct 24, 2016

Yomawari may just be that little game you might want to pick up and play during the Halloween season, deeply buried in your cuddliest blanket and sipping a nice hot cup of tea. All this considering you are not too upset by the creepy atmosphere and disturbing stories, especially regarding our furry friends

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Rice Digital

However perverted Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni may be, it manages to hold out quite well as a fighting game. While the majority will be here undoubtedly for the ‘visual’ treats, which this game delivers flawlessly, it’s still good to know that the game has enough substance even after the jiggly boob novelty wears off. Valkyrie Drive may very well be a series we will hear from a lot more in the future.

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Oct 19, 2016

Its colour and ever-changing scenery is worth exploring.

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Rice Digital

Newcomers and longtime fans alike will be pleasantly surprised by this newest outing.

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Spirit of Justice proves that Ace Attorney can still manage to be fresh, exciting, and most importantly tell a great story.

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Rice Digital

Criminal Girls 2 is not a bad game by any means. Everything that made the original a unique and engaging title makes a return. The truly innovative combat system, the dark and brooding storyline, even the somewhat straightforward puzzles make this an RPG worth checking out. However, it ultimately lacks the amount of refinement generally associated with a sequel.

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This game is fantastic and arguably the pinnacle of Pac-Man.

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Rice Digital

Underneath all improved visuals and added content God Eater 2: Rage Burst is still a PSP title at heart. The short story segments, the repetitive bite-sized missions, everything is designed with that kind of experience in mind. Still, Steam and PlayStation 4 users finally have the opportunity to experience this unique genre first-hand, especially if you have a group of friends ready to join your cause.

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Sep 18, 2016

While God Eater Resurrection can’t mask its PSP roots, it is an enjoyable title worth looking into if you are a newcomer or fan of the series alike and just can’t wait for the long awaited third instalment. If you are a looking for a Monster Hunter-esque game on the PS4, God Eater Resurrection might be just the thing you were waiting for.

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If you’re a fan of the anime then Mandatory Happiness is a must-buy, especially if you want to see more of the cast and have another well-written story with twists and turns that’ll keep you guessing.

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Project Diva X boasts an outstanding soundtrack, stunning visuals and engaging, addictive gameplay that’ll keep pulling you in over and over again.

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There are so many missed opportunities and slipups in MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death. And despite all that, it surprisingly manages to be enjoyable and far less frustrating than other games in the genre.

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Supipara is a charming visual novel, through an through. Its high budget ultimately may not save it from falling prey to threading the tried and true old formula. Its cast members may end up falling into stereotypical roles and the plot has a few too many uneventful periods. Still it is enjoyable and paves way for the upcoming chapters, promising to have the plot finally running on all cylinders.

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Sep 2, 2016

The game becomes pretty repetitive after a few hours. If you’re a fan of the series then this is likely worth buying, but otherwise you might want to check the anime out first or wait for a sale.

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