Constantly Calibrating's Reviews
"...while out in the woods on a camping trip, Mr. Smith and his family run in to a few...well...let's call them snafus..."
Thimbleweed Park isn’t just another point-and-click adventure game. It’s the point-and-click adventure game I’ve been waiting for since discovering Maniac Mansion hiding inside of Day of the Tentacle, back when I was 8 years old.
"There are some that would say there is nothing more soothing than riding the rails. You set off on a train and explore the countryside and relax, letting the world pass you by. If leisurely pursuits are your goal, then The Final Station from two man studio, Do My Best, and publisher tinyBuild may not be for you. If you're looking for an intense, 5-6 hour experience, then all aboard! The infected are coming."
"Thankfully, A Knight to Remember delivers a superb story full of humorous moments, impactful events, and touching experiences. Playing it is akin to playing the best of the classic era of adventure gaming, but with an entirely new coat of paint."
"Poly Bridge relies heavily on the idea of positive punishment. You're beaten down time and again as you move through the levels, but the uplifting music and cartoony visuals keep you coming back for more bridge-building fun. This is definitely a title that should appeal to anyone that enjoys building structures; even more-so if they're filled with too much self worth and belief in their own abilities."
"While Styx: Master of Shadows managed to sneak up on me, as a good goblin should be able to, it has not gone unnoticed. The game started as yet another review, but has now become a beloved world in my imagination. My only hope is that whether by DLC or a sequel title Styx will get more stories, even if this particular one seems to have come to a defining end."
"South Park: The Stick of Truth takes the best aspects of the long-running TV series, molding it into a well-executed game. In combining the two mediums, Obsidian Entertainment leaves us with one of the most enjoyable South Park episode in years."