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Reloading BR

43 games reviewed
78.4 average score
80 median score
88.4% of games recommended

Reloading BR's Reviews

7.6 / 10.0 - Zombie Vikings
Sep 7, 2015

Despite some technical problems and an inferior single player experience in comparison to co-op, Zombie Vikings is a great beat-em-up that will give you a good few hours of fun and laughter, as the comical script confirms Zoink! Games as one of my favorite devs when it comes to writing in the last few years. The variety of weapons, enemies, and abilities of the characters encourage you to test all the possibilities in the gameplay. I recommend this for those who have some friends willing to try this adventure because the game shines much more in co-op. It is also extremely recommended to leave the game paused and just enjoy one of the best ''pause menu'' music I ever heard.

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8 / 10.0 - Volume
Aug 20, 2015

Volume merges its influences very well and creates a very fun atmosphere, provided by good puzzles and a great script. Most game design and rhythm failures in the story are forgotten by the addictive and simple gameplay. The map editor, the creations of the community and the desire to return to the main story maps, seeking to improve your completion time, give the game a great replay factor and represents the great package that Volume is.

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5 / 10.0 - Submerged
Aug 3, 2015

Submerged has an interesting concept and artistic presentations very well built. Navigation and exploration are exciting at first until you notice the constant reuse of textures and similarities of some constructions. Some of the most different buildings cannot be climbed which is a bit frustrating. But the game's biggest downs are in the weak history and in the climbing mechanics, which presents no challenge at all and is extremely boring at some points. Despite some beautiful vistas the game has little to offer and I do not recommend it on its base price.

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