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Metroid Dread masterfully combines the atmosphere, classic exploration, boss battles and platforming of the original, with enhanced graphics and a faster, more responsive Samus than ever. While it does follow the Metroid formula to some extent, the refinements and extra layer of added tension make the game the more gripping Metroid game in the franchise. Metroid Dread perfectly blends combat, exploration and pursuit, its brilliant cat and mouse dynamic that adds a welcome addition to the Metroid gameplay.
Death Stranding Director's cut is far more accessible than the original game, and maybe a bit too easy when compared with what it was before. If you haven't played or didn't enjoy it the first time around, then these new additions, which are mostly optional, certainly push towards a more action-oriented experience, that might not necessarily be an improvement but definitely adds a bit more fun into the gameplay.
There is also a wide range of modes in NBA2K22 that will allow players to do more than just play basketball and experience the different aspects of the NBA. But the game is plagued with a lot of microtransactions that may not fully hinder your experience but should just be toned down and not shoved constantly in your face.
FIFA 22 is probably the most realistic, most immersive and best looking FIFA game ever, but there's also a feeling that with the right tweaks here and there, it could and should be a lot better.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens is a great way to experience Goku’s story all over again. If you already own the game on other consoles then it’s probably not worth grabbing again unless the portability is a big bonus for you. But for newcomers having the DLC included is great value for the price of this version and it increases the adventure by a good few hours, plus fans can also look forward to the Future Trunks DLC.
Overall Flynn Son of Crimson is a fun adventure that definitely worth picking up especially if you are a fan of the genre.
The overhaul of combat is the biggest improvement with the real-time battles providing an enthralling experience. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is by far one of the best JRPGs and essential gaming for fans of the genre.
Eastward is an amazing indie title that spans around 30 hours of gameplay, told through a captivating story. The wonderful art direction and spectacular animation are warranted enough for Eastward to grab your attention.
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is definitely the definitive way to play this epic game, the enhancements granted from the Playstation 5 alone warrant a second play through. Iki island itself may come with a few new additions but it is more or less a similar experience to the rest of the game which isn't a bad thing. The expansion will take as long as the first Act which if players do everything can be up to 20 hours, so fans will want to get their teeth into this for the sheer size of it.
With an intriguing story and compelling gameplay, Deathloop is one of the most original and gripping games to come out in the past few years. One of the best parts of Deathloop is after you solve one mystery, often several more take their place, requiring you to keep digging. With multiple weapons, slags and trinkets to experiment with the games offer a huger number of variables to help mix up the game and For a game about repetition, these elements make it incredibly fresh. With Julianna waiting in the wings to finish you off, adding an element of delicious, unpredictable danger to an already gripping game.
Ultra Age is a really fun fast-paced action game that shouldn’t be missed by fans of the genre. It may be lacking in certain areas but makes up for it with its addictively satisfying combat mechanics. The game will take about 6-7 hours to complete, so it is not the longest and there isn’t much replay value. But the visuals are amazing and a real testament to what indie developers are capable of at the moment.
This isn't a deep game but it's a great deal of fun and is a charming experience. The WarioWare series is easily one of the most original gaming concepts ever and Get It Together! is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch. The addition of co-op and new characters with unique controls really help to breathe new life into the endlessly creative WarioWare Series.
I really think the developers have done a marvellous job reinventing this classic series for a new audience without compromising much of the key elements. Tales of Arise is sure to cause a massive stir amongst JRPG fans and the gaming community
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Vol. 1 is a great throwback for fans of the original games and the ability to take them on the go is an added bonus. Although I just don’t think enough has been done to improve on the originals with a lot of the lingering issues still present.
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions! Is a fun arcade game that’s really easy to play. This probably isn’t the game that die-hard boxing fans have been waiting for but being able to play as characters from across different generations of the franchise has its obvious appeal. Fans of the films will enjoy unlocking all the characters for the chance to play their friends in versus mode during an afternoon session of gaming but without online mode, I don’t see it going beyond that.
No More Heroes 3 is a sensational return to the garden of madness, the vast improvements made from the last two games are really astonishing and worth the ten-year wait. It does suffer from slight performances issues when undocked but that is not a deal-breaker. Suda51 has done an amazing job at crafting Travis's best adventure yet, the only thing we want to know is "when will No More Heroes 4 is coming out?"
There’s a lot of depth packed into its relatively short gameplay time which can be completed in a few hours. But fans will enjoy their time spent in Wakanda which is highly engaging and sets a promising precedent for what could come in the future from Crystal Dynamic.
It has all the makings of a great fighter but just feels slightly sluggish in several areas. Although this is a nice first step in what could be a promising series from developers nWay and I look forward to what they do next with this franchise.
My only issue was that there wasn’t much consistency with the difficulty throughout, some levels and enemies were weak, then others would be really powerful in the next room. But in the end, this will just allow players to improve their strategies a lot faster. Also, the lack of co-op is a huge missed opportunity for this title. Greak: Memories of Azur is definitely one of the standout titles this year and shouldn’t be missed.
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle is a meaty game with so many layers to it, the game does a good job at getting new players accustomed but there's quite a bit to learn.