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Tokyo 2020 is great if you have some friends around and serves as an enjoyable party game due to its pick up and play nature, although the lack or rounds or a tournament mode is noticeable especially with some events being over very quickly.
In a year of stunning Switch games, Luigi's Mansion 3's puzzles and charm more than stack up alongside the incredible Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Link's Awakening. We're so glad the franchise is back, and it's made the jump to HD with style - who knew tidying up could be this fun?
Overall a great idea executed really well, the idea of using gamification and turn based role-playing game mechanics is genius.
Such great groundwork has been laid here that we can’t wait to play a new game in the franchise - we just hope it zeroes in on more of a bespoke personality by then. For now, we’ll console ourselves by replaying it again.
If you love RPGs, reading or fancy something different - and I mean really damn different - then track down Disco Elysium.
The game can feel laborious at times with the hunt for items having no direction but the games music and relaxed nature made this a great experience for the explorers.
The foundations of Breakpoint are sound, and hopefully with a little love and a lot of patches, this could become a fantastic shooter.
Daemon X Machina won’t be for everyone, and it feels a cop-out to say “fans of the genre” will enjoy it. With that said, if you’ve been longing for something fresh in the under-represented giant robots side of things, its suite of hulking mechanical monstrosities and the ways they make things explode give the Switch yet another shot in the arm.
Despite the level of challenge, The Surge 2 is always entertaining and fun to jump into. Mastery comes with persistence here, and while the lack of hand holding might have you replaying some parts a few times, the game never stops being thrilling.
Dragon Quest XI is an excellent port of a superb JRPG. It’s rammed full of content, and performs excellently on the Switch. It’s the JRPG equivalent of putting on your comfiest pajamas and settling in on a rainy day - always enjoyable, wonderfully familiar, and the best way to prepare for Autumn.
Everyone can agree that it is a remake done right from the charming graphics and great music, and there couldn’t have been a better choice of Zelda game to bring to the Switch.
Overall the game is a real blast from the past, keeping true to its style and doing the core mechanics outstandingly well whilst improving some quality of life aspects.
There hasn't been such an original, uplifting experience with anonymous player interaction like this since 'Journey'. It is simply wonderful, and I implore you to give it a try.
For Gears of War fans, this is a package that is essential, and a game that certainly surpasses its predecessor.
Astral Chain balances smart yet exciting combat and rewarding mechanics with slower, more thoughtful investigation elements and fun exploration.
This is one of the strongest releases on the Nintendo Switch in 2019 so far and is certainly worth playing, even for newcomers of the veteran series.
Overall the game is great to play with some improvements on last year's iteration.
Youngblood just cannot hope to fill the power armour clad boots of New Colossus. It's a good shooter and great co-op game but don’t expect much more than a run and gun.
Real-time strategy, American football and orcs blend together for a fun but rough experience
Dragon Quest Builders 2 feels like a cross between Animal Crossing, Minecraft and Breath of the Wild but is unique. With its relaxed pace and overall good plot and satisfying gameplay, it’s an enjoyable game and solid RPG that improves upon its predecessor like a sequel should. The dialogue is funny and charming, the world is interesting and fun to explore.