Gamelite's Reviews
With Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ubisoft has undoubtedly touched substantial improvements from previous titles. Unlike its predecessors, Valhalla focuses a lot on history but even more on the return to the Creed, which finally reappears after several years of absences. The assassins are back and with them the ancestral struggle against the Order.
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The latest DLC of 2020 is really good from the point of view of the main missions, but fallacious on various other aspects. The side quests are many, but also quite repetitive.
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The Ancient Gods is a real extension of the base game. Some of the uncertainties, especially related to the narrative arc, have been swept away. The narrative is more linear and solid, although quite short at this time.
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Doodle God: Evolution is a game that has landed on PlayStation 4 but has several years behind it. The gameplay is immediate, even essential, allowing anyone to be able to easily turn it on and play.
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Finally Crash is back and does it in a superlative way, thanks to an all-round game that takes up the previous mechanics and adds new ones.
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Without doubt it is one of the remakes made. The title has not only improved from a graphic and technical point of view, but has also supplanted those slow and unrealistic behaviors of some characters in the story.
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Since the renovations have been very small, it is a title that we feel strongly to recommend only to those who are really fans of the NBA. Those who have the 2K20 and are not a great basketball fan, but an occasional player, could also opt not to buy it.
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The first feeling when I started the game is that I am in front of something really great. As a Marvel fan I was amazed to see the various settings, but also those well-detailed characters. The thing that captivated me, however, is the quality of the script, thanks to a story that, although it may seem banal in some points, turns out to be very compelling, capable of attracting attention and literally making time fly.
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Project Cars 3 is a title that inherits all the good things of its predecessors, thus not betraying the fan base that buys it - and loves it - precisely for its more simulative side. The addition of some help to facilitate new players should not be misleading: they are aimed only at the newest ones, or who in any case prefer a much less demanding level of challenge.
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It's a very interesting game that will be unrivaled. The main focus was on realism, starting from the graphics to get to the controls. Graphically the title is excelled with very interesting visual details.
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A Total War Saga: Troy is a title that shows ups and downs. Without a doubt it's a better spin-off than the previous one (Thrones of Britannia), thanks to a breathtaking setting with attention to detail. The Homeric victory is infact much more interesting than the classical one. Troy relies heavily on some mechanics but then takes inexplicable steps backwards.
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Black Ops IIII ha abolito il singleplayer per concentrarsi unicamente sul multigiocatore, ma lo ha fatto forse in maniera minore rispetto a quello che, magari, ci saremmo attesi. Come ogni Call of Duty rimane un grandissimo sparatutto in prima persona, ma sono molte le incertezze che ci fanno storcere il naso. Al netto di una grafica davvero molto bella, il gioco non brilla per originalità, offrendo un gunplay solido e maturo, ma ormai troppo spesso abusato nello stile sia da Activision, sia da altri del genere. Va premiata la scelta di inserire uno degli elementi più in voga del momento, ossia la Battle Royale. Blackout, così si chiama la modalità firmata Activision, mostra davvero grande potenziale, però non ancora del tutto espresso. In particolar modo un po' delusione proviene dalla mappa, abbastanza piccola per una Battle Royale che si rispetti, specie con il gameplay rapido ed adrenalinico che caratterizza COD: BO IIII. Ancora una volta la punta di diamante dell'intero titolo sembra essere la modalità zombi cooperativa, che ci mette di fronte non soltanto ad un unico scenario, bensì ad una scelta di avventure abbastanza ampia. La narrazione è lineare e divertente, guidando come un filo conduttore i giocatori in meandri di mappe assai valide e molto particolareggiate. Gli zombi sono vari e molto aggressivi, offrendo una difficoltà di gioco enorme che porta i giocatori a ripetere e ripetere le missioni.
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Unlike what we think, crossing a Bridge Constructor with a Portal has produced something very beautiful and intriguing. This new title developed by ClockStone will not be the long awaited Portal 3, it is true, but it is still incredibly able to support the Valve setting. It is a very well-conceived hybrid, structured with few but complex levels.
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Spellforce 3 is a hybrid title, with two very different mechanics that have been merged and whose final result looks really nice. The best part is the RPG that manages to maintain an original imprint thanks to a valid exploration system.
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Carcassone is one of several successful board games that have been reproduced in the PC version. The PC version, although it can never replicate the charm of the real board game, has certain advantages, such as being able to play even without the need to meet at least three people.
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This is a very large DLC, with lots of content, recommended to all those who loved Steep. The excellent support of Ubisoft Annecy has allowed Steep to be much more enjoyable, thanks to a series of improvements that have allowed us to overcome issues related to the basic product.
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It's Quiz Time! it's a very interesting multiplatform game. The title is valid and, at the moment, it could really be one of the best of its kind. We hope that, over time, they will continue to support it.
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The quality of the catalog made available by Sony is of the highest level, as is the store that can be accessed. Prices for each song are not excessive, allowing you to have an updated catalog that allows you not to get bored.
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The episode three of Batman: The Enemy Within seems a real link to the first chapter of the saga, using some themes and characters that have fallen into oblivion and which now come back with force.
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Knowledge is Power is a quiz game particularly interesting because it uses PlayLink, and is therefore playable without the need to buy an exaggerated number of joypad. The fact that the questions are all related not only to the category, but to the same previous question, is something really very intriguing but, at the same time, also limiting. Knowledge is Power is therefore undoubtedly excellent, although some uncertainty related to the speed of the matches.
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