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Bridge Constructor Portal

Headup Games, ClockStone
Dec 20, 2017 - PC

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

8 / 10
PC Gamer
78 / 100
Metro GameCentral
8 / 10
4 / 10
Game Revolution
4 / 5
7 / 10
8 / 10
Hobby Consolas
78 / 100
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Bridge Constructor Portal Gameplay Trailer

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Bridge Constructor Portal - Announcement Trailer

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Critic Reviews for Bridge Constructor Portal

I can wholeheartedly recommend Bridge Constructor Portal as a rich, challenging puzzler with plenty of brain-twisters in store across its 60 levels. The pacing and methodical iteration it encourages meant it only ever taxed my mind, not my nerves. As a Portal fan's nostalgia piece, it's really not much better than a kitschy, amusement park gift shop recreation of the world many of us know and love – but the little nods serve well enough to enhance an already enjoyable puzzle game.

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Portal's systems, if not its clever humor, are put to good use in this fun physics-based puzzle game.

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Metro GameCentral

8 / 10
Metro GameCentral

It might not be as funny as Portal but the puzzles are almost as inventive, in this contrived but entertaining crossover.

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Bridge Constructor Portal lacks the charm and cleverness that made the original Portal games so enthralling.

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There are not different materials for supports or road decks, and this is more of a puzzle game than an actual bridge construction simulator. It is a lot of fun though, and since Valve refuses to actually make games anymore, it's likely this is as close as you'll get to a new Portal game for years to come.

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Even if the game doesn't bring anything wholly new to the table for Portal fans and it leans on some filler toward the end, on the whole, I had a darn good time with this spin-off.

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The Bridge Constructor series gets a lot out of being combined with Portal, resulting in a quirky and engaging new twist on this physics-based puzzler. It could have gone further, whether upping the challenge you can aim for or actually giving you the portals to play with, but what's here is pleasingly inventive and has more than few tricky brain teasers.

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It will challenge your brain for sure, but in the best way possible. Fun and well balanced, it feels like a "light Portal experience".

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