Mitch Vogel
In most respects, Atelier Yumia is an impressively ambitious and strong new entry for the long-running series, blazing a trail to parts unknown much like its titular protagonist. Things like the darker story, action-heavy combat, and increased focus on exploration gameplay all work well in its favor. The only major complaint is that this was clearly designed with much stronger hardware than the Switch in mind, and while its performance here is just about acceptable, it's very far from ideal. At any rate, we'd give this one a recommendation not only to long-time Atelier veterans, but also to fans of other vast JRPG adventures such as the Xenoblade series. Atelier Yumia is a bold step forward for this franchise, and it stands as a strong indication that the Atelier series has a lot of life left in it yet.
We'd suggest you add Everhood 2 to your library at some point; the experience is certainly well worth it, although it's best approached with an open mind.
Warriors: Abyss is a decent low-budget spinoff in the long-running hack 'n' slash series, but isn't particularly inspiring. There's tons of replayability, loads of unlockables, and a thrilling combat system that help to keep this one interesting for a while, but its paper-thin plot, repetitive gameplay, and poor visuals very much hold it back from being anything exceptional. We'd give this one a modest recommendation to fans of either roguelites, Musou games, or both, but with the caveat that you may want to wait to pick this one up on a deep sale sometime later on.
Trails Through Daybreak II doesn't feel nearly as refreshing as its predecessor, but it's still a solid entry in the long-running series that ticks the necessary boxes (legible text aside). Though its story isn't all that exceptional, the combat is as rewarding as ever and new gameplay features like the Marchen Garten help to make this feel distinct and worthwhile. And while we wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is a great starting point for newcomers, series fans will find lots to love here, even if it won't be topping many lists as a series favourite.
Citizen Sleeper 2 is an excellent example of a polished sequel, continuing all the things that made its predecessor a beloved indie darling while building upon and expanding those systems with some new and interesting ideas of its own. The decision-driven narrative, tense RPG systems, and incredible soundtrack all come together to make for a game that is almost impossible to put down once you get pulled in. Newcomers who want to see what all the fuss is about will enjoy this as much as players who loved the first game - Citizen Sleeper 2 stands tall as a worthy follow-up.
Ender Magnolia is an excellent Metroidvania that exemplifies the best of what the genre has to offer. Its combination of tense combat, interesting worldbuilding, and memorable art style makes for a compelling experience that we'd highly suggest to anybody drawn to games such as Hollow Knight or Blasphemous. It's downbeat, but anyone who isn't yet exhausted by Metroidvanias will find a lot to love here.
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is hardly a revolutionary RPG, but it stands as an excellent reminder that sometimes less is more. The brisk pacing, thrilling combat, and cutesy visuals all come together in a wonderfully enjoyable and simple action RPG. This is an experience that makes no compromises and holds nothing back, and even if it's clearly less ambitious and expansive than many of the later entries in the series, there's also something very satisfying about playing through a game where its reach did not exceed its grasp.
Antonblast is a great tribute to Nintendo's Wario Land series with its madcap action and focus on gameplay variety. The cartoonish visuals, high replayability, and overall spectacle of the experience make this one well worth a recommendation, though we'd temper this by saying that it really needs some work on its Switch performance. Whether on Switch or elsewhere, we'd suggest you pick this one up if you're at all a fan of Nintendo's other Italian mascot and are looking for a well-made and fast-paced new 2D platformer-Antonblast has got it where it counts and is well-deserving of a spot in your library.
Though it's an improvement on its predecessor, Fairy Tail 2 is still the epitome of a middle-of-the-road licensed game. It doesn't do anything exceptionally great or innovative, nor does it have any issues or shortcomings that significantly drag it down. Despite poor plot pacing, shallow mechanics, and some lacklustre performance, the lively combat system, rewarding exploration, and heartwarming character interactions ultimately make this one worthwhile. We'd recommend Fairy Tail 2 to franchise fans who played the previous RPG, though newcomers should be more wary of jumping straight in. It isn't a 'run out and buy it immediately' release, but you likely won't be disappointed if or when you do get around to it.
It's the kind of game that's tailor-made to the tastes of a specific and narrow group of players - if you happen to be the kind of person for whom it ‘works’, you’ll be thrilled at the experience here and probably won’t be able to put it down.
Life is Strange: Double Exposure is a perfectly enjoyable narrative adventure, but one which we'd strongly suggest you play elsewhere unless Switch is your only means. Timeline-hopping antics, a compelling murder mystery, and a cosy atmosphere all work strongly in this one's favour, but the Switch's hardware limitations lead to an experience that feels notably blunted due to the various visual cuts that had to be made to fit this one on the humble handheld. The story itself is a fine adventure that fans (especially of the first entry) may find worthwhile, but the value proposition on Switch makes it harder to justify that $50 price tag. We wouldn't say to outright avoid the Switch version, but we'd suggest you wait for a deep sale before diving in.
Though it isn't much of an upgrade over its predecessor, Dungeons of Dreadrock 2 offers an enjoyable and simple puzzle gaming experience which cleverly links with the first game's story and feels well worthwhile. Satisfying gameplay variety and well-drawn, 32-bit-style graphics are the strong points here, though its relative simplicity and occasionally frustrating puzzle solutions are minor drawbacks. There's lots to love here, though, especially if you're a fan of the first game, and it feels like it fills a niche in the Switch library that few other puzzle games occupy.
It's been a long time coming, and we're happy to report that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake largely lives up to expectations. Disappointing performance issues aside, this is a faithful adaptation of a treasured RPG classic that elevates its strongest aspects while doing its best to make up for any shortcomings. Some may be put off by its relative simplicity but, refreshingly, it neither overstays its welcome nor spreads itself thin with too many half-baked ideas. It goes without saying that fans of the original will want to snap this up, but if you're looking for a good 'entry-level' RPG or you just want to know what the long-running franchise is all about, Dragon Quest III is the game for you.
Core Keeper is a wonderfully engaging and mysterious survival sandbox that is tough to put down once it gets its hooks in you. An expertly judged progression curve, tons of secrets and unlockables, and excellent presentation all come together to make this one an easy recommendation for anyone looking for a great new survival game. If you've had your fill of stalwarts like Minecraft or Terraria and are looking for the next great game to scratch that itch, look no further.
Nikoderiko: The Magical World is a wonderfully satisfying platforming experience that borrows and expertly replicates the elements that made classic entries in the genre so beloved. Smart level design, enjoyable gameplay, lots of collectibles, and a killer soundtrack all come together to make this one an easy recommendation if you love DKC.
Ys X stands as another great entry in this long-running action series, bringing in some cool ideas of its own without straying too far from what made its predecessors so beloved. Enjoyable combat, an excellent soundtrack, and an engaging world to explore all make this one an easy recommendation, even if it can stumble a bit with its performance and doesn't totally stick the landing with all its new ideas. We'd highly recommend Ys X if you're at all a fan of the past entries or are looking for another solid action RPG to add to your collection.
Neva is a spectacular example of art in motion, delivering a thoroughly engrossing platforming experience that'll stick in your mind long after you've rolled credits. The incredible visuals, moving soundtrack, satisfying gameplay, and surprisingly touching story all come together to make for a game that shouldn't miss. A few frame drops aside, if you're looking for a new addition to your library that'll give you something to savour rather than just consume, look no further than Neva.
Epic Mickey: Rebrushed is a welcome return for one of Mickey's most memorable adventures, this is just about everything one could've wanted out of a revisit to a lost classic. It fumbles its execution a bit with the performance, but there are enough novel ideas and enjoyable gameplay concepts here to make the experience more than worth your while. Enjoyable gameplay, a captivating world, lots of replayability, and a raft of tweaks and improvements over the original make this one an easy sell. We'd recommend this to anyone looking for a big-budget 3D platformer that does things a little differently from the genre norms, and of course to anyone who considers themselves an avid Disney fan.
Grapple Dogs: Cosmic Canines is everything fans could hope for in a sequel, as it improves upon every aspect that made the first Grapple Dog so great. Strong level design, a fantastic soundtrack, high gameplay variety, and lots of replayability make this one an easy recommendation to anyone looking for an excellent, pure platformer to add to their Switch library. It's the most fun platformer we've played in quite a while.
Pizza Tower is the rare sort of game that improves on its inspiration in nearly every way, building upon many of Nintendo’s Wario Land ideas with impressive results. This is an incredibly satisfying, creative, and addictive platformer that’ll keep you busy for a long time if you want to 100% it. We’d highly recommend this to anyone who loved the old Wario Land games, or to anyone who’s looking for a new platformer with a high skill ceiling and lots of technical depth. Pizza Tower has definitely got it where it counts - platformers don’t get much better than this.