Bridge Constructor Portal Reviews

Bridge Constructor Portal is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
78 / 100
Dec 20, 2017

Portal's systems, if not its clever humor, are put to good use in this fun physics-based puzzle game.

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T.J. Hafer
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

I can wholeheartedly recommend Bridge Constructor Portal as a rich, challenging puzzler with plenty of brain-twisters in store across its 60 levels. The pacing and methodical iteration it encourages meant it only ever taxed my mind, not my nerves. As a Portal fan's nostalgia piece, it's really not much better than a kitschy, amusement park gift shop recreation of the world many of us know and love – but the little nods serve well enough to enhance an already enjoyable puzzle game.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Feb 28, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal lacks the charm and cleverness that made the original Portal games so enthralling.

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7 / 10
Mar 5, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal is a fun and engaging puzzle game that does a great job of appealing to players of all skill levels while offering a relatively hefty amount of content. Though it sometimes feels like an awkward port and it doesn't always make the most of the crossover potential, it gets the core mechanics of puzzle solving right, and there's more than enough quality here to satisfy those looking to scratch that itch on the Switch. We'd give Bridge Constructor Portal a strong suggestion to anybody looking for a fun puzzle game on the eShop; this is a game that constantly makes you think outside the box, and there's nothing else like it available at the moment.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2018

Simply put Bridge Constructor Portal is a great puzzle game. It's fair but challenging, it includes a ton of levels, and best of all it feels like a part of the world of Aperture Science, while at the same time feeling like it's own separate entry in the franchise. At $14.99 I can absolutely recommend it to both hardcore fans of puzzle games and Portal, as well as casual gamers. It's certainly no Portal 3 (and I don't really think anyone was expecting it to be), but there's no doubt in my mind that this title is worthy of the Portal name in every way, and I can't wait to see what other creative ideas developers can do with the license in the future.

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8 / 10
Mar 2, 2018

The Bridge Constructor series gets a lot out of being combined with Portal, resulting in a quirky and engaging new twist on this physics-based puzzler. It could have gone further, whether upping the challenge you can aim for or actually giving you the portals to play with, but what's here is pleasingly inventive and has more than few tricky brain teasers.

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78 / 100
Feb 28, 2018

It will challenge your brain for sure, but in the best way possible. Fun and well balanced, it feels like a "light Portal experience".

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Jan 7, 2018

There are not different materials for supports or road decks, and this is more of a puzzle game than an actual bridge construction simulator. It is a lot of fun though, and since Valve refuses to actually make games anymore, it's likely this is as close as you'll get to a new Portal game for years to come.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 21, 2017

It might not be as funny as Portal but the puzzles are almost as inventive, in this contrived but entertaining crossover.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

Even if the game doesn't bring anything wholly new to the table for Portal fans and it leans on some filler toward the end, on the whole, I had a darn good time with this spin-off.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal leans heavily on its Portal collaboration, in some cases forgetting its Bridge Constructor roots. It's a brilliant spin-off for anyone missing GLaDOS's tests, even if the game's unlimited building philosophy feels lumbering and brutish at times. I'm always happy to get a new perspective on a popular game world from a different developer. Bridge Constructor Portal is a great look at what Aperture might get up to outside of first-person physics puzzle-solving, showing that GLaDOS is definitely still alive.

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Jan 4, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal will not blow you away, but it's a fun puzzle title that makes good use of portals and puts a new twist on a classic formula. For Portal fans, it's an excellent opportunity to revisit the classic world of Portal with a slightly different approach.

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Mar 4, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal is still Bridge Constructor. The inclusion of GLaDOS, dark humor and Portal staples like gels, turrets and companion cubes will be appreciated by fans, but it's not enough to overcome the tedious core gameplay.

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7 / 10
Feb 28, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal successfully combines Portal with a bridge building physics puzzler. There's a clear love for Valve's series on display, with great presentation that takes you back to Aperture Science from a different perspective. While not as funny as either of the main games, the levels themselves incorporate Portal's elements in clever ways. The controls can be fiddly, and the trial and error nature of the game isn't for everyone, but this remains an addictive, fun title that fans of both Portal and physics-based challenges will appreciate.

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75 / 100
Jan 9, 2018

What makes Bridge Constructor Portal feel unique and fresh is its setting

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal is not the Portal game many would have been expecting, but with the reassuring presence of GLaDOS and the Companion Cubes (also, coincidently, the name of my new band), it's nevertheless enough to scratch that 'fun with portals' itch left in the wake of Portal 2.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2017

Bridge Constructor Portal is a well-assembled holiday treat. Those expecting Portal 3 will be let down, but if you're willing to set aside unfair expectations you'll discover an accessible, flexible puzzle game that avoids many of the genre's frustrating pitfalls. Bridge Constructor Portal passes the test, and that's no lie.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal is a fantastically challenging puzzle game that is dressed in $10 looks. You will not be awestruck by anything the game does, but the challenge will have you wanting more, the humor will keep you smiling, and the silly horn at the end of the level will be enough to know you "did it."

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7 / 10
Apr 8, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch catalog and one which captures the Portal universe in a competent and well crafted way. While the experience can get a bit repetitive on some moments and the price is higher than that requested for the same game on mobile platforms, the game features a long lifespan, plenty of well-written humour and a constant level of challenge.

Review in Portuguese |

Generación Xbox
Top Critic
8.3 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2018

Bridge Constructor: Portal is a wonderful game that fans of the Valve saga and those looking for a challenging puzzle game will love. Fun and satisfying, with everything that characterizes a title of the Portal saga.

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