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1757 games reviewed
70.0 average score
70 median score
65.7% of games recommended

Screen Rant's Reviews

Apr 2, 2024

Honkai: Star Rail is also constantly giving players free pulls through simple login events, so while the magnitude of the rewards in the anniversary event should not come as a surprise, they are still remarkable. Overall, combining the anniversary event’s fun and generosity, alongside the involving depth of the narrative and the superb quality of the new 5-star characters, Honkai: Star Rail 2.1 is possibly the best patch yet. Hopefully, that can be surpassed.

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Mar 26, 2024

It's hard to determine exactly who Snow Day is meant to be for. The ideal player of South Park: Snow Day has three other friends who are extremely into South Park, to the point of enjoying anything with the character's faces painted on it, and those three friends also enjoy battling waves upon waves of unintelligent NPC fodder with single button mashes while occasionally pressing one of two other buttons to execute an ability. These four friends should also laugh hilariously at the idea of a Taylor Swift album fetching "nearly half a roll" on the toilet paper black market - honestly, if that one joke doesn't snag you, it's all downhill from there.

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Mar 21, 2024

Princess Peach: Showtime! is never truly challenging and could use a choice of a harder difficulty setting to keep things more interesting. Players will have to replay levels multiple times to get 100% completion, and one drawback is that missing one item will require playing the entire level again rather than being able to backtrack, which can get frustrating. Overall, Princess Peach: Showtime! is an extremely enjoyable game, offers a significant amount of content, and is something that could be enjoyed by anyone.

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8 / 10.0 - Dragon's Dogma 2
Mar 20, 2024

That's the most egregious example, but it happens quite often on a smaller scale: NPCs popping in randomly, guards attacking for seemingly no reason (especially frustrating after the last lap on their patrol drew no ire), the aforementioned instances of quests apparently not progressing. At times, Dragon's Dogma 2 feels like it came out shortly after its predecessor, an early- to mid-2010s game with a vibrant coat of paint. Sometimes it's endearing, but it really kills the game's incredible momentum when you're ripped from immersion without a clue as to why. Clunkiness aside, Dragon's Dogma 2 still manages to be a wonderful journey, and a true novelty among fantasy RPGs.

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Outcast - A New Beginning unfortunately lacks many aspects needed to revitalize this cult classic for the modern day. With an archaic gameplay loop and middling action, it’s not quite the follow-up to a revolutionary experience that fans may way. Although some may enjoy a return to Adelpha, and there’s quality to be found in exploration, this is an open world game that fails to hit the mark.

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8 / 10.0 - Goblin Stone
Mar 10, 2024

The plight of the goblins and their allies vacillates between heartwarming and viscerally upsetting, with deft storytelling that's nearly impossible not to be enraptured by. Though some bits drag, the game's strategic depth, beautiful environments, and adorable tiny details like the fact goblins sometimes trip as they run across the landscape greatly help offset this. Goblin Stone as a whole is an incredibly creative undertaking, and has a lot to offer any fantasy, turn-based strategy, or roguelite fan.

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6 / 10.0 - Slave Zero X
Mar 10, 2024

In the end, though, the repetitiveness makes it difficult to fully recommend Slave Zero X, especially at its retail asking price of $24.99. Aside from just enjoying the story, replay value is restricted to high-score hunters (who themselves will have to deal with an arguably unpredictable grading system), and anyone not completely smitten with the presentation will find themselves looking for an excuse to persevere, even with its relatively short campaign. For the right player, Slave Zero X will seem like a custom-made surprise, but it’s a little too short to box with the beat ‘em up gods.

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Mar 7, 2024

Unicorn Overlord is a truly excellent tactical RPG that is great where it matters. Incredible gameplay makes it replayable and fascinating, while its aesthetic and world map keep Fevrith interesting. In spite of some minor stumbles in its cast of heroes, Unicorn Overlord rivals some of the best of Fire Emblem. That comparison will likely stop if Vanillaware pursues Unicorn Overlord as a series in the future; it's very much its own game, and a memorable, great one, at that.

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Mar 6, 2024

WWE 2K24 is an excellent wrestling game, with the franchise returning to form thanks to a fantastic variety of gameplay modes.

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Mar 4, 2024

As it stands, though, The Thaumaturge remains quite special overall. Hanging out with Rasputin, shmoozing with turn-of-the-century elites, and exploring some unexpected golem developments with beset Rabbis make for compelling content, even when a few lines in the script fail to land. Anyone taken in by this setting will genuinely want to play The Thaumaturge, and it joins several other recent experimental Slavic fantasy adventures that prove the countless avenues video games have yet to fully explore.

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Feb 23, 2024

Tekken 8 is jam-packed with modes, story, and customizable options that should allow players of any skill level to have fun. Battling against veteran players in the multiple online modes will likely be a punishing experience for new players. Still, the latest installment offers the best tools in the franchise yet to master each of its 32 playable characters. Despite being more accessible than ever, Tekken 8 is challenging to master, and continues to make a case for itself as one of gaming's most complex and rewarding fighters.

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Feb 23, 2024

It's everything surrounding those battles and skirmishes that makes Skull and Bones a harder sell. The simulation aspects are limited and under-baked, the questing is almost always tedious, and there are only a few main ship models to work with. Lacking the ability to dock and explore, ocean exploration feels perfunctory and artificially hampered. Better ship customization options open up eventually, and it’s initially interesting to tinker with armaments, but it’s hard not to want even more of the best boat blueprints, more gear, more detailed inclusions that would make these vessels feel authored and unique, something to elevate the vacant core routines. Skull and Bones could have been a welcoming and rare new beacon for pirate game fans but, even with seasons of promised premium content yet to come, this boat is visibly sinking.

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What felt like an impossible task in Remake has since been one-upped in FF7 Rebirth. Improving directly upon Final Fantasy 7 always felt like a dangerous proposition, and Remake smartly switched things up to avoid having to do so directl

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Feb 20, 2024

Ironwood Studios' debut game accomplishes to be an immersive survival driving adventure. Its intense treks through mind-bending obstacles are balanced with humor and relaxing moments provided by crafting and upgrading useful tools and car components, along with Pacific Drive's catchy alternative rock soundtrack. It's an incredibly impressive debut game that should put the new studio on the map: "there's no peace of mind or place you'll see, like riding on Pacific Drive."

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Feb 19, 2024

With its unlockable deck types, tricky economy, advanced joker concepts, challenge runs, and ascension-like “stake” system, Balatro offers countless hours to engage its treacherous machine of diversion. If this was preinstalled with Windows in lieu of Microsoft’s mandatory, productivity-wrecking Solitaire back in the 90s, modern civilization as we know it could have very well ground to a halt. For fans of deckbuilders, Balatro is an addictively delicious, menacing creation which devours hours without mercy. It should be handled with great care.

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The world is full of beautiful locales, and seeing beloved characters like Teemo and Rumble not only brought to life but made incredibly entertaining is a lot of fun. With a lower price and a slew of content, the title is a delightful new way for fans to delve into the world, and contains hallmark mechanics that make it worth a look for cozy players even if they aren't familiar with LoL. Despite its lulls and occasional overcomplications, Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story is an adorable, imaginative take on an established universe that has a lot to offer.

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Feb 14, 2024

Throughout 130 levels, Nintendo's puzzle-filled platforming game has just the right amount of increase in challenge as the game goes on, and plenty of surprises for players to discover. The variety of game mechanics and ways to solve puzzles are engaging and fun, and the game is incredibly difficult to put down as it is too easy to want to try just one more level. Mario Vs. Donkey Kong is a must-play for puzzle lovers, and is a perfect example of what a remake should be.

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Feb 13, 2024

Helldivers 2 is a refreshingly fun power fantasy, where mastery through teamwork breeds satisfaction. Diving out of a charging bug's way and firing into its exposed back or blowing up a machine dropship before it can deploy its forces feels incredible. The game's tone is finely tuned so that getting caught in a friendly airstrike and seeing your own character's limbs go flying isn't frustrating, it's a hilariously minor setback. All told, the modestly priced, always online game takes a measured approach to its monetization while being built entirely to bolster its main gameplay loop, making Helldivers 2 a shining example against $70 live-service titles that nickel-and-dime their players.

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Tomb Raider as a series is a beloved franchise and one that is sad to ever give a low score to. The problems encountered in this collection were painfully debilitating and would almost be better if one went and played the original game instead. Graphics are improved, but there is so much more that should have been updated that the original Tomb Raider 1–3 games should have had a full remake rather than remaster, or at least a bit more polish and attention given to the glitches and bugs.

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Feb 12, 2024

Further and further in, Ultros’ world seems one of creative, chaotic malleability instead of precision, opening up to sequence-breaking and weird shortcuts through experimentation. It’s a game about amassing the tools and time to carve a connective path with nature, learning the layout of the land, and collaborating with it to continue on. Ultros takes the common ingredients of the modern metroidvania, then transplants them into an utterly original DMT-infused Metroid fever dream, in the very best way.

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