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Metro GameCentral

1961 games reviewed
68.3 average score
70 median score
52.4% of games recommended

Metro GameCentral's Reviews

5 / 10 - Gauntlet
Sep 29, 2014

It's certainly not the worst Gauntlet revamp there's ever been, but there's too little substance or variety to satisfy either new fans or old.

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Sep 29, 2014

One of the best story driven games of the year, and one of the prettiest, although you do sometimes wonder if it's focusing on the most interesting aspect of its plot.

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Sep 25, 2014

There are still a few rough edges to be driven over, but as mild as the improvements are this still makes Forza Horizon 2 one of the best racers of recent years.

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7 / 10 - Wasteland 2
Sep 24, 2014

It's a little too zealous in its old school approach, but this is still a great computer role-playing game and a welcome, if unofficial, part of the Fallout family.

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6 / 10 - Flockers
Sep 23, 2014

The most shamefully obvious clone of recent years, but although this copies most of Lemmings' tricks it falls short in terms of both personality and addictiveness.

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7 / 10 - FIFA 15
Sep 22, 2014

Different but certainly not better, despite the amazing next gen visuals FIFA has never seemed so indecisive and lacking in direction.

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Sep 21, 2014

A worthy follow-up to Deadly Premonition, although whether it earns the same classic status will depend largely on the subsequent episodes.

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Sep 18, 2014

A game of two halves: the new Marvel adventure is awful but the improved Toy Box is good enough to inspire kids to make something much better themselves.

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9 / 10 - Bayonetta
Sep 18, 2014

Still one of the best third person actioners of all-time, and although the Wii U version changes very little the classic gameplay still shines through.

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Sep 16, 2014

It always sounded like a bad idea, but although Zelda has inspired one of the best Dynasty Warriors games to date the end result is still well below average by any other standard.

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Sep 15, 2014

A fantastically bold idea that Double Fine exploit to its fullest, in one of the most original puzzle adventures of the year – and the most educational.

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A genuine improvement on the original and so stuffed with content that you'll need several new Final Fantasy games before another sequel is necessary.

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7 / 10 - Destiny
Sep 11, 2014

It's not short of spectacle but in terms of innovation and variety this is nowhere near as forward-thinking as Bungie would like to pretend.

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Sep 10, 2014

Relatively generous in size and scope, but being Second Son in miniature only helps to highlight what a hollow spectacle the game is.

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7 / 10 - The Sims 4
Sep 9, 2014

Almost a great sequel, but the improvements to the sims are overshadowed by the shopping list of peculiarly random missing features.

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7 / 10 - Velocity 2X
Sep 3, 2014

An impressive mix of game styles, and some of the most rewarding speed runs in recent memory, but that only increases the speed at which levels start to blur into each other.

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Sep 2, 2014

Still the funniest and best-looking entry in the series, even if it’s the least innovative. And despite a few graphical flaws the PS Version is the definitive edition.

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7 / 10 - Metro Redux
Aug 27, 2014

One of the best remasters so far makes surviving the Russian apocalypse more horrifying than ever, although none of the changes address the games' more fundamental issues.

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Another uninspired expansion that features some enjoyable new enemies and encounters but fails to excite in the same way as the parent game.

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The first Telltale finale where your choices carry true weight, but the inconsistent and contrived characterisation means it comes at considerable cost.

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