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Metro GameCentral

1961 games reviewed
68.3 average score
70 median score
52.4% of games recommended

Metro GameCentral's Reviews

Nov 2, 2014

Despite a few pulled punches this is the best Call Of Duty has been in years, and the multiplayer in particular is the most innovative since Modern Warfare began.

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Oct 30, 2014

A disappointing sequel that only compounds the failures of the original, while also featuring Double Fine's least amusing script so far.

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An impenetrable start for non-fans, but there's enough potential here to hope that subsequent episodes make this a dream everyone can share in.

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Oct 27, 2014

As blatant a clone as has ever been seen, but although it does nothing better than Dark Souls it does do some things almost as well – and is certainly more accessible.

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Oct 26, 2014

Shallow, simplistic, and never quite as funny as it thinks it is, but there's still more energy and imagination at work here than most other new next gen franchises.

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Oct 23, 2014

The worst game Platinum has ever made, and thanks to its sheer incompetence and banality almost the Bizarro World opposite of Bayonetta.

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Oct 22, 2014

For a game obsessed with OTT violence and knob gags this is a surprisingly charming and likeable shooter, if an unavoidably shallow and repetitive one.

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An excellent spin-off that uses the science fiction setting to focus and expand the gameplay in interesting new ways, and yet remains as accessible and thoughtful as ever.

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7 / 10 - Project Spark
Oct 21, 2014

The most powerful game creation tool ever released for a console, but it's less accessible than it could be and the endless microtransactions leave a predictably sour taste.

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Oct 20, 2014

Moving beyond a mere homage to Dungeon Master this is one of the best dungeon crawlers of recent years, even if the puzzle balance still isn't quite right.

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Oct 13, 2014

Rather than the future of survival horror this is merely a retread of its defining moments, and even then it rarely manages to equal what has gone before – let alone exceed it.

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9 / 10 - Bayonetta 2
Oct 12, 2014

A fantastic sequel, whose improvements may be relatively subtle but are more than enough to confirm Bayonetta 2 as one of the greatest action games ever made.

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9 / 10 - Pix the Cat
Oct 8, 2014

A fantastic little action puzzlers that is one of the best surprises of the year, and a welcome escape from would-be epics and over-hyped blockbusters.

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In terms of pure gameplay this is perhaps the best serious detective game so far, but the issues with the script and characters remain more than a one pipe problem.

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5 / 10 - Driveclub
Oct 6, 2014

A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.

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Oct 5, 2014

The gimmick is great, and playing as a villain works extremely well, but as a game this doesn't play as fair or as fun as previous instalments.

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Oct 2, 2014

Pacing problems and a lack of variety take their toll, but in its best most moments this is the most successful big budget survival horror in a decade.

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Still not quite essential, but the best of the three downloads and an effective final chapter for the most successfully difficult video game of the modern era.

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Oct 2, 2014

There are some inherent limitations with playing a four-player fighting game on a 3DS but this overcomes almost all of them, to become one of the portable's definitive multiplayer games.

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Sep 30, 2014

A far better game than many would've imagined, not just in terms of its action and Lord of the Rings authenticity – but in bringing a genuinely new idea to gaming.

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