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The best SoulCalibur VI of recent generations, with an accessible but tactically deep combat system. But while the single-player options are much improved they're still far from perfect.
Playing one of the decade's most influential video games on a handheld proves a welcome novelty, as the Switch version of Dark Souls makes the most of the existing remaster.
A muddled mess of good intentions and corporate greed that ruins a promising space adventure with needless repetition and horribly expensive toys to life gimmicks.
Still a courageously original action role-player that breaks almost every rule in the role-playing book. Although what it really needs is a sequel, not another remaster.
SWERY's latest work seems unusually derivative at times but the mix of disturbing atmosphere, surreal situations, and serious subject matter is still hugely engaging.
Omega Force touts a fresh story, new mechanics, and a massive cast of characters but this is yet another Warriors title that succumbs to the series' repetitive hack 'n' slash formula despite signs of passion from its developers.
Still one of the best stealth games of recent years and an accomplished 2D platformer in its own right, with a near perfect balance of depth, accessibility, and bloodshed.
Still one of the best strategy role-playing games ever made and a great place for newcomers to the franchise to start – assuming they've got the dedication necessary.
A bizarre mix of Yakuza and hyper violent 80s anime that never really makes much sense but still offers some enjoyable surprises.
The best Assassin's Creed has been in years, but also a game bloated far beyond the realms of common sense – especially while the core gameplay remains so unexceptional.
The best Mario Party in a very long time, and while it's shallow and silly it's also one of the few times casual and core gamers can compete in perfect (dis)harmony.
A Mega Man sequel that, despite its flash new looks and newb-friendly approach, conservatively touts the same formula Capcom has been using these past 30 years.
A walking simulator set in a colourful, rather than spooky, mansion with rewarding puzzles, a cheerful atmosphere, and a locomotion system from the seventh circle of Hell.
The most visually impressive and entertaining game on PlayStation VR, with an incredible sense of scale and boundless imagination.
Gorgeously presented and cleverly designed, this impressively realised Metroidvania excels in every area except originality.
One of the best arcade racers ever made, with mountains of interesting content and a seasonal gimmick that makes perfect use of the new setting.
More a remake than a sequel but still a welcome return for one of the most original and distinctive genre mash-ups of recent years.
A mildly spooky walking simulator whose plot, acting, and puzzles fails to benefit from its Hollywood connections and is even more disappointing without VR.
Irredeemably shallow but effortlessly entertaining, this unexpected tribute to a lost genre will make a beat 'em-up fan of anyone.
EA hasn't reinvented the wheel but they've reimagined what a fun football sim can be, with innovative game modes and gameplay tweaks that will make even seasoned FIFA vets rethink their approach.