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The spirit of old school arcade racing is reborn in a homage to everything from OutRun to Lotus Turbo Challenge, and despite a few bumps in the road it's all just as much fun as you remember.
One of the best Shin Megami Tensei games returns, mixing standard Japanese role-playing with the series' typically provocative story elements and Persona style gameplay.
The State Of Decay concept still holds plenty of promise but this sequel is so broken that laughing at its bugs and glitches becomes its primary source of entertainment.
Zelda may have inspired one of the best Dynasty Warriors games to date but the end result is still well below average by any other standard.
Half-broken and needlessly obscure, but if you have the patience this challenging survival game can be extremely satisfying – and it'll be even better when it's finished.
Another unapologetically old school role-player that gives its audience exactly what it wants and adds some fun pirate-themed exploration for everyone.
A bizarre mix of weighty subject matter and cartoon presentation that somehow works perfectly in portraying a morally complex world and its characters.
A predictably inessential expansion that adds nothing anybody ever asked for and completely fails to address the points fans have been complaining about for months.
No fun at all on your own, but together on the same couch this is one of the most entertaining co-op puzzlers of recent years.
A charming homage to Streets Of Rage and other scrolling beat 'em-ups, but it doesn't overcome the genre's limitations and manages to add a few of its own.
An amiable but underwhelming homage to the forgotten majesty of Uridium, that adds some welcome new ideas but removes too many of the old ones.
A novel setting and concept can't hide the game's technical limitations, but this is still an entertaining first person roguelike that does try to do things differently.
Another failed attempt to get a traditional first person shooter working in VR, although the online co-op option keeps the novelty going for longer than it should.
A fun, if slightly limited, retro reboot, that works very well as an arcade shooter even without the novelty of VR.
An understandable attempt to create a more accessible Total War experience, but it's been streamlined so much it offers only a small taste of the series' full potential.
A mixture of roguelike and Zelda: A Link To The Past that looks and plays extremely well, but has its potential cut short by an unwelcome time limit.
It may have the framework of an ordinary city builder but there's an insightful, and frequently disturbing, philosophical message at the heart of this cross-genre classic.
An excellent turn-based strategy that mixes tense battlefield tactics with an engrossing meta game of money-grabbing mercs and expensive-to-maintain mechs.
The potential seems limitless and while Labo may not be a video game – and in that sense will provide little relief to Switch owners looking for something new to play – it could well be the next big thing. For big kids as well as little ones.
A revamped progression system and the demotion of loot boxes to a purely cosmetic role finally gives this ambitious Star Wars game the redemption it deserves.