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144 games reviewed
77.3 average score
80 median score
78.5% of games recommended

GAMEtainment's Reviews

Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry God looked pretty bad to me at first sight. The presentation was not the best and the story was quite flat. But after I got through the first hours I was converted. KEMCO created an interesting mix of JRPG and simulation for this title. The fights are not demanding and no graphic bomb but the rest is well done. The game then developed a certain momentum for me, so I wanted to collect more and more ingredients to be able to cook more. If you can enjoy a good mix between JRPG and simulation and don't expect graphical highlights or need a deep story, you can use this title.

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Dec 11, 2018

With scarcely € 40, - the extension pack strikes properly on the purse. Especially since you have to consider that you also have to get the main game for almost € 50,- if you don't have it already. Apart from that, a lot of new game content is delivered. There are a lot of new things to discover and the new career will consume some playing hours. But all in all The Sims 4: Become Famous is a really great sequel to The Sims: Megastar, which by the way was released 15 years ago! How quickly time flies...

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Nov 26, 2018

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is one of those typical Titles that are just kind of mediocre, but can still be fun. After two played missions I already had the word "secret tip" on my tongue, only to have the apparent certainty after the third mission that we are dealing with "tons of wasted potential". Nevertheless, I wanted to know how it goes on, what kind of equipment and abilities there are still to discover and against which opponents I may use them. For tactics fans the title is definitely worth a look. Since it's not a full-price title either, you can definitely overlook the somewhat minimalistic scenery here.

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Nov 25, 2018

Torus Games (Ben 10, Beast Quest) and Outright Games (Ben 10, Adventure Time: Pirates of The Enchiridion) deliver a nice game, which realizes the template optically really well. With the current dubbing troupe you get the absolutely right feeling. But as a connoisseur of the series one is a bit disappointed that the title song was not integrated properly and what is most disturbing and noticeable is the fact that the furry friends are damn quiet. Ryder makes comments and finds some actions "Pfo-tastic" or "Fello-menal", but one waits in vain for the typical sayings of the little quadrupeds or other expressions. There is no real story, or at least no thread to start with. That wouldn't be too bad, if you told the missions a little more attractive and interactive. So the whole thing is already very simple. PAW Patrol: On a Roll is the right game for the little ones, as true fans of the furry friends they will love it. But even some children will quickly feel underchallenged and bored here. A game for the whole family is it rather also not, there above all a cooperative play mode would have been meaningful, or stop any motivating challenges. There is no real playful variety, side tasks or exciting story twists. The playing time of two to four hours is also very manageable, and there is virtually no replay value.

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Oct 14, 2018

The Exorcist: Legion VR is a wonderfully scary horror adventure that may not be suitable for the more sensitive. The graphics are unequalled in the PSVR sector and the atmosphere draws the player deep into the action. Unfortunately the whole thing is a bit too short and offers hardly any replay value.

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9.1 / 10.0 - Marvel's Spider-Man
Oct 8, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man is like a giant mixed salad. The mixture is right and the dressing is delicious - as long as you consciously enjoy it. If you get the same thing too many times in a row, it can get monotonous even with great dressing. Insomniac has simply created a truly successful work of art. They didn't reinvent the wheel, but they made damn nice rims. Marvel's Spider-Man is currently the most beautiful and best Spider-Man video game and also probably the most successful superhero game overall.

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6.2 / 10.0 - STAY
Sep 24, 2018

STAY is designed in a retro pixel look - you may like it or not. The German text output is flawless and the background music was never annoying at any time. If it weren't for the unfair puzzles and reset points, STAY would be a lot more satisfying - especially since the topic of depression is praiseworthily and carefully brought closer to the player.

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7.3 / 10.0 - 18 Floors
Sep 19, 2018

The graphic of 18 floors is very nice to look at. Only rarely does a slight edge flicker cloud the otherwise excellent overall impression. Also in terms of sound everything is very harmonious. Only the controls can be described as more than choppy and brings the player to despair at times. The puzzle adventure on the PS4 can only be controlled with two move controllers and too often you have to start several times to get hold of an object. In addition a free movement control would have been desirable and also extremely advantageous. Because you can only move by teleportation, you have to readjust one or two times to get to the desired position. In 18 floors there is English voice output, but German screen texts. All in all we liked the game design and the audiovisual presentation of 18 floors quite well and for puzzle fans there is a clear recommendation to buy.

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Sep 11, 2018

Yes, yes and once again yes! Exactly such games the world needs. Valkyria Chronicles 4 has gone back to its origins, skilfully implemented and left the battle victorious with waving flags. The story of the title is incredibly exciting and you always want to know more. The fact that you have to select the individual story sections with pictures interrupts the flow of the story a bit. I was bothered by the fact that if you are in the middle of the story, the story is finished and the next picture has to be clicked. But here it should be noted that this is criticism on the highest level. Gameplay and the combat system are intuitive. You are always responsible for what happens on the battlefield. It's up to you where the unit is sent to and whether it survives. Only the evaluation after a battle I found awkwardly designed. There is simply too much emphasis on the speed of the conclusion. Because of the diversity of Valkyria Chronicles 4 I never got bored. Once I didn't feel like the story, which rarely happened, I continued the troop stories. If I wanted to learn more about my game world, I went to the accommodations and devoted myself to studies. Were there any problems with the level or the money? No problem, off to a skirmish. It was just fun to play such a wonderful game with unique characters. Anyone who is familiar with JRPG's tactics or just wants to start with such a genre will have fun here. Valkyria Chronicles 4 impresses with a breathtaking story, lovable and unique characters, enormous tactical behaviour and variety. Join Claude Wallace and Squad E on their digital campaign against the imperialist alliance!

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7.1 / 10.0 - Go Vacation
Aug 10, 2018

GO Vacation for the Nintendo Switch is very easy to understand and even easier to learn, as you usually only need a few buttons to complete an activity. The camera can't be moved freely, which limited us a lot. This is especially noticeable when taking screenshots. All activities are too easy for experienced gamers, but not boring. Solo gets boring after a certain time, because the processes are always repeating themselves. Go there, play the game, get the stamp or look for the treasure. The focus here is certainly on the multiplayer component, which then provides for party on the sofa. The controls are sometimes a bit sluggish, the collision detection with NPCs is quite nonsensical and the feedback of the different vehicles is not available. So a skateboard doesn't really feel any different than a racing car. Clear purchase recommendation for evenings with family or friends, for single players rather conditionally recommendable.

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Jul 25, 2018

Remothered: Tormented Fathers is a quite successful "Hide-and-Seek" horror game. The atmosphere is harmonious and the story is sweeping. Some people might find the constant running and hiding annoying, but once you have mastered it, you will be rewarded with an interesting story.

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Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is, in a nutshell, a huge collection quest. That should be clear to every buyer. Whether large or small, you will be rewarded with a wonderful game world for your purchase, which you will be reluctant to leave. After a stressful day at work, we are driven to the cuddly world of the game every now and then. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is a clear recommendation to buy. If you can do without a cartridge, you can also get it for a much lower price in the Nintendo eShop.

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Jun 2, 2018

David Cage has once again succeeded in presenting an exciting story that also raises interesting questions. These are of a moral nature, but also socially critical. Although we as humans sit in front of the screen, at a certain point we might find it difficult to explicitly choose one of the two parties. But in order to get something to do as players, we may again become active as investigators. These are individual cases, but the "red thread" leads us into the overall structure of the story and when the story really unfolds, you get really caught up and you literally devour one chapter after the other. The ever-present curiosity, the ever-recurring question of what would have happened if you had behaved differently in one situation or another. For all those who like this kind of game even a little bit, the game offers great entertainment, for fans it is once again a masterpiece of storytelling, which Quantic Dream has delivered here. You can be curious what David Cage and his team will present us next. Maybe the renewed hunt for a serial killer, this time with more freedom, or something completely different? Whatever it will be, you can already look forward to it.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Heavy Rain
Jun 1, 2018

The developers of Quantic Dream had already shown with Fahrenheit how to create an exciting interactive thriller and how such a concept could look like. With Heavy Rain, they had landed a really big hit and made sure that many players are immediately excited or beam with anticipation when they announce a new project. Even if the technology of the game has gotten a bit outdated, it doesn't diminish the fun of the game. The hunt for the Origami Killer is simply an incredibly exciting thriller and an absolutely terrific gaming experience. It's a bit surprising that the DLC "The Taxidermist" was not included, other remastered releases have done better. On the other hand the absence of this mini addon is not a big loss. If you already own the PS3 version, you don't have a compelling reason to switch to the PS4 version. Anyone who hasn't experienced Heavy Rain before and likes such games is highly recommended to catch up on this title.

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7.1 / 10.0 - Immortal Redneck
May 8, 2018

Immortal Redneck absolutely captivated me for several hours. The story isn't really the real thing, but a title like that doesn't need that either. I had my fun with Redneck, his dialect and appearance just fit. In the beginning I was highly motivated to find all the weapons, but unfortunately the content is quickly exhausted, but the scrolls loosen it up a bit, because with every pass there was the moment that I found a new one. That brought back the fun and motivation quickly. The talent tree is nicely built, I like this feature that you can see the tree growing in real life. Also the talents you get are not unnecessary. They feel important and in higher levels they also feel decisive for the game. The blessings bring even more depth to the game, because it makes an extreme difference in the way you play if you choose an offensive or defensive deity. All in all, I had fun with Immortal Redneck, even if I wouldn't have thought so at first, but Immortal Redneck has reached many emotional worlds of mine. I was motivated, challenged and angry. That's why I recommend the game to everyone who has fun with Roguelike titles like The Binding of Isaac or Slay the Spire and no problem with Permadeath and restarts. But you will be rewarded with new weapons and items.

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8.7 / 10.0 - Beyond: Two Souls
May 1, 2018

Once again Quantic Dream has succeeded in delivering a gripping story and integrating it into a great interactive film framework. Even after years the presentation is still in the absolute top class, thanks to the great adaptations even on the PlayStation 4. This gaming experience is not only for fans of Heavy Rain a clear recommendation worth. There is nothing more to say about it.

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6.9 / 10.0 - Metal Gear Survive
Mar 21, 2018

Metal Gear Survive is literally a double-edged sword, or at least it can be. Whoever approaches this with special expectations and the hope for a typical Metal Gear game will be bitterly disappointed. But if you're really up for a thrilling survival adventure and bite your way through the first few hours, i.e. the complete introduction and tutorial, you can really have fun with this game. Especially the long term motivation will be a decisive factor. The bottom line is that Metal Gear Survive is a solid title that suffers from the big name and some strange decisions in game design.

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Mar 4, 2018

As a fan of Bayonetta I was very much looking forward to the release of both available parts for the Nintendo Switch. Even though the touchscreen controls won't knock anyone's socks off, you can tell that the developer has really thought about his software instead of just releasing a clumsy port for the switch, which unfortunately happens very often. The gameplay is simple, but the variety of combos is hard to master. It takes a little bit of experience to be able to react accordingly in every situation. But this is exactly what makes games of this genre. The passionate gamer with a penchant for brute action can't get past Bayonetta 2. To complete the gaming experience, Nintendo offers a fair deal for the bundle of both parts. So I recommend to every prospective customer to quit Bayonetta and then enter Bayonetta 2. Because of the co-op mode, you can always find a player online and have a lot of fun if the playing time is short. Finally, the ambitious collector of the much too expensive Amiibo can use it to good effect. Finally there is a good game that gives you an advantage, but is not too unfair to players who don't own any or only a few of the NFC figures. The whole package is a success and we can make a very clear recommendation to buy with a good knowledge and conscience!

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6.9 / 10.0 - The Inpatient
Jan 25, 2018

Unfortunately The Inpatient is not the game I had hoped for. The limited freedom of movement clouds the overall impression very much. Actually you don't get a game here, but rather an interactive movie. The dialogues seem to be very long, there are often long pauses between the sentences. And also the lame locomotion later in the game is unfortunately very annoying and artificially prolongs the already quite short pleasure with about 3 hours playing time. The Jumpscares are used too often in my opinion and the effect is unfortunately wearing off a bit. Nevertheless, the gaming experience, especially because of the great immersion, is fantastic and you start it again and again to reach all possible endings.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gear.Club Unlimited
Nov 29, 2017

Gear.Club Unlimited is a clear recommendation to buy. Despite one or two weaknesses I could not get off the screen during the test and had to take forced breaks over Amazon's Alexa. More engine power here, a different color there or simply expand and rebuild the workshop. The game profits from the fast loaded and short races. So you don't even have to plan 20 minutes to get ahead in any case. The game experience is completed by the online league, where you can compete against Ghosts real opponents and get on the podium.

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