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277 games reviewed
78.0 average score
80 median score
54.3% of games recommended

PSX Extreme's Reviews

May 13, 2018

If you fancy a good mystery, maybe The Raven Remastered is the right game for you. But if it's a saucy story you're looking for, look elsewhere. Although it sounds like a pretty tasty tale to dig into, The Raven Remastered will leave you with more questions than answers.

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8 / 10.0 - Far Cry 5
May 4, 2018

There might not be much about Far Cry 5 that is terribly new or innovative, but ultimately it is a vast improvement over its predecessor in nearly every way.

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9 / 10.0 - City of Brass
May 3, 2018

City of Brass is a beautiful, highly-polished and mostly successful attempt at turning the genre on its head by making it more accessible to everyone, from rogue-lite veterans to first time players. With a unique and intuitive new combat style and some innovative takes on genre conventions, you'll find plenty to like about City of Brass no matter what your skill level.

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10 / 10.0 - God of War
Apr 23, 2018

I have been writing about video games for almost 20 years now, and in all that time I have never given any game a perfect score. Until now.

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Apr 21, 2018

Pinball FX 3 is all about the nostalgia of the golden age of arcades, and it nails that perfectly.

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Apr 20, 2018

Is The Division worth another chance? The answer to that question, on any front, is "absolutely".

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8.5 / 10.0 - NeuroVoider
Apr 19, 2018

NeuroVoider is a very satisfying romp in the rogue-like genre.

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Apr 14, 2018

In the end, de Blob 2 is mostly a game about creative expression and pleasant visual experiences.

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Platform games live and die by their controls, and Epic Dumpster Bear, for all its wacky presentation and goofy fun, just can't make the leap from novelty item to legitimate recommendation.

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It is one of the most charming and easy going JRPG games this console generation has seen, and I will certainly be crafting cute items for days to come.

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6.9 / 10.0 - Suicide Guy
Apr 9, 2018

All in all I was amused enough to finish the game if just to see what the other levels had to offer. This game is rough to look at sometimes but not horrible. And it never took away from the game being entertaining.

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Mar 27, 2018

The story is solid, though, as is the overall presentation. You don't need to be a fan of the franchise to enjoy this game, but I have no doubt that true fans are going to find even more to love than I did.

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Mar 27, 2018

Dynasty Warriors deserved better than this, and I hope Omega Force gets another shot to do this franchise justice, because this is not how the tales of the Three Kingdoms should end.

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6 / 10.0 - Shiny
Mar 26, 2018

If you're hard up for some old school 2D platforming, and willing to put up with some notable shortcomings, Shiny might do the trick

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9 / 10.0 - Octahedron
Mar 19, 2018

Indie games have shown the value of smaller studios making unique games beholden only to their vision and not the economic constraints of AAA development, and Demimonde's Octahedron now stands shoulder to shoulder with the best of them, thanks to an amazing soundtrack, creative level design and presentation, and singular vision.

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Mar 16, 2018

On the strength of its gameplay, combined with the general lack of racing games for PS4, it's also now the best game in the genre that you can own on this platform, if barely.

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9 / 10.0 - Surviving Mars
Mar 15, 2018

I've enjoyed the freedom to make my own decisions and mistakes, the challenge, the complexity, the attention to detail. It's been one hell of a ride.

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9 / 10.0 - A Hat in Time
Mar 13, 2018

When it comes down to it, A Hat in Time is just plain fun.

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Feb 14, 2018

Shadow of the Colossus isn't just a successful remake of a beloved game. It has set a new bar for what a remake should be in the first place, and left me optimistic, for the first time ever, about the prospect of revisiting old games on new systems. This is how every remake should be.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Strikers Edge
Feb 10, 2018

Were Strikers Edge any more expensive than it is, it would be difficult to recommend. There's not a ton of content here, and it's not the kind of game that is going to keep you engaged for hours a day. For [its low price], however, it doesn't need to be.

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