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593 games reviewed
76.8 average score
80 median score
56.2% of games recommended

NZGamer's Reviews

This is a truly remarkable add-on, one worthy of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Nobody should have to wait to play it, just because of their choice of preferred platform.

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Apr 8, 2015

Seriously, if you love your role playing games lore heavy, challenging, and fun, you literally can't go wrong with PIllars of Eternity. With the amount of pleasure I've had playing this game, it can easily stand tall and proud as one of the most tactical, thought provoking, and enjoyable RPGs I've ever played.

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Apr 7, 2015

Drawbacks aside, there is still so much here that adds to the base Sims 4 game I have to mark this as a "must have" for Sims 4 players. Like I mentioned in my first Sims 4 review, the series is a bit of a living, breathing thing that is always changing and evolving. Bugs emerge, patches are released, and that big old  Sims world just keeps on turning.

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Mar 30, 2015

Type-0 HD's strengths far outweigh its woes. Even with pacing problems, this is one of the best, most captivating and moving stories the series has seen, right up there with Final Fantasy VI, and it's all backed up by thrilling combat and deep, fascinating RPG systems.

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At this point, the only reason I can see for people who enjoy Telltale Games' titles, and the Game of Thrones franchise to not pick this game up is because they're waiting for all six episodes to be available.

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Dontnod have settled into the "second down" stage of this story well. Out of Time takes the strengths of the debut and runs with them, while also making a respectable effort of addressing its problems. I'm certainly looking forward to my next trip to Arcadia Bay

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Mar 24, 2015

Overall, this is a pretty good game. There was a lot of what seemed like Resident Evil in-jokes and nods to previous games that went over my head, but nothing that was required to understand the story. It was a fairly enjoyable romp through a monster killing field with a decent storyline. And really, want more do you want from Resident Evil?

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8.9 / 10.0 - Bloodborne
Mar 23, 2015

Bloodborne lends heavily from its forebears, but transforms the combat into a fast-paced dance of death. It rewards aggression rather than hanging back and waiting for opportunities to present themselves. While some technical, design, and pacing issues mar parts of the experience, Bloodborne is the freshest playing entry in a genre that has very narrow gameplay constraints.

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Mar 23, 2015

Hardline is certainly a different Battlefield experience, but it retains a lot of the core mechanics that should keep fans of the franchise content. The action is faster, less strategic, and less deliberate than it's predecessor, but there is a reason why this isn't titled Battlefield 5.

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Tales from the Borderlands got off to a good start last year, and now that Atlas Mugged is finally here, the series has only gotten better. I hope the wait for Episode 3 won't be quite so long, but however far away it is, I expect it will live up to the anticipation. Atlas Mugged certainly did.

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Mar 16, 2015

Overall, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is probably one of the best, if not the best, Dragon Ball related games out there – and there are a lot. You can replay missions to enhance your character. There are various trainers to go on missions for. It also has time travelling - and that's always a good thing.

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6 / 10.0 - LA Cops
Mar 16, 2015

It's a fun isometric shooter, if you can forgive the stifling controls. The game doesn't last long, and there's no major incentive for you to go back to replay a level.

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Mar 15, 2015

From the moment the game begins, to the moment the credits start rolling, it's obvious that Moon Studios were crafting this out of love. While most may play a second time to earn every achievement, many will just want to experience the fantastic presentation one more time.

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Mar 12, 2015

Zombie Army Trilogy feels exactly like what you think it is – a collection of DLC packages. With a bare-bones frame propping it up, the game is an emaciated experience with an overly ambitious price tag attempting to tie it all together.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Helldivers
Mar 10, 2015

To tell the truth, I really enjoy playing Helldivers. It's not the best game in the world, but when you have a team of friends, or friendly people with mics, it can be so much fun.

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As a welcome gesture to the original classic, the Definitive Edition also includes nostalgic Dante and Vergil costumes. Overall, if you missed DmC when it arrived in 2013 and fancy a hack'n'slash game along the lines of Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden, then this PS4 edition is certainly the best way to experience the game.

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Mar 9, 2015

[A]side from difficulty finding a quick match, and the fact that it's a year old game that looks a lot older as it's being sold at full price, Don Bradman Cricket offers plenty for those that don't have the 2014 version.

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Mar 9, 2015

I want to finish the story, but not play the game to do it.

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Mar 6, 2015

[I]t's definitely a worthwhile pickup for any puzzle platformer fans.

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Mar 3, 2015

The PS4 version of Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed does carry some extra features (like Twitch chat integration, and modifiable visual filters), but none of it alters the core – a funny idea embedded in mediocre combat. Endearing character interactions allow you to overlook some of the mechanical elements, but the rampant sexualisation drags the whole thing down.

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