Liam Croft

263 games reviewed
64.2 average score
70 median score
45.8% of games recommended
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Jul 10, 2017

Black The Fall is a special game. The prodigious range of puzzles and platforming mechanics present rival that of a game ten times longer than it, and the visual and auditory treat on offer elevates that gameplay to an incredibly high standard. You'll witness the human race at its very worst through some horrifying imagery, but this presents itself as more of a gas to fuel a revolution. Black The Fall is a remarkable experience that will stay with us for a long time, and it's one that you must not miss out on.

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4 / 10 - Get Even
Jun 21, 2017

Get Even had a good base of neat ideas, but the execution of the overall product is so poor that many areas feel unfinished. Combat is quite simply a disaster, the graphics look like they've been taken from a 2008 PS3 game, and the soundtrack crushes your enjoyment far too often. The plot may well grab your attention, but the act of actually playing Get Even is nothing but a chore.

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4 / 10 - Late Shift
Apr 18, 2017

If you really boil it down, Late Shift is a movie with a plot that you can alter. Sadly, that plot isn't very good. Gameplay is minimal, and where The Bunker struck a decent balance, the lack of interaction here only serves to make the experience more of a slog. This can only be described as a complete disappointment.

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Apr 6, 2017

It's easy to see why some would outright dismiss LEGO City Undercover purely on the basis of it being a LEGO game. The formula has gotten a bit too stale over the years, so if you're looking for something fresh in the LEGO universe, Chase McCain's adventure won't satisfy you. But if you're still interested in some brick hunting and cop action - and you can look past some awful load times - then LEGO City Undercover will serve you nicely. Its charm, humour, and open world nature was, for the most part, enough to win us over.

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Mar 27, 2017

For newcomers, Zero Escape: The Nonary Games is an essential purchase. You've got two excellent games that tell a wild and wonderful story that will stay with you for a very long time, and combine that with the engaging puzzles and you've got a recipe for a quality experience. For returning fans, it's a tougher sell: your purchase mostly balances on the enhancements of the PS4 edition, in which case we can only confidently recommend the package if you're looking to do a play though of the improved Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.

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The combat and gameplay are the stars that shine brightest in Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight. Its twisting map will take you to a whole host of vibrant and mucky locations throughout the city of Karst, and within those places you'll encounter a number of engaging boss battles and a ton of enemy variety. Its art style can go one of two ways depending on your tastes, but the lack of upgrades is hard to overlook within a genre that holds this concept as one of its core mechanics. Metroidvania fans will find lots to enjoy here, but the wider audience will be turned off by the throwaway story and visual style that may no longer be appealing.

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Mar 14, 2017

Styx: Shards of Darkness is an enormous improvement over its predecessor. The gameplay has seen a large amount of refinement to the point where it's actually a fun game to play, and Styx himself steals the show with his charismatic performance. It's not without its own set of returning and new defects, but Styx's second adventure is something we can confidently recommend. This is everything the first game should have been.

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7 / 10 - I Am Setsuna
Mar 5, 2017

As an ode to the RPGs of the past, I Am Setsuna succeeds in recreating the sort of adventure you experienced on older Nintendo hardware. Its combat system is the main supplier of this nostalgia, with the deep active time battle system, the number of weapons and moves you can perform, and the time management aspect.But those not looking to take a trip down memory lane may be left wanting more, though in pure gameplay hours this offers a reasonable return on investment. The no-thrills plotline and gameplay outside of combat could have been fleshed out, leaving this one short of its full potential. I Am Setsuna could be the perfect complement to your Nintendo Switch, but if you're not foaming at the mouth with nostalgia it's certainly an optional purchase.

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9 / 10 - Titanfall 2
Nov 2, 2016

Titanfall 2 is what the first-person genre so desperately needed: an injection of originality. The divine single player campaign is something truly special, and we won't be forgetting any of its standout moments in a hurry. Couple this with a deep multiplayer serving that offers a variety of modes and unique gameplay mechanics and you've got one of the best FPS games of the generation so far.

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Oct 13, 2016

Rise of the Tomb Raider is the complete package for both newcomers and series veterans. Barring some wonky gunplay, the base game is superb, with its sublime exploratory mechanics, wonderful semi-open world hubs that deliver tons of side content, and sensational graphics. Lara's Nightmare does feel like a bit of a throwaway, but Blood Ties and the Baba Yaga DLC are more than worth your time if you want to stray away from the main adventure. Lara Croft is back where she belongs, and you owe it to yourself to join the 20 year celebration and get back to some tomb raiding.

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Rise of the Tomb Raider is the complete package for both newcomers and series veterans. Barring some wonky gunplay, the base game is superb, with its sublime exploratory mechanics, wonderful semi-open world hubs that deliver tons of side content, and sensational graphics. Lara's Nightmare does feel like a bit of a throwaway, but Blood Ties and the Baba Yaga DLC are more than worth your time if you want to stray away from the main adventure. Lara Croft is back where she belongs, and you owe it to yourself to join the 20 year celebration and get back to some tomb raiding.

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8 / 10 - The Bunker
Sep 26, 2016

As the industry gears up for another bumper holiday season, The Bunker offers something a little different. It doesn't attempt to give you a bulk of gameplay or mechanics, but it makes up for this and more in its plot and characters. Don't let this experience pass you by if you're looking for an interesting and superb story, because we think this is the FMV genre at its very best.

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Sep 20, 2016

It's clear that the “walking simulator" genre has moved on since its birth child four years ago. The antiquated gameplay has been surpassed by the likes of Gone Home, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and Firewatch, and the visuals are just as murky as a Scottish rainfall. There are far more and much better narrative-driven experiences to be had in 2016, and so Dear Esther: Landmark Edition feels like a bit of a relic in this day and age.

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7 / 10 - Valley
Aug 27, 2016

Valley's heart is most definitely in the right place, and for the most part it succeeds in the execution of its gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, the game's technical faults can't be ignored. The sloppy framerate in particular damages the experience far too much, and has held back what would otherwise be a great game.

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6 / 10 - ADR1FT
Jul 20, 2016

Adr1ft is by no means a bad game, but it comes with a few key caveats. Its opening hour is fantastic, as you begin to piece together what has happened and perilously search for the next oxygen canister, but it's the back half of the game that severely lets this intergalactic adventure down. And despite the story and its setting being so intriguing, it's not enough to paper over the glaring flaws present.

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Jun 28, 2016

The Technomancer offers up a couple of highs and a few too many lows. Its approach to open ended gameplay is appreciated and its combat is fun enough for the first ten hours, but the game eventually loses steam and its story is nothing worth shouting about. To make matters worse, technical problems harm the experience to the point where you'll find it hard to care about the characters during what are supposed to be emotional scenes. There's certainly something here for forgiving RPG fans, but for everyone else, we can only advise caution when it comes to this rough Martian adventure.

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Jun 2, 2016

There Came an Echo feels like more of a proof of concept than an actual game. The voice control does work well if you have the right headset, but it only goes so far in making up for the dreary gameplay on offer. And while the story is serviceable enough and the graphics are eye-catching, they don't do enough to turn this into a compelling game. If the idea of controlling a title using only your voice really does excite you then this may be worth a look, but if not, consider commanding yourself to buy a different game.

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2 / 10.0 - Submerged
Aug 27, 2015

Submerged can only be described as a huge disappointment that squandered its potential thanks to some terrible design decisions and being let out the door far too early. Its story is laughable at best, we couldn't muster up any care for the main character Miku and gameplay itself becomes a drag very quickly. The controls are dreadful and the core mechanic within gameplay, the climbing, is clunky and unresponsive. While the soundtrack is fantastic, it isn't enough to make us ignore the glaring problems the game has in terms of performance.

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We can't wait to see the conclusion to the story we started back in January, as well as playing the role of Max one last time. It's been a long and bumpy ride, but we're glad we are on board.

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Jul 16, 2015

When it comes to deciding whether to purchase Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition or not, you need to reflect on how much you enjoyed the original game, because to get the maximum value out of the special edition, you'll need to play through the games three times. We're sure that die-hard fans and newcomers will find enjoyment in this new release, but people in the middle appear to be stuck. If you enjoyed the original Devil May Cry 4 despite its repetitive nature and you know you want to invest time into learning the new characters, then we recommend you pick up the game. But if you only have a passing interest and the sound of three playthroughs isn't music to your ears, then we suggest you wait until the next iteration in the Devil May Cry series.

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