Simone Cantini
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Period. Astro Bot speaks for itself. Given the original Trojan Horse’s success, it’s no surprise that Team Asobi’s complete vision is a triumph, as evidenced by the rating below. While it’s not the most challenging platformer, this Sony title has few rivals in terms of sheer quality and inspiration, thanks to phenomenal artistic direction woven with tasteful fan service. Astro Bot’s strength lies in its ability to captivate through impeccable use of DualSense features, providing an experiential boost that's hard to replicate. After some tough days for PlayStation fans, Astro’s adventure couldn’t have arrived at a better time, showing Sony’s ability to hit the mark while keeping an eye on its past and future.
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I’m not a fan of roguelikes, as I mentioned at the start, but I happily made an exception for Shogun Showdown. Developed by Roboatino, the game won me over despite my aversion to the genre, thanks to a satisfying and layered gameplay experience that effectively combines strategic elements and deck-building mechanics into a challenging but enjoyable hybrid. The trade-off is that players must be willing to endure a substantial number of failed attempts. It’s not one of September’s most eye-catching releases, but it would be a shame to overlook it.
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No, Akimbo is not the next Ratchet & Clank, but it would have been presumptuous to even try to match Insomniac’s duo. Aware of their limitations, the team at Evil Raptor approached the original material with respect and knowledge, creating their own personal take. The result is an action/platform game that may not be groundbreaking in originality but is still fun to play, thanks to a reasonably well-done cast and a few gameplay ideas that break the routine. It’s just a pity about the technical issues currently affecting the console versions, which I hope will be fixed soon as promised by the team.
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The console debut of Age of Mythology: Retold is welcome, as it's an interesting, fun, and long-lasting RTS. The gameplay changes introduced are convincing and expand the original experience without altering its essence. However, on Xbox machines, the adaptation of controls to a pad is somewhat awkward, sacrificing the intuitive PC control system. It's not unplayable but will require extra effort to master. Fans of the genre should consider this a recommended purchase.
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Honestly, sometimes I don't understand how certain productions, not even very successful, can become huge hits on PC. That's what I thought while playing The Mortuary Assistant: Definitive Edition, which, despite offering peculiar gameplay, didn't feel as explosive as its PC fame suggests. Beyond a gameplay loop that quickly exhausts its tricks, the sense of terror diminishes once you realize you're never in real danger. The fragmented experience also dilutes the interesting story, requiring patience to repeat the same tasks.
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House of Golf 2 is a pleasant surprise for arcade mini-golf fans. With fun gameplay, creative holes, and convincing physics, Starlight Games' title captures attention and offers hours of entertainment. Although the lack of game modes and poor Italian localization are limits, it's a great choice for those seeking a simple and immediate experience. If you enjoy arcade games and aren't too demanding about content, House of Golf 2 could be for you.
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If you enjoy Telltale's approach to graphic adventures (though not reaching the heights of The Walking Dead), you won't be disappointed by Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Remastered. The return of the two detectives retains the spirit of the third posthumous season, combining the five episodes from 2010 into one package. Despite maintaining all its original gameplay issues, it boasts a polished technical aspect that modernizes this vision of the duo created by Steve Purcell. A complete and interesting package for those wanting to (re)experience the crazy situations only a detective dog and a psychotic rabbit can.
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Don't be fooled by Phantom Spark's seemingly simple gameplay; it's as fun as it is straightforward. Borrowing elements from F-Zero, Trackmania, and Thumper, Ghosts' title is a hymn to speed and skill, an irresistible draw for those seeking the perfect lap time. Without unnecessary frills and power-ups, it maximizes the player's abilities, leading to a loop where the search for the perfect trajectory makes all the difference between victory and defeat. Simple to approach, hard to master, and highly satisfying.
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BUY IT! Seriously, I'm not kidding. Ten letters and an exclamation mark, plus having written it six times already, should be enough to convince you to spend 9.99 Euros on Doom + Doom II. If you don't, you might as well throw your console in the trash. Opening your wallet will get you two of the best video games ever created, in their most complete edition ever. To partially quote an old print review from the original release: if you don't like Doom + Doom II, you don't understand video games.
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As stated at the outset, for Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery, I could have reused the previous review, but that would not have been fair to the development team's efforts. They worked hard to offer a series of new levels for our pixel-hunting pleasure. While everything changes to remain the same, the game offers a light and fun experience. More like an add-on than a new episode, it's perfect for a few relaxing hours during this hot summer, a perfect appetizer while waiting for more substantial productions.
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Visually stunning and with its own personality, Cygni: All Guns Blazing represents an interesting approach to the shoot 'em up genre. While the narrative efforts are not very convincing, the gameplay and presentation shine. With unique mechanics and a tactical touch, the visual presentation brings spectacular firefights to life. The overall longevity is not stellar (a common genre flaw), and the ability to shoot at the ground is marginal, but the Scottish team's debut is highly convincing.
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Looking for a classic survival horror set in an original and well-defined setting? Then you should not avoid Conscript, which effectively and modernly incorporates elements from the genre's past. With a powerful and well-executed setting, plus an additional strong gameplay, Jordan Mochi's title also benefits from a refined indirect characterization. The enemy AI is sometimes inconsistent (except for the human blood-sniffing rats!) and the backtracking is quite invasive, but Conscript impresses positively in terms of quality and fun. Give it a chance; you won't regret it!
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During my roughly 5 hours with Indika, I constantly wondered where Odd Meter was heading, given its sudden shifts in progression. Despite occasionally unclear situations, the overall result was very enjoyable, thanks to a story filled with contrasts and struggles. While the mix isn't always perfect due to some technical stumbles, it's a less predictable narrative adventure worth experiencing.
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Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess reminded me of the 128-bit era when the gaming scene wasn't all about chasing success at any cost. Capcom’s title stands out by being unconventional, yet polished and fun. Don't be intimidated by its tight gameplay flow; the surprises from Osaka will impress you at every turn. Backed by excellent technical and gameplay elements, it’s a must-have for Japanese game lovers and those tired of repetitive productions.
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There's not much to say about Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III, as it retains its original incarnation despite some modern improvements. Bub and Bob's third adventure remains incredibly enjoyable and fun. While more bonus material would have been nice, the affordable price makes it a satisfying purchase. It's a game to replay if you loved it in the past or discover if you missed it on older hardware.
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If you grew up between the '70s and '80s and love robotic anime, Megaton Musashi W: Wired is the realization of that childhood dream. Level-5 has turned a mecha series into a long-lasting, fun game with plenty of customization options. With a more intriguing story than expected and solid, albeit repetitive, gameplay, it's a content-rich production and a tribute to Japanese animation. A game that was once unimaginable to see in the West, deserving of your attention.
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Exo One is a unique and intriguing journey worth your attention. Rolling, gliding, and flying across planets towards Jupiter delivers tangible emotions despite some control issues. Putting these aside, the game offers a whispered, ethereal story with evocative presentation. Exbleative's work captures those willing to dive into the cosmos' depths.
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The console version of Horizon Chase 2 kept us waiting, but after spending a significant number of hours with it (which will surely increase), I can confirm it was well worth the wait. Aside from some minor general simplifications, Aquiris' new work expands and improves on its predecessor's solid foundations, delivering a highly enjoyable and long-lasting arcade racing game. The single-player campaign is satisfying and substantial, complemented by a multiplayer component that now goes beyond local play, finally embracing online gaming. With a good car selection and impactful technical execution, Horizon Chase 2 is a must-play for arcade racing fans.
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It's said that the anticipation of pleasure is itself pleasure, but after playing System Shock Remake, I'm thrilled to have finally enjoyed the original title developed by Spector and Looking Glass. The game appears in top form even on consoles, as if the 30 years it carries were just a fleeting moment, with design and gameplay aging beautifully. Engaging, long-lasting, and incredibly fun, System Shock Remake is a must-have for immersive sim lovers and those seeking a timeless adventure. The transition from PC to console made some aspects slightly clunkier, but if that's the price to pay to challenge SHODAN again, who are we to complain?
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With Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory continues their strongly auteur path, proudly advancing their unique series with this logical and predictable sequel. The new adventure of Senua doesn't stray from its past, at least gameplay-wise, limiting innovations and confining itself to being "better seen than played." The overwhelming beauty of the audiovisual production, despite evident compromises, stands as the most impressive on consoles today. Some will undoubtedly complain about the lack of interactivity, bland combat, and self-serving puzzles, but if viewed as a purely narrative experience with strong cinematic elements, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 will satisfy those seeking such an experience.
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