Nicola Donato Lecis
Nicola Donato Lecis's Reviews
Surreal, irreverent but also deeply dark and dreamlike. A deep and multifaceted story, one of the best investigation experiences, a cross between a recent Cartoon Network product and True Detective, with a few sprinkles of Twin Peaks-style lysergic acid dissociation This game has three flaws: the risk of having to lose a run for not having put together clues and dialogues in the right way (and it's not easy) and the mechanic of moving time forward, and by the third/fourth run, once you have seen everything and spoken/mindsurfed with everyone, the game becomes quite repetitive.
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Metal Slug Tactics is a difficult game to define. On one hand, it faithfully captures the atmosphere of coin-ops, and it innovate the traditional mechanics of turn-based RTS, making everything more dynamic, with masterful management of the visual and sound aspects. On the other hand, a low-budget game that repeats itself after the first few hours of play, despite the gigantic amount of variables, combinations and weapons available to the player.
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Mechwarrior V: Clans is a standalone title that don't replace its predecessor but rather enriches the experience in a complementary way, and it's a significant addition to the saga.
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Iron Meat is a classic run-and-gun that doesn't want to innovate, but simply proposes the best that the genre has to offer, adding a grotesque and ultra-violent design carefully crafted. A great old school pastime that will keep you busy for several hours, depending on how many achievements and characters you intend to unlock and how good you intend to become at playing it.
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In short, Edge Of Sanity is a great survival game that combines stealth, management and exploration elements, but it suffers from a certain monotony and frustration due to the forced grinding and a not entirely satisfying aiming system. However, the narration, voice acting and dialogues are of the highest level, giving the game a distinctive identity as a Lovecraftian horror with deep psychological thriller elements. The art design and audio department are very well-finished, contributing to creating an immersive and engaging atmosphere.
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Age of Mythology: Retold takes a long-running, fun, and immediate real-time strategy game and projects it into 2024 with a series of essential, well-crafted innovations and obsessive attention to balance. Some graphical flaws may turn up your nose, and we would have expected some additional narrative content at launch, but these are minor flaws compared to the overall quality of the work.
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Rungore is a really intriguing title despite some graphic and sound choices that didn't particularly convince us. Inspired on a conceptual and humorous level by Flash titles and on a technical level by the 8Bit era, the title is an interesting mix of frenetic rhythm and great personality.
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Take Tetris and Asteroids, mix them with a huge branching gamebook and add a hilarious story based on science fiction and the Cold War. Original, replayable for at least 15 runs, extremely satirical, fun and really addictive for experienced players of this genre, an all-round Must Have.
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Faithful to the work of master Toriyama, Sand Land is a title that will mainly satisfy fans of the brilliant Japanese artist, but offers little to all other players. Shallow, poorly maintained and extremely repetitive, the game is saved by a well-done artistic technical realization and fun mecha/vehicle piloting phases.
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Lightyear Frontier is a title that need more upgrades. Still heavily limited in the quantity and quality of its mechanics, we hope that the developers continue to expand it, as despite its flaws, it's a good game, due to the very good chillout mood and for its technical qualities.
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Bramble: The Mountain King is a title with many positive aspects, First-rate settings and atmospheres go hand in hand with excellent technical realization; on a narrative level we talk about a real medieval fairy tale: evil, violent, moralistic and terrifying.
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