Victor Bocato

9 games reviewed
65.0 average score
65 median score
55.6% of games recommended
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Mar 26, 2025

I don't feel very good about saying this, but Shadow of the Orient fails in fundamental aspects of its execution that make it an experience that leaves a lot to be desired, unfortunately.

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Feb 20, 2025

Between good and bad things, Stories of Sol: The Gun-Dog shows us an adventure that, despite pretty good, might be an annoying experience sometimes, which it's overall good, despite that. It's amazing pixel art with great color pallette options it's a great way to present the game to the world, being the most iconic aspect of the game. With some of it's flaws showed above, it's an interesting well told narrative, even if this "good" can't fit so perfectly while describing this title, far from perfect, unfortunately

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Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection had the challenge of adapting an originally 2D adventure to an 3D one, and have done it amazingly well. With it's retro aesthetics and so many inspirations, it flashes charismatically, which is no different for it's monsters, being, in fact, a great thing. It's anime-based art direction was the right choice considering what the original game wanted to tell to the player.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Farmagia
Nov 4, 2024

Farmagia was an idea with a ton of potential, but failed in its execution in most areas, especially in delivering a game that manages to be a bit fun amidst the innumerable issues I can see in this project.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Blazing Strike
Oct 25, 2024

Considering that online play is full of problems, the game fails to deliver a competent implementation of the feature that would give it more playtime, from the terrible matchmaking to constant crashing bugs, resulting in a frustrating experience. In the midst of this, I recommend Blazing Strike as a good arcade game, which can be functional for quick single player games, not sustainable in a long-term cycle, with a small cast and a lack of competitive possibilities.

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Sep 16, 2024

The game close its balance with a lot of grinding and a very punishing difficulty most of the time, not to mention that – besides the new characters – it doesn't offer anything to the experience that sounds like a renewal in itself. Despite these factors mentioned above, the game carries with it the strengths of its predecessor, which are sometimes overshadowed by certain factors that seem unbalanced when put into perspective. I assume that this sequel manages to deliver an experience that will please fans of its niche, despite being a dull experience most of the time.

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Aug 15, 2024

With a very fun and well thought gameplay loop, despite its flaws, Elrentaros Wanderings ends with a much more positive than negative balance, making the experience well worth it.

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Taking it all into consideration, I feel that the rhythm issues I mentioned are very small compared to the fun that this game provides: Very well-made crafting system, just the right amount of complexity and, of course, the charismatic Bandle City and its wonderful characters.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Metro Quester
Dec 26, 2023

If turn-based RPGs aren't appealing to many players, this one is even more niche. The feeling that there was no budget for many things to be executed the way they should be is clear. There's a extremely complex system, but there are no animated monsters, the battles are not engaging because there are no animations and this was a major factor that made the game tedious. If I were to recommend this game, I would say it would be for fans of RPGs of the genre who really like it and are used to more dated gameplay and are looking for a more complex challenge than the one a series known in the mainstream can offer, in short: hardcore players.

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