Paulo César

5 games reviewed
74.0 average score
90 median score
60.0% of games recommended
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This collection is more interesting in idea than in content; its mere existence is indeed a very cool thing, but the content presented here, the three Valis games, doesn't stand the test of time very well, as they carry a very, very eighties lack of polish.

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Jan 11, 2024

8 Colors Star Guardians+ is a short game, with only 2 chapters, which I enjoyed from start to finish. The game's combat is simple, but fun, the characters have an entertaining story, without abstaining from eventual depth.

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Mar 7, 2023

It might be a bit harsh to evaluate Little Witch Nobeta in this way, it's sad to say but the game is disappointing in everything it sets out to present, from its gameplay to its soundtrack. The game could perhaps be better defined as a tangle of good ideas, which don't have the best execution.

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9 / 10.0 - NeverAwake
Jan 19, 2023

A psychedelic and mysterious soundtrack, combined with a bizarre and mysterious visual direction, even when dealing with mundane facts, such as dogs, vegetables and dentists, prove to be the perfect combination for a gameplay that aims to be agile and fluid, always valuing the player's experience.

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9 / 10.0 - Chained Echoes
Dec 8, 2022

Chained Echoes is honestly a surprise, a big one. From start to finish, the game feels cohesive, from its combat system to its story. The game invests in modernizing both the gameplay and the narrative of the SNES classics, bringing changes such as the complete elimination of random combat and the introduction of more mature elements in the narrative, which are very welcome modernizations here. In short, Chained Echoes is nothing less than a success.

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