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Ken McKown


Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • StarCraft

706 games reviewed
74.7 average score
75 median score
55.0% of games recommended

Ken McKown's Reviews

I started ZTGD almost 20 years ago with the idea of gamers sharing their opinion on current games. We continue that to this day and love to be able to do this just for the passion of playing games.
Jun 14, 2023

Terminal Velocity is a nice trip down memory lane. I enjoyed revisiting this as much as I did Forsaken when Night Dive Studios remastered it a few years back. These types of games are not as common today and I sometimes forget how much I enjoy them. If you grew up with the likes of Descent this is a must purchase. It holds up surprisingly well in the game play department as long as you can deal with the pixelated polygons plastered all over your fancy high-definition screen.

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Jun 6, 2023

Super Mega Baseball 4 is an outstanding entry in the series and the best to date. I have enjoyed each entry and spend more time playing these than the licensed Show games. I really love customizing my team and taking them through a franchise season. The updates and additions here really flesh out the series and I am excited for the future. I wonder if they will ever tackle another sport. Would love to see some Super Mega Football in the future.

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May 31, 2023

While there are hundreds of Warhammer games out there, few of them really stand out among the pack. Boltgun is one of those games and even non-fans of the universe owe it to themselves to check it out. It is visceral, addictive, and paced extremely well. The array of difficulty options offer up something for everyone and it has some of the best weapon feel of any of these types of games out there. I cannot recommend this game enough for anyone looking for a good time blowing up pixelated baddies.

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May 25, 2023

It is great to have BlazBlue back on Xbox and available on Game Pass. It gives players a chance to check out one of the coolest fighting game series out there. It is fast, fun, and full of content and I cannot recommend the download enough if you are even slightly interested in fighting games. Let’s hope this is the return of Arc System Works on Xbox. They have been sorely missed.

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7 / 10.0 - God of Rock
May 4, 2023

God of Rock is an interesting experiment that works sometimes. I do wish I could focus more on the action at the top. I also hate that I have to retrain my brain with the button combos and get frustrated when I miss notes as it usually leads to me failing and having a hard time getting back into rhythm. Still the idea is sound, the characters are excellent, and I really had fun with this one. A little more polish and this could easily become a whole new genre.

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May 2, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake is an absolute delight. Veterans of the original will love the changes and newcomers can now appreciate just how good this game actually is. Capcom continues the trend of keeping the series fresh in our minds. I cannot wait for the next new entry as well as what remake they do next. Almost guaranteed we will see RE5 next, but Capcom please listen to your fans and give us that Code Veronica remake we so rightly desire. Regardless, fans of the series are eating so good right now.

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7 / 10.0 - Nuclear Blaze
Apr 27, 2023

Nuclear Blaze is a decent romp that is impressive on the idea of how it was created. Firefighting games are few and far between so having a good one is always nice. Finally coming to consoles is good and I recommend giving it a shot if you enjoy the theme. I have always liked the idea and it is always good to get more entries in the genre.

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Apr 26, 2023

Jedi Survivor is a great Star Wars game with a lot of technical mishaps that really drag it down. The story is excellent, and I loved the characters. The combat still feels good. I just wish the navigation system was better. It feels like the game could have used a little more time, but once these issues are ironed out this game will go down as one of the better Star Wars video games just like the first one. The story of Cal is a great addition to the universe and I hope we see him again in other projects down the line.

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Apr 6, 2023

I love a lot of what Rift Rally is offering. There is a healthy amount of content and the setup is fairly painless. It is worth mentioning though this is not a cheap entry. The standard edition clocks in at $130 which feels steep for those only mildly interested. There is also a Collector’s Edition that comes with a special RC car, a Hot Wheels Die-Cast car, and a special unlockable car in the game for $150. The price is fair, but be sure you have the interest and more importantly the space before diving in. It is a ton of fun and my son and I had a blast checking it out (outside the cat interference of course.)

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Mar 30, 2023

Postal 4 is a game that should be avoided. I can see now why some console makers did not want this travesty on their machines. This game is not fun or entertaining at all. Some of the voice work is decent and I laughed maybe twice in my entire playthrough, but on the whole it is embarrassing at best and offensive at worst. This is not a game that succeeds in its offensiveness and instead feels worse because when they attempt to be edgy it comes across as desperate.

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In the end, Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is nice to see. I love that the series is making a comeback. I just wish we could get the original trilogy on modern consoles. Those games are lost to time and would benefit from just a remaster at this point. Still more survival horror is always welcome and we are truly living in an embarrassment of riches in the genre. I wish it was on the same level as others coming back, but for that we need the original trilogy. Make it happen KOEI Tecmo!

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The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition is a weird release. While Xbox owns the developer, Private Division still retains the distribution rights to the first game. Which means the normal free upgrade is not here. Instead we have the definitive version of a great game locked behind some weird monetary decisions. If you never played the original, this is by far the best package available. If you did and are looking to upgrade what is here is nice, but not worth another $60. If you own all the DLC this is a solid $10 upgrade. Still I wish it was more accessible or at least a save transfer existed. It taints an otherwise solid release.

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Mar 7, 2023

Metroid Prime is one of the best games ever made and this new version retains everything that made it special. I have enjoyed revisiting this masterpiece so much and am so happy new players are able to experience it in its finest form. I hope this shows Nintendo that the Metroid series is truly one of the best in their repertoire and we see more games in the series. I cannot wait to see what Retro accomplishes with Metroid Prime 4 when it finally releases.

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Mar 3, 2023

Grim Guardians: Demon Purge is exactly what I thought it was going to be and sometimes that is a good thing. Games don’t have to change dynamics to be fun and while the dual sister mechanic is fun, it isn’t game changing. I had a lot of fun with this title as I do most Inti Creates jams. I definitely recommend it if you enjoy anything they put out, or classic homages to games like Castlevania or Mega Man. This developer has done a nice job of taking the torch from Capcom and Konami respectively.

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7 / 10.0 - Scars Above
Feb 28, 2023

Scars Above is a solid sci-fi romp with an identity complex. It wants so badly to be a Soulslike and instead feels more like a game that just borrows ideas without understanding what makes them work. I enjoyed my playthrough, but I wish it would have leaned into its own ideas instead of trying to mimic something else. The story is interesting, the game play is fun, but I wish it wouldn’t have taken so much inspiration from other titles.

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Feb 24, 2023

Raiden has always been a shooter for the masses and I love that it continues to be around to this day. It won’t test your skills or reach the heights of others in the genre, but it is always a good time. I love seeing more and more releases in this series dropping for more consoles. I had a blast with this and if you have even a remote interest in the genre this is a must own. Now to sit and patiently wait for more Raiden to drop on consoles this summer.

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9 / 10.0 - Atomic Heart
Feb 22, 2023

Atomic Heart is a game I was excited to finally play, but went in with low expectations considering how long it was in the oven. The end result is easily one of the best games I have played this year and an experience I recommend everyone dig into. It won’t be for everyone, but for those that it is for it will be an amazing experience. There is just so much to this world and I had a blast exploring the world of Facility 3826. I am still digging into the side content and hope they continue to iron out its issues as time goes on. I cannot wait to see what is next from Mundfish, I just hope I don’t have to wait another decade to see it.

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Feb 21, 2023

Remakes are a much harder thing to pull off than remasters. The original game exists and changing things can be a scary proposition to fans. Motive Studio has done an outstanding job of tweaking what worked and fixing what didn’t. This remake is on the same level as Capcom’s efforts with Resident Evil and will be considered one of the best going forward. This is a gold standard and I truly hope we get to see them continue this work with a new game in the series, or even a remake of the second game. I love this world and hope it is truly back and here to stay.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Wanted: Dead
Feb 14, 2023

Wanted: Dead is a mess of a game with hints of excellence strewn about. I wanted to love it a lot more than I did. Instead the game kept making me frustrated at every turn. There have been a million examples of how to make a challenging game without making it frustrating. Wanted: Dead is the epitome of the latter. It simply uses lazy tropes instead of clever game play to create its difficulty. The end result is a game that has some great ideas, but will not interest most players. I expect most to quit before finishing the first boss.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Forspoken
Feb 7, 2023

Forspoken is a solid action RPG that sadly falls short due to some of its design. The world is just not that interesting to explore and the weird dialogue can detract from an otherwise interesting narrative. I enjoyed my time with the game and if you do dive in, I recommend simply mainlining the core story as it keeps the repetition to a minimum. If you are a sucker for tons of mindless side content though this game has it in spades. I truly wish it was just more interesting though.

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