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Ken McKown


Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • StarCraft

711 games reviewed
74.7 average score
75 median score
55.0% of games recommended

Ken McKown's Reviews

I started ZTGD almost 20 years ago with the idea of gamers sharing their opinion on current games. We continue that to this day and love to be able to do this just for the passion of playing games.
Jul 24, 2024

There is so much more to this game, but I am not equipped to go into the details of a lot of college football. I am more of an NFL guy. Still this game should make players who have been dying for the series return extremely happy. It does a lot of great things and sets the template for future games. The foundation is great, and they just need to flesh out the modes in the future and fix the glitches that crop up. It feels good to have this series back, and I hope it serves as inspiration to improve Madden as well.

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Jun 26, 2024

Still Wakes the Deep is a fun romp for its short playthrough. The lack of environmental storytelling and exploration is really where it falls apart. Still, this being on Game Pass makes it worth checking out for sure. I enjoyed my time with it, but I don’t think it will stick with me like titles such as Soma and Amnesia have.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Horizon Chase 2
Jun 14, 2024

Horizon Chase 2 is a solid sequel that adds some new pieces that make it a worthy sequel. I do wish the track design was a little better and the upgrades worked across all cars instead of having to dedicate it to the one I am driving. Still there is a lot to love here, the soundtrack, the speed, and the pure arcade excitement. If you have any reverence for games from the arcade era, this is a no-brainer. Definitely worth checking out.

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Jun 6, 2024

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is a solid entry if not a forgettable one. I wanted to love it more than I did, but in the end just found myself pushing through just to see it end, and not necessarily because I was enjoying myself.

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May 21, 2024

Hellblade II: Senua’s Saga is an amazing achievement visually. The performances are second-to-none and the music is just as impressive as the visuals. For anyone that loved the original and knows what to expect going in, this will be a treat on so many levels. This game delivers on so many facets it is hard not to marvel at it. It is also on Game Pass, so if you have a Series X|S or a decent PC, there is little reason not to check it out. Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait seven years for Ninja Theory’s next title.

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May 17, 2024

PO’ed is a game most people have never heard of, and even those of us that do rarely talk about. It was always relegated to that game where you hit farting butts with a frying pan on the schoolyard, and since nobody (outside of myself) had a 3DO, most people had never even heard of it. Still, I love revisiting these classic shooters, even the ones not so fondly remembered. It was a different time and games like these were an exception instead of a rule, and that made it exciting. Keep doing what you do Nightdive, I will buy and play each and every one of them.

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May 14, 2024

Braid was an iconic game for its time and revisiting it has been a treat. Say what you will about its creator, but most of the issues are not present in this package. This is still a game I think about regularly. It really defined a service and elevated indie games to a new level when it came out. Solving these puzzles still felt magical all these years later. If you have never played this title, do not skip it, even if you have it is worth revisiting. There are certain games that feel timeless, and Braid is easily one of those.

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El Shaddai is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. If you never had a chance to check it out, it is now available on Switch and PC, or you can dig up a copy on 360 or PS3, but the main point is, you should play it. It just oozes creativity and some of the best art design in a game. I was excited for each new area, the combat, while repetitive, is fun, and it has a story that remains interesting throughout. Find a way to play this game, it is more than worth the price of admission.

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Apr 4, 2024

Outcast: A New Beginning is a weird game. On one hand it looks and feels great at times, while other times it feels a little janky. Still there is a lot to love here, even with all the talking. Seriously can we wrap it up? If you have nostalgia for the original, this is a no-brainer, for new fans I think it is worth checking out. It feels like a game we don’t often get anymore, and it is just fun to play when it is clicking. Recommend keeping your eye on this one, just maybe not at full price.

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Mar 26, 2024

Dark Forces is a game that more people should get the opportunity to play. It is a product of its time, but it is also packed with quality. Star Wars Doom was the best descriptor, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t find that appealing. This remaster brings all of that back and cleans it up very nicely. This is a game that everyone should check out as it has been limited since its release, now you can play it anywhere on anything, and that is what makes gaming today so awesome.

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Mar 19, 2024

Alone in the Dark was a fun adventure that scratched an itch I always have. It is a solid survival horror game that sometimes suffers under the weight of its own technical shortcomings. This is a game anyone who grew up with the likes of the original Alone in the Dark or Resident Evil games will enjoy, just not sure it is worth the asking price. I might wait for a sale on this one, but don’t sleep on it entirely. It definitely has its moments, and I enjoyed the story as a whole.

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Mar 13, 2024

The Gold Master Series remains the gold standard for telling these stories. Living in the era when almost any game can be playable on modern consoles is truly great. I always get excited when Digital Eclipse announces a new one of these. I cannot wait to see what they cover next and hopefully this series never ends. Big game publishers would be wise to get in on this trend, no one does it better than Digital Eclipse.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Berserk Boy
Mar 12, 2024

Berserk Boy is a mix of a lot of my favorite retro games mixed with its own flavor of fun. I really enjoyed the nostalgia it delivers while also being able to stand on its own. Definitely recommend checking this one out if you enjoy anything Mega Man or the more recent Gunvolt Chronicles games. This is one that will entertain from start to finish. It isn’t overly frustrating, yet remaining challenging. The stages beg to be revisited and I had fun the entire time. With so many retro games dropping on a weekly basis, it takes a lot to stand out. Now if they would only put this on more platforms, I would be truly happy.

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Mar 7, 2024

Ufouria 2’s only drawback is that it is possibly too simple. The game rarely presented a challenge and death was rarely an issue. The mechanics are also barren with only a few things to see and do, and the loop becomes repetitive relatively quickly. Still the music, visuals, and simple charm of the game carry it to completion. This is a game that I adore because of nostalgia, but I think even people unfamiliar with the developer will find plenty to love. The game just oozes that ‘video game’ charm we fell in love with back in the NES days, something that is sorely lacking in a lot of modern titles.

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Mar 6, 2024

Arzette is a love-letter to those old CD-i games and I am all here for it. I adored revisiting this style of game and it is clear that the developers have a genuine love for those older titles, and not just a need to tick some boxes. For people that have memories of the Zelda CD-i games, this is a must. Heck, even if you have only seen them in YouTube videos from retro personalities, I still recommend this game. It is a charming platformer that wears its inspirations on its sleeve while also carving out its own path.

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Feb 22, 2024

There is so much more I want to say, but I do not want to ruin any part of this experience. Being such a huge fan of the original game, I could not be happier with how this sequel turned out. After being lukewarm on the first entry, this one squashes all my concerns and doubts about this remake. I do wish it wasn’t going to take over a decade to see it all, but this sequel gives me confidence in the finale. I cannot recommend it enough, but mute all keywords on Twitter, experience this for yourself, and enjoy what is easily an early contender for the best game of 2024.

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Feb 20, 2024

Banishers: Ghost of Eden is a unique title that just stumbles along the way. It has some severe pacing issues and clunky combat that really drag down the overall experience. I wanted to love it a lot more than I did. It feels like Dontnod’s usual unique take on a genre that feels just a bit undercooked. Still once it drops in price and perhaps receives a few updates, I think this could easily graduate to the status of hidden gem. There are a lot of cool concepts here that I really enjoyed. I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long to get to them.

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Feb 16, 2024

Tomb Raider Remastered is a fantastic collection that checks all the right boxes. I adored these games and revisiting them has been a treat. I cannot recommend this collection enough if you are like me and have nostalgia for those original titles. They just don’t make them like this anymore. The sense of wonder and exploration mixed with the subtle music cues and adventure are truly unmatched. It was great revisiting these and I hope the next game in the series takes a few notes from the ones that started it all.

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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is full of potential. The game is a blast to play. The story is one of the best in a video game in a while, and there is a lot here for those that enjoy looter shooters. This almost feels like two games in one. I loved the campaign, but had little interest in the end game, while others will likely breeze through the story just to grind. I hope they continue the flow of content for both audiences because I would love to revisit it down the line. Also patch in that offline mode ASAP. Being mid boss fight for the server to disconnect is a huge bummer and makes me not want to play.

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9 / 10.0 - Tekken 8
Jan 23, 2024

Tekken 8 is an outstanding entry into the series with a ton of content for both online and offline players. This is how you pack a game with enough content to keep players invested. The plethora of modes, customization, and superb game play create a package that any fan of the genre should not miss.

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