Joe McCallister

60 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
75.0% of games recommended
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Apr 20, 2015

While the long-term staying power might be arguable, "Dungeons 2" gives some great mechanics, good animation, and mixups to the gameplay loop that influence how players approach each situation.

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Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition represents a few things; a good value, a solid game, and a good time. The story, as mentioned earlier, is one of the best stories in the series (if not the best), fun to play, and only better with a friend. Dead Rising 3's co-op allows players to jump in and search, collect, and slaughter together, with shared collectible findings so you don't have to worry about losing progress. I truly enjoyed Dead Rising as a game, and appreciate what it does. While it might not win awards for the best story, or the best anything really, it's a fantastic game, and deserves your attention.

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Oct 15, 2014

Project Spark is an inspiration. A wide open toolbox that quite honestly isn't getting the marketing it deserves. A brilliant execution of a tough to perform idea, Team Dakota deserves to be proud of what they've done. While creation isn't everyone's thing, the ability to pick up and play other players creations or the premade campaigns while progressing characters is fantastic.

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Apr 30, 2015

"The Weaponographist" honestly took me by surprise, as the challenge was one that was motivating, the music never grating, and while the art was a little disjointed, it's easily ignored because I just want to beat the boss. It's a truly fun game, and at a steal of a price that won't have you questioning the value for dollar.

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Jul 8, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 provides a unique take on an overpopulated time period, in an overpopulated genre, but still manages to stand out. Utterly enjoyable, and customizable if you are not one for the X-Ray kill-cam, Sniper Elite 3 manages to make the carnage of killing something more about a means to an end. While the story may leave wanting, the experience within, and the collectible content, is enough to call Sniper Elite 3 a definitive step forward, and one we hope continues for Rebellion and 505.

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Aug 26, 2014

The long and short of Madden 15 is this; if you are a year in year out Madden fanatic, you will enjoy the latest addition to the series. It might not have a ton of new features, nor a breadth of new content, but there are enough changes to entertain, keep the games fun and challenging, and you have your football game for 2014/2015's season.

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare represents a return to form for the franchise. While the campaign likely won't win story of the year, we don't expect it to. A solid campaign that teaches the basics, and tells a competent story are all we ask, and exactly what we got. Multiplayer is of course a big deal, and Sledgehammer proves they are not only up to the task, but in to innovate the space, as the Exo additions, supply drops, and operator customization will keep this Call of Duty on your hard drive for a while.

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Nov 11, 2014

Overall Assassin's Creed Unity is by far my favorite total experience in the series. While not without flaws, the story, acting, and content packed into the disc is pretty incredible, and will keep you busy for quite some time. While yes, it's a bit disappointing to see microtransactions show up, they're entirely optional, and the technical hiccups are there but easy to look past. Unity stands as move forward, and proves that even without awesome ship combat, we can get a great game about the order of Assassins.

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Nov 18, 2014

Far Cry 4 deserves your time. While I don't want to say run out and spend hard earned money on it, that's your choice, but it serves as one of the best games I've played on the new generation of hardware. I look forward to organizing some incredible and random co-op hilarity, and will easily dump hours upon hours in to this game. If you're a fan of shooters, good story, and overall immersive experiences, Far Cry 4 is on a Golden Path of it's own.

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Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris proves a great downloadable title for your collection. It's not only a great Tomb Raider game, but a great isometric in the vein of Gauntlet that keeps your interest, and easily pushes you along without dragging.

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Feb 12, 2015

While the game is most fun when played with friends or a team with communication in the strength column, it's just as enjoyable to get into a solo match and hunt, be it a monster, or hunters.

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"DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition" not only tweaks and enhances the overall experience of the 2013 game, but adds in small dashes of greatness that elevate the title to new heights. Although a mouthful, the title is expertly descriptive. If you want an action game that is truly the "Definitive Edition" of the 2013 entry, as well as a great core "Devil May Cry" experience, this collection reigns supreme.

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Mar 20, 2015

Minor gripes like the netcode and kill trades aside, the game delivers an online experience that can be cathartic, tense, and ultimately an adrenaline rush – something that echoes the core tenets of a "Battlefield" game.

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Apr 24, 2015

Back is the great experience of building your legacy, and "Tropico 5" like a fine rum-based beverage on its own, comes to PlayStation 4 with more features and a solid bundle of options. This version of "Tropico 5" could be considered that fine rum-based beverage with the proper garnish.

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Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for PC is the definitive version of two great entries in the overall series. There's more than enough additional content packed in, refined visuals and a remastered soundtrack that alone would be worth it, but put on top of it a few of the better Final Fantasy journeys and memorable characters, as well as mechanics and it's an easy recommendation.

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Apr 4, 2016

Dark Souls 3 should serve as an example of a game that not only serves existing fans extremely well, but isn't so obtuse in its approach that it can't be picked up by a newbie and enjoyed, just as much as I did.

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Sep 22, 2015

FIFA 16 delivers the beautiful game, in a beautiful way. While it's not perfect, it does the best we've seen in a football game in a long time.

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Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is what we all thought it could be, and so much more. While it might have easily fallen in multiple areas, and the scrutinizing eye will find a blurry texture here and there, the game delivers so thoroughly in so many other areas that will keep players busy for so very long, it truly outshines the rest of the pack. Between the main quest, side quests, settlements, weapons, armor, and just pure exploration the game will remain fresh for years to come, and the end product of four years of work shines as a glowing example of what the team at Bethesda is truly capable of. Fallout 4 less throws its hat in the ring for game of the year, and stomps its powersuit boot down demanding serious deliberation.

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Oct 27, 2014

Sunset Overdrive is not the best game I've played on Xbox One, it's the best game I've played all year. From start to as finished as an open world game can get, the game keeps you engaged, dangles carrots enough to keep you motivated, and injects such a fulfillment of power fantasy that the game sticks with you. Sunset Overdrive energizes, and proves that giving an extremely talented studio like Insomniac the trust and funds to do what they creatively envision on a new IP is a huge bet, but one that Microsoft saw value in. This bet pays off in the best way imaginable.

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"Wild Hunt" will go down as one of the truly great Role Playing Games, and with planned content down the road, there is more than enough to say that "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" will serve as a tent pole title for CD Projekt Red, and their pride in the world, story, and characters of "The Witcher" shows through each frame.

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