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Dave Aubrey


Favorite Games:
  • Pokemon Blue
  • The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
  • Resident Evil 4

223 games reviewed
74.1 average score
78 median score
45.9% of games recommended

Dave Aubrey's Reviews

Dave lives life indecisively. Like, do I write about myself in the first person, or third? He may never know. A lifelong Nintendo and RPG fan, Dave recognises that video games only contribute to the downfall of society, and therefore contributes to the community in the only way a conforming anarchist can: by sharing opinions and being sarcastic on YouTube. Follow on Twitter for takes so hot you'll burn your eyes reading them.
Jan 1, 2018

I do hope they bring Mario Party to Switch soon, but until then, this honestly isn't a very good replacement. Not worth it unless it's a gift for a younger gamer, or you happen to get together with friends and 3DS consoles often.

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6 / 10.0 - Brawlout
Dec 31, 2017

Brawlout isn't terrible, but it's a struggle to recommend to anyone. If you play Smash Bros. by yourself a lot, maybe this has the kind of content you'll enjoy, but with no reason for casual players to get involved, and an inferior competitive game compared to Smash, Brawlout isn't a game I'd put on my wishlist.

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7 / 10.0 - Yooka Laylee
Dec 15, 2017

Yooka-Laylee is a fun throwback to a simpler time, but in the process some things got lost in translation. Whether it's rose-tinted specs or just modern game design sensibilities, something doesn't feel right with Yooka-Laylee, even if it runs great on Switch. I guess it just can't compare to the likes of Super Mario Odyssey.

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The Champion's Ballad DLC is a nice addition to Breath of the Wild, but not an essential purchase. Great for people looking to return to Hyrule, but casual Zelda fans might want to wait for a sale.

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All in all, Resident Evil Revelations 2 is an affordable and fun experience for Nintendo Switch owners. Not quite up to the standard of a full Resident Evil experience, but not far off either - great to play with gyro controls, too.

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Resident Evil Revelations on the Switch is a great campaign to run through, and a fun online mode to spend time with if you're still hungry for more. It feels a little bit aged now, years on from its original release, but it plays better than ever on Nintendo Switch thanks to gyro aiming, high framerates, and a crisp, sharp resolution. Well worth jumping in for Resident Evil fans and anyone looking for a fun, handheld shooter campaign.

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5.8 / 10.0 - Portal Knights
Dec 5, 2017

Portal Knights is a Minecraft-alike with a lot of personality and a lot of promise, but in its current state, I just couldn't enjoy it. It feels bloated in places, empty in others, and just can't compare to other games in the block-placing, creation “genre”. Fun for a while, but outstays its welcome too quickly.

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Nov 30, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an essential JRPG for fans of the genre. If you own a Switch and have enjoyed JRPGs in the past, then you should get it, absolutely. In a year which had games like Tales of Berseria and Persona 5, it just might be the best JRPG of 2017, and that's saying something.

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Not bad by any means, but the seriously plodding pace for the first few episodes kills much of the excitement in Batman - The Telltale Series. Though the game really picks up for a great crescendo in the latter two episodes.

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8.2 / 10.0 - Injustice 2
Nov 25, 2017

All in all, Injustice 2 is surprisingly fantastic. Combat feels very weighty and satisfying, the graphics look incredible, characters look fascinatingly detailed and even the bass-heavy sound design is top notch. DC and fighter fans should definitely be giving Injustice 2 time. [Dave Aubrey separately reviewed the PS4 (8.4) and PC (8) versions. Their scores have been averaged]

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Nov 23, 2017

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the great, wonderful entries into the Pokémon franchise that were released last year, but with more. Just to access that more, you'll need to play the entire game again. In the modern day, this sort of update could've, and probably should've, been released as a DLC update for owners of the original game, honestly. Nevertheless, if you've not played Pokémon Sun and Moon, you owe it to yourself to jump in with Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon.

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Nov 23, 2017

Two years ago, I can imagine Kirby: Battle Royale having a great online following and loads of people getting together at StreetPass events to play with one another. Now? Kirby: Battle Royale is honestly best left in the past. Nintendo still has a chance to redeem this game, simply by porting it to the Switch and allowing for multiplayer on a single, big screen. But until then? Just don't bother. The minigames aren't all bad, but it just doesn't feel worth it as a full price retail release.

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Nov 21, 2017

L.A. Noire isn’t quite an action blockbuster, but more of a serialised crime caper. The slow approach and moments of intrigue are welcome, and ends on an incredibly memorable note. DLC fills out the experience for Phelps fans.

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8 / 10.0 - Rocket League
Nov 17, 2017

Rocket League is a great, exciting game, and none of that is lost on Switch, even if it is a less pretty version of the game. If you want a Rocket League experience you can take on the go, this is the perfect way.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim isn't something I thought I would play much on Switch, but in fact, I've hardly put it down. It runs well, looks good, and most importantly, fits the form factor perfectly. Unlike DOOM, this is a port with absolutely zero compromises and offers a full-fat Elder Scrolls experience.

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Nov 11, 2017

Basically, don't bother with Monopoly on Switch until it becomes way cheaper, and with far fewer bugs and glitches.

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Nov 9, 2017

DOOM on Nintendo Switch runs a fantastically fun, playable version of our favorite console shooter, but it can't be denied that optimizations and the lower framerate make for a less pretty, slightly rougher version of the game. Despite that, if you want a handheld version of DOOM, I still can't help but recommend it. It plays well for the most part and is still loads of fun and a refreshing experience, even a year and a half later.

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6.7 / 10.0 - Deadbeat Heroes
Nov 4, 2017

Deadbeat Heroes is a fun co-op beat ‘em up with a lot going for it and a strong sense of style, as well as a sense of humor. While it's not the best brawler I've played lately, I believe that with some refinements, a sequel could be fantastic.

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9.7 / 10.0 - Super Mario Odyssey
Oct 26, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey is the best 3D Mario game. It just is. Level design, the way Mario moves and jumps, collectibles, it's all just… Practically perfect. This is the Mario game I've been wanting for so long, and I already know I'm going straight for 100% completion.

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Oct 20, 2017

Fire Emblem Warriors on 3DS isn't a bad experience at all, but any gamer with the option of purchasing the Switch version instead would be foolish to pick this up. The lower character count, vastly downgraded graphics and less ergonomic design of the 3DS all factor together to make this a less-worthwhile version of a game that only dedicated Fire Emblem or Dynasty Warriors fans should buy, even in its best state.

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