Adam Neaves


Favorite Games:

6 games reviewed
72.5 average score
73 median score
83.3% of games recommended

Adam Neaves's Reviews

News Editor @ NGB, WENB and FSB
82 / 100 - Atomfall
Mar 21, 2025

Rebellion have tried something different with Atomfall and have brought a really good game to us. Maybe it lacks direction, but that's where the developers have gone with this and there will players that absolutely love this.

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Feb 7, 2025

Nintendo serve us up yet another helping of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. Whist it doesn't feel like a full remaster, it still plays well and has me pleading with Nintendo to make a full new DK game when the Nintendo Switch 2 arrives.

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10 / 10.0 - Final Fantasy XV
Dec 6, 2016

Final Fantasy XV is not only my favourite game of 2016, it is up there as one of my favourite games of all time. I could of easily used another 2 or 3 thousand words to describe this game, but if you are reading this, get out and buy this game now! With 100 hours easy of gameplay packed in, including hundreds of sidequests, fishing, chocobo racing and more, Final Fantasy XV will keep you very busy this Christmas period. Square Enix put at the start of the game, Final Fantasy XV is a Final Fantasy for newcomers and veterans of the series, and they are right. Perfection is hard to get, but this comes as near as you're ever going to get.

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7 / 10.0 - Windlands (VR)
Nov 2, 2016

Windlands is an enjoyable PlayStation VR game. This the closest thing to actually becoming Spider-Man yet so it gets a thumbs up from me. Shadowed by a lack of depth, this is a game for the explorers out there. It may not get the most of playtime, but you’ll definitely have fun swinging along during the time you have with it. A Windlands 2 with a deeper, better story and more innovative ideas? Yes please!

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Nov 2, 2016

The Assembly seems like a waste, in terms of using the PlayStation VR headset. It could easily be played as an original PlayStation 4 game, and in all honestly, not a very good one either. A complete lack of story and gameplay depth, The Assembly is nothing more than a failed tech demo if I’m being completely honest. There are so many better games to play on the PlayStation VR system, and The Assembly is one I’d probably avoid like the viruses that they portray in this game!

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Oct 25, 2016

The LEGO Harry Potter Collection is a great LEGO game that pays tribute to the Harry Potter fantastically, and humorously. Whilst there is quite the disappointment that there was no extra content made for players who have already completed these on the PlayStation 3, this is a perfect chance for those, like myself, to get into and go through the whole Harry Potter adventure, LEGO Style! It’s not perfect by any means, but this is another franchise where the LEGO format fits perfectly.

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