Nathaniel Smyth
Plymouth, NH
Favorite Games:
- Megaman X
- Mass Effect Trilogy
- Sonic 3 and Knuckles
24 games reviewed
69.0 average score
70 median score
45.8% of games recommended
Nathaniel Smyth's Reviews
Born and raised in Plymouth, NH, Nat has been gaming since he was 3 starting on his brother’s Sega Genesis, all the way up to the Xbox One. Well rounded in a range of game genres from beat-em-ups to shooters, to role-playing-games, and more, he’s had a passion for all things gaming as long as he’s been able to hold a controller. While busy with school, sports, working, he still finds time to sit down, play, read up on the latest news, and hunt for deals on new and classic games.
Aug 22, 2017
"Observer is my favorite horror game of 2017 so far. It’s enthralling, disturbing, and makes you want to explore every corner of the building and scan every little thing."
Jul 5, 2017
"If you own a PS4, I don’t care if you played the originals or not, now is the time to invest in Crash Bandicoot."
Nov 29, 2016
"A boy and his gigantic, deadly robot."
Aug 28, 2017
If Christian Whitehead just keeps making new Sonic levels, and SEGA lets him head more games, then the future of Sonic will be bright. Hats off to you, Mr. Whitehead.